Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 502303810954330113
that says alot about our society.
It builds character lol
We have to know how to fight to poster now? Based.
Meds and Slavs, pls protecc Patrick (Nords, Germanics, Balts, Celts and Fins can too, I guess)
@Reinhard Wolff will IE ever get more NRA friendly?
Yes good 1!
I think we all already love guns
Love pew pews
We like the second amendment, but guns are horrible optics
The NRA is friendly enough.
Goodnight all
I hear Gun Owners of America is based
The NRA is obsessed with "based blacks"
Hang in there another night! @Grossly Incandescent
but we dont use guns for sure
GOA is no- compromise
>8 - Weapons
No discussion of weaponry of any kind is permitted on the server. Discussion of historical artifacts, in a historical context, where those artifacts happen to be weapons, is permitted as long as this is not used as a proxy for discussion of how those weapons may be put to actual use.
@Bogl - CA Bringing a gun to activism implies a desire for violence
Which is bad optics
Blockbuster only has one store
@Bogl - CA They are great optics for a federal case.
Crazy White Supreemist with guns is the wet dream of the Leftists.
@Willy - VA violence is bad for more reasons than just optics
@NateDahl76 it'll have a lot of stores once we fix it up
"We're in your neighborhood, BOO" -IE
Thanksgiving is more huwyte
@ThisIsChris we need our men alive, not dead! @Willy - VA
no but it's assumed to be some holiday or event that everyone celebrates when really it's only white countries
@Deleted User its uncanny
Spiderman is black now, btw
@Deleted User warm and tingly