Message from @Rick Flair
Discord ID: 536973452612206592
Opinions on the national guard?
@NateDahl76 Good group, some say they are not real military but that's just intersevice rivalry. Guard does a lot of good here at home. Here in VT we have quite a bit of Guard & reserve. We also have the Green Mountain Boys....Air Guard.
That video is absolute perfection.
@NateDahl76 lots of fat people who don’t look like they’re soldiers
We call them Nasty Guardians
My Dad calls the Marine Reserves the “reversists” because they go back to civy life and reverse all their training.
Are we anti reservist posting????
Reservists in the Marines get the low status tasks, because their training, conditioning and commitment are all uncertainties.
While Active duty infantry guys were fighting..... reservist infantry were assigned to be camp guard.
There’s nothing wrong with the reserves. One team. One fight. Useful for their purpose.
@Hyphenstein Fight the system bro.
If you vociferously resist an unjust assignment, you can have more 'pull' than you may have thought.
Don't let recruiters control your destiny.
good afternoon libtards and woke blokes
@Hyphenstein Tyler is sharing wisdom here. If you’re joining the military, use it for what it’s worth. Everything needs to be in writing before you join.
“Has played CoD zombies with Patrick” I’m not a true identitarian <:sad:366743316475281408>
you're still a pledge my friend
Is that actually a thing that happened, btw?
you have all the time in the world for airbnb shenanigans
FWIW, as and older (late 20s) guy, id recommend basing your decision on which branch/role will give you the best career training and is least likely to put you in danger. I wouldn’t worry about getting flak from normies.
yea a bunch of us were playing zombies once at a airbinb for an action in Philadelphia
Generation Kill is a great movie, funny reservists bit here.
That’s amazing. I love it. Even though I haven’t touched CoD in 5 or so years.
Yea it is always a great atmosphere when we finish activism
everyone is in high spirits and we can all unwind and be ourselves
It was awesome at Defend Identity after we were seeing ourselves on the news and were cracking open bottles and singing Mr Brightside and Country Roads
The book Generation Kill was a great read... They did a good job on the HBO series as well
GK was great.
@VinceChaos wow, love that Ramzpaul video
@Tyler0317. Thanks for the alpha advice. I'll have to keep that in mind.
Really depends on the unit and MOS when it comes to the guard. I came off active duty thinking NG were a bunch of shitbags. The unit I was put into was actually high-speed tight unit with three deployments. While the upstate NY infantry unit was a bunch of fatties who drank beer on drill weekend.
Hey, how do I get in the ie fitness server?
@Hyphenstein @Will - MD Is your guy
@apronandlace the best! at the 6:10 mark they start talking about Covington Catholic with the kids remarks and other statements,they finally got it right here at least.
Was in my feed when i woke up
Ok so now that that part of the story has been recanted and rectified, how can we draw the public s attention to those black Jewish extremists who were yelling homophobic and racist words to the boys?!?!? That’s what the media should focus on!!
I’ve written letters to CNN before calling don lemon and others on their crap! Can we all write letters to CNN telling them that they should focus on those black men who started the whole thing instead!?!
@Hyphenstein I believe Will-MD is in charge of that server, just message him and ask for an invite.