Message from @Johnny B. Populus
Discord ID: 536952315022671883
@Albo Greychak - MI I'll deal with it. I'm going into Reserve Officer Training immediately after boot camp, so I can't complain to much.
@Hyphenstein That’s a dangerous job. I’d be weary
@Hyphenstein that’s what I did
Is that in your contract?
Well I went 11B
Be careful about recruiters telling you that you can do something during/after bootcamp. It's usually BS just to get you in.
@Albo Greychak - MI. Yeah, the guy who recruiter me was in charge of the ROTC community in MN. The only requirement is that I get through their pt test, which is pretty simple.
Operators & Food (OF): 85
Is 85 a high score for Operators & Food?
I scored an 88. The average is like 35 or 50
@Hyphenstein split ops or OSUT?
Nice! I could tell from our meet ups that you are a big brained nibba
I got a 91 but I still went infantry, so I can’t be that smart.
@Lawrence of Eurabia OSUT. Graduated highschool with my associates back in 2018. So they'll bump me to a e3 immediately.
NRO published this and then deleted it. The internet never forgets.
The NRO put out a piece today where they said the media had gotten tricked into reporting a fake story
A DAY after they put out that BS article
I'm not sure if that makes them self-aware or stupid.
Opinions on the national guard?
@NateDahl76 Good group, some say they are not real military but that's just intersevice rivalry. Guard does a lot of good here at home. Here in VT we have quite a bit of Guard & reserve. We also have the Green Mountain Boys....Air Guard.
That video is absolute perfection.
@NateDahl76 lots of fat people who don’t look like they’re soldiers
We call them Nasty Guardians
My Dad calls the Marine Reserves the “reversists” because they go back to civy life and reverse all their training.
Are we anti reservist posting????
Reservists in the Marines get the low status tasks, because their training, conditioning and commitment are all uncertainties.
While Active duty infantry guys were fighting..... reservist infantry were assigned to be camp guard.
There’s nothing wrong with the reserves. One team. One fight. Useful for their purpose.
@Hyphenstein Fight the system bro.
If you vociferously resist an unjust assignment, you can have more 'pull' than you may have thought.
Don't let recruiters control your destiny.
good afternoon libtards and woke blokes
@Hyphenstein Tyler is sharing wisdom here. If you’re joining the military, use it for what it’s worth. Everything needs to be in writing before you join.
“Has played CoD zombies with Patrick” I’m not a true identitarian <:sad:366743316475281408>
you're still a pledge my friend
Is that actually a thing that happened, btw?
you have all the time in the world for airbnb shenanigans
FWIW, as and older (late 20s) guy, id recommend basing your decision on which branch/role will give you the best career training and is least likely to put you in danger. I wouldn’t worry about getting flak from normies.
yea a bunch of us were playing zombies once at a airbinb for an action in Philadelphia