Message from @Johnny B. Populus
Discord ID: 528331796895498241
401x overrepresentation for "cold injuries"
Snow is raycis
If this isn't an argument for moving somewhere with -40 winters I don't know what is.
Okay what are they even hoping to find. Like some racist upper enlisted people systematically denied winter gloves to Black troops?
Dude these people are mental .
Look at how they dealt with women. It's always white man's job to pick up the slack.
Are SJWs the real White Supremacists?
"use yo magik Wypeepo powers and fix dis!!"
SJW are supremacists in the pattern of a smothering mother
Yeah thats a good way to put it
Are 3rd wave feminists just catlady supremacists?
They're just spoiled kids with no developed agency besides throwing fits
Minnesota (and its Swedecucks) get a lot of deserved grief for Somali importation. But the orcs never range far from Mogadishopolis-Sudan Paul twin cities. I live way up north where it is much colder and lacks urban comforts. They don't come up here. -8F today. 13 inches of snow yesterday. 92% white (8% Injun)
Yeah my Grandpa was saying its the churches that are really pushing to get the Somalis in.
@Sam Anderson It is. Catholics import Mestizos in the south. Lutherans import Afro-Muslims in the north. UU/UCoC imports everyone everywhere.
Quebec city in the winter is like something out of a fairytale book. 100% Evropan
10/10 whitepill
My employer has a foreign worker program. Bus driver was under the assumption that they are all "poor immigrants" etc. I informed him that they are in fact rich kids who are here for university credits. The redpill he swallowed was physically evident as he stated his "view on them & such programs has drastically changed". <:redpill:439924063377555497>
nicely done @Johnny B. Populus
best time to redpill people is in normal conversation when the topic comes up naturally
@Alex Kolchak - NY exactly. He was white, prior military, hunter & conservative. Gonna take my time & see how far I can get him to go.
Is it just me or is Trump way better when fighting dems than when dealing with Republicans?
> give me wall money or I shut the boarder
We should have been here 2 years ago but I'll take it
@unclefesterr I was there last winter! -40 in Ottawa when we got to town 😬
bruh, we shoulda been a lot of places 2 years ago
America Firster people should've been displacing & replacing normiecon GOP people in 2016 and 2017
Oosh I thought 10 degrees was bad @VinceChaos
@Johnny B. Populus Thanks for the offer but I’m in the company of a lot of normies lol
@unclefesterr terrible
I’ve heard Vermont is lovely though, despite being the white shitlib capital @Johnny B. Populus
Alright weeaboos whose car is this??? Give it up I know it’s one of you
Charlie Kirk coming in HOT
Do you think Molyneaux has been one of us for a long time but now that it’s more acceptable and profitable, he is publicly inching more and more our way?
Overton boyo
@NateDahl76 nice arch