Andrew WY

@PF-6268 RocketChat ID: v4RSwvow75FF3htz9

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look at going to two collages in texas and would like to go to the city they are both in.

and to tour the collages

@PC - Jesse CO with sparring on sunday would we be back from are sparring trip on the 19th?

hay calvin ben said we should probably carpool, to the event meetup thing on the 19th.

are those near Houston?

Are we still doing a trip/meetup the 19th?

k i sent a message to calvin about car pool.

also what time would we be doing the meetup?

I have homework

big essay due friday

working on it right now, but im pretty bad at essays

also what day and time will we be backish?

K, do you want to meet up at the Walmart we normally? And what time?

Depends on what day.

I'm in college right now, semester ends middle of December.

@Charles CO do you mean the one @PC - Jesse CO is talking about or the one @Thomas may have messaged you about?

Hay ben, I sent calvin a message about car pooling a while ago he sent me some details. I asked if we were going to meet where we (me and calvin) normally do however he has yet to respond. I also have a large essay due Friday and im still working on it. So I may not be able to make it to the 19th meetup.

i wont be able to go, still working on the essay. ill message Calvin and tell him.

Wont be able to go to the meet up. Having to work on my final that will be due friday.

Good to hear yall made it back safe

I could try, I'll have to get my shift covered at work.

Will their be another sparring this weekend?

Same weight as I was before about 190 pounds, got better at pull ups, better at planking

Also what are the fitness goals/requirements?

would you lose fat from an increased metabolism?


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Yeah, roland I'm pretty sure he was at the Alamo.

@PC - Jesse CO was with us to if you want to ask him


How was y'alls Thanksgiving? 🦃

What time and place this Sunday?

Also ben could you send a list of everything we need to bring for the big trip in the network chat please.

Saw you did a huge multi post in activism. Wanted to say good work man, alot of dedication in that :PF-Red: :thumbsup:

You to brother.

nice :trophy:

also you dropped this :crown:

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Ok understandable, you get get better.

Has Ben sent you any plans for our trip soon? Like where we are supposed to meet up and when?

Im currently at 190 pounds was at about 250-240. Stopped losing weight from diet. So I am now trying to build muscle to lose wait. Mostly focusing on curls, chest flys (pretty sure thats what its called), planking, and Pullups.

Thanks. Also whey protein helped me lose alot of weight at the start for anyone wondering.

hay calvin did you mean the meet in denver day of departure for this event?

where we meeting thrusday, also how much travel fund to you want me to bring?

Did you pass by bus stop I think I saw a vehicle that looks like yours?

Vehicle report:

Bus is total fucked, tow truck is on way,

White Chevy Sonic lt: back window smashed, front window smashed, both left window smashed, owner Walter NC

Jeep Cherokee: back window smashed, front window smashed, back left smashed, owner Marcus NC

Ford f150 white: paint and small front window smashed, drivable owner:Chris Alabama

White Honda Accord: has paint, drivable. Owner: Norman Alabama

White ram 1500: paint and flat tire (being replaced) Clark Oklahoma

Black f150: paint windshield and mirrors, owner: Alex PA

Silver kia: paint windshield, owner: Ryan Ohio

Black toyato 4 door: unknown owner or if even pf

Alan pa white van: paint on windows, rear right curb side wheel slashed, .

Brandon ca white van: paint on it, drivable Tonight.

Toyato tundra, flat tire and paint vandilsim, has spare tire: owner: Paul tx

Vehicle report:

Bus is total fucked, tow truck is on way,

White Chevy Sonic lt: back window smashed, front window smashed, both left window smashed, owner Walter NC

Jeep Cherokee: back window smashed, front window smashed, back left smashed, owner Marcus NC

Ford f150 white: paint and small front window smashed, drivable owner:Chris Alabama

White Honda Accord: has paint, drivable. Owner: Norman Alabama

White ram 1500: paint and flat tire (being replaced) Clark Oklahoma

Black f150: paint windshield and mirrors, owner: Alex PA

Silver kia: paint windshield, owner: Ryan Ohio

Black toyato 4 door: unknown owner or if even pf

Alan pa white van: paint on windows, rear right curb side wheel slashed, .

Brandon ca white van: paint on it, drivable Tonight.

Toyato tundra, flat tire and paint vandilsim, has spare tire: owner: Paul tx

Network 3 and our unaffiliated are doing fine, on our way back. Our vehicle is fine, only 1 Minor injury.


march for life in denver

that is good, im am glad you both are doing ok.

Oh sweet who is it? Are they being interviewed right now?

closer to UT or MT?

yes, how far away is he from cheyenne by hours?

yeah it was way easier then Elbert. although the march was a wee bit more painful due to my foot bleeding.

boot was to small and chafed it, so much that it started bleeding alot during the march.

also gave me a bunch of blisters, even a blood blister.

Same boots I wore during the Elbert hike.

I'm not sure what to do right now to get more people in the Cheyenne area.

id be interested in the mural,

I might not be able to do it Friday depending on what time it happens/time I would have to leave to get there.

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