Sam MI

@PF-305391 RocketChat ID: qTbWTkafDGrMXCPMK

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Great job man. All recorded. Stay active

I'll be there

Thats alot of pullups James. Good job. I have your starting weight at 192. Where are you at now?

I have him down for passing the plank as well. Just a matter of the running probably

Alright thanks I reviewed it and will go over it again tomorrow or sunday

@Andrew WY @Bryan OK @Hugh AL @Marshall MA @Norman WI @William TX All of you have either lost alot of weight or have stats that indicate that you might be able to pass the fitness test. Sound off regarding your personal bests in the 4 pt exercises. As Thomas said, we don't want you to hang out in here forever

What do we do with the guys who can pass the fitness test? Do you guys just remove them from the group?

Infiltrators try to memorize our talking points and familiarize themselves with the main literature. However, they often don't know people who people like us are all fans of like sam hyde, mike ma. I remember when trs was trying to vet me in 2017 or 18 they asked me more about memes and shit because anyone can say oh the jews are in control and flooding us with nonwhites

Thats incredible man, keep it going. Also I'd give the same advise to you as I did to Ryan FL. You've got to figure out a way to get your strength base up since you can only do one pushup. This could either be doing a ton of pushups on your knees, dead hangs/static holds/controlled negatives on puluup bar or going the gym route.


Just a general note on the pullup. Most people grip the bar "wrong". There really isn't a right or wrong way to do it as long as you know what each grip does. The 'wrong' grip is when you grab the bar like you would a baseball bat with your thumb wrapping around the bar. This activates a lot of muscles in the forearm and causes you to pull more with your arms than it does your back. With the added forearm activation, your grip might fail faster. But maybe you want the forearm activation. The 'right' way to grip the bar is with your thumb and 4 fingers all on the same side of the bar. Think how a monkey hangs from a branch in the tree. This way you can grip the bar longer and really activate your back muscles because you don't have a death grip on the bar. Anyway, give it a shot on the pullups if you've been gripping the bar with your thumb wrapping around the bar. Also try it on the lat pulldown machine, as you might find yourself getting better muscle activation

U: BobBoberson12345 P: UncleTedsCabin

Sorry username is [email protected]

Thats for facebook. To sign into the proton mail, the username is [email protected] and the pw is BobBoberson12345 i think

I don’t think they need a cell. I elected to do the verification through email. I do have a burner but I didn’t need to enter in a phone number

Got it thanks. You're almost there man

You could always try to get one of those running apps. I have one where it tells you every so often what pace you're going at

The tweet right before the sticker was about how his favorite sportsball negro didn't get some award lol. Anti-fascist!

I start off easy and then try to get faster as I go. Maybe you just burned out

Ok I'll look through the other ones Benjamin took and see if theyre any better. I don't want to bother him. They messed his truck up bad so I don't want to ask him for anything

I think thats a good assessment. Focus on the weight and the results will come down the line

The place I picked you up last weekend?




Welcome @Patrick PA @James OR @Bradley IL Great to have you guys aboard

Lmk when you want me to come over there tonight with it. It’s gotta be after 630

Love to see it Walter. One day at a time. Most of the guys that lost a lot of weight did so over a period of many months, or about a year in my case. Don't get discouraged by how far you have left to go. Take it one day at a time and focus on meeting your daily goal. Just know if you do that every day, you'll be where you want to be at the end

Let me know how the pushup test goes with the weight on your back. I might bring over a kettlebell that I don't use next weekend. I also need to spend maybe 15 minutes at least with you showing you exercises that I'm going to have you doing. We might just end up working out before or after we do whatever we do next weekend

Welcome @Matt MI

Welcome to the party @Matt MI

Will do JIMBO

Do we really need friday the 7th free for travel if we're just going to chicago hypothetically? I just have something (that I could cancel) that evening. Just wondering if we could go early saturday


Okay thats pretty good. I'll be having you do more total reps but probably less per set. For tomorrow, try to do a 20 down body weight squat workout. No added weight at all. For a 20 down workout, do 20 squats, rest 30-60 sec ( I just walk back and forth in my room a few times), then do 19, rest, 18, rest, etc. all the way down to 0. For the squats, try to keep your elbows bent at a 90 angleand go low enough on the squats where your elbows touch the inside of your knees. THis should be decently challenging but don't give up. It starts off challenging but once you get down closer to 10 reps, its not that bad. Your legs should be burning though.

THis should take less than 30 min forsure

You have any spots around there you want to sticker tonight since I'll be over there?

Lol I actually have one

You want to buy it go ahead



yall have some good flags forsure

Yep thats good


He'll yeah. The powerstation is cheap but its held up for me for many months with over 200 lbs of weight on the bars. It'll be fun working out next weekend. I'll be able to give you a better plan once I see what your capable of. Its already impressive you did 30 pushups like that but I'd like to double that with doing sets probably less than 10. We;ll figure it out then. Today you got that body weight squat thing I sent you.

Stormy monday...also the name of a stupid negro blues standard

In a storm such as that, people often lose power. However, I felt as though I gained power. Anyways, hope you had a good time @Matt MI It was an extraordinary first day for you in the true sense of the word but I hope it wasn't overwhelming. A more typical night would be just what we did in Royal Oak with the sticker and then maybe going out for some food

Sounds like a great idea Leo. Lets try to set it up

If Thomas and Patrick are busy with more important stuff, you, Norman and myself could take the lead on it and pick a date and time

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?


better than what I was thinking of

Well youre a ND so you can probably be more rambunctious. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking of eminem jokes though

Couldnt agree more

Good to hear! Yeah man boots, jeans/tactical pants, a nice jacket. No sweatpants next time ha

I think the most obvious opportunity would be to ride the coattails of the NNM and do it after that. I think that would get the best attendance. Thoughts?

muh adidas

monday December 20th at 8cst

:PF-Red: LIFESTYLE/RECOVERY MEETING, >>>MONDAY, DECEMBER 20th<<<, at 9 p.m. CST (Right after NNM):PF-Red:
(That's 10 p.m. EST, 8 p.m. MT, and 7 p.m. PST)



:PF-Flag: SEE Y'ALL THERE. :PF-Flag:


you do the squats yesterday?

This is understandable. I'll likely be hanging out with some Michigan guys a lot of Saturday. We could do it Sunday sometime if there are more objections to late Monday. However, if you feel like the meeting is pushing it, you can write up a few paragraphs of your weight loss/strength progress over the last month-ish as well as your goals and DM it to me. This should also include diet and what a typical week of training is for you. I'll mark you down as attending the meeting if you do this with sufficient detail and effort.

Thanks for checking in with that man. I didn't have you on the spreadsheets but you're on there now. Try to check in at least once a week and let us know how the weight is going with the calorie counting and stricter eating practices

@Billy IN I also did not have you on the spreadsheets. I think @Patrick TX gave you good advice. Try to make small dietary changes that amount to a few hundred calories per day rather than the more drastic strategy of starving yourself. Maybe try taking out a soda and snacks. That might be 500 calories right there. Anyways, look forward to hearing more from you in the chat

verify me nigga

Verify me on mumble please sir

Thank god. I still don't have any. I need a chevron for my hat, one for the back of my hat, the circle one for my jacket and another one for my jacket. Thats 4 for me, I'll give you 20 dollars then

I need a chevron for my hat, one for the back of my hat, the circle one for my jacket and another one for my jacket. Thats 4 for me, I'll give you 20 dollars then

Hell yeah, make the most out of it

Great man. Looks like you're down 4-5 lbs since the last time I recorded it. Keep it up

To put things in perspective, you've almost tripled your squat and doubled your bench. This is insane progress Walter. Onwards

Yes and I'll give you 25 cause the round patch is 10

Hey thanks for checking in Victor. I'm the one who drove you from Maryland to Ohio if you recall. Glad to know you got the gym pass and are starting to workout again. The sugar thing is very common with people who's body has really become dependent on alcohol daily or almost daily to function. I've seen this with my father. But just try to control it the best you can and get raw honey or good syrup.

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