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2018-09-24 02:55:45 UTC

I know it sounds paranoid but I guess you had to be there

2018-09-24 03:02:55 UTC

I believe it, Iโ€™m just surprised they tried to work the agenda in subtly. Most of the ones Iโ€™ve seen are as subtle as a brick

2018-09-24 19:43:08 UTC

There's a bookstore in Berkeley that specializes in "feminist" children's books

2018-09-24 19:45:09 UTC

Owned by two women (husband and wife) and they have weekly readings for kids

2018-09-24 20:51:45 UTC

I believe in all of our Identitarian parents! Thank you for all you have and will do!

2018-09-24 23:25:43 UTC

@TV drop address I wanna go visit that

2018-09-24 23:40:59 UTC

I looked them up just now and they went out of business lol. I walked past it once last year and there was a sign out front that said "educate your kids about gender." Messed up place. @YourFundamentalTheorum

2018-09-24 23:41:40 UTC

Kek tfw capitalism works

2018-09-25 01:14:55 UTC

"If I have a female lawyer in front of me these days - and it doesn't matter how much she has achieved - and next to her is a mother of five, six, seven children, and they are in great health and well-educated by her ... From the point of view of the lasting value of our people, the woman who is able to have children, has children, and raises them - and thereby gave our people the ability to live in the future - has achieved more. *She* has done more."

2018-09-25 02:30:13 UTC
2018-09-25 15:38:00 UTC

@Tanner - SC I know exactly who said that and Antifa knows too

2018-09-25 18:53:42 UTC

Visited the OB today with the Mrs. Baby is in the head down position! Home stretch!

2018-09-26 19:27:24 UTC

Wife sent me this today, very sad stuff

2018-09-26 20:43:21 UTC

Poor lad. Hopefully a wake up to white people. I am no theologian, but it is my understanding that Christ brought the new covenant. If pork is acceptable than you sure as heck don't have to make blood sacrifice anymore.

2018-09-26 22:00:36 UTC

Iโ€™ve honestly gotten dead eyed stares from friends and family when I tell them Iโ€™d never circumcise my son.

2018-09-26 22:01:34 UTC

@Grossly Incandescent NPCs... But I have hope once an NPC not always one.

2018-09-26 22:01:53 UTC

My Wife is a PA and this is one of those topics that she is against me on. I am standing my ground though once we have a son.

2018-09-26 22:17:12 UTC

^^ Wife is a nurse and we had it out about this as well. When we found out our #2 was going to be a boy, we circled back around and had the arguments again. I won and we left him uncircumcised.

2018-09-26 22:18:47 UTC

Ultimately she was fully swayed when she asked a pediatrician friend who actually performs circumcisions. He told her that there is no reason for doing it unless for religious reasons or you live in the 3rd world.

2018-09-26 22:19:38 UTC

I told her the same thing. They basically brain wash these medical professionals to do it for no reason other than looks and cleanliness.

2018-09-26 22:20:09 UTC

It really raises my blood pressure.

2018-09-26 22:20:43 UTC

Exactly. But the foreskin doesn't even separate until they're older, so there's not even a need to clean anything until he's almost in puberty.

2018-09-26 22:21:07 UTC

Exactly. It is genital mutilation.

2018-09-26 22:21:10 UTC

We had some heated arguments as well, it actually really put a strain on the marriage

2018-09-26 22:21:35 UTC

I bet. So far she just says "We aren't having this convo right now"

2018-09-26 22:23:32 UTC

Honestly, if it comes down to it, you have every right to pull the veto card. Just tell any doctor, nurse, aid, whatever that you do not consent to circumcision in any way and that if they so much as give your boy's weiner a second look, you'll sue them.

2018-09-26 22:24:32 UTC

No doctor will touch him if both parents aren't in agreement.

2018-09-26 22:24:54 UTC

I doubt it will go that far but I will hold that card for my check mate.

2018-09-26 22:25:34 UTC

She and I just need to sit down and have the convo. It has always been off the cuff comments when a friend talks about it or something random.

2018-09-26 22:26:08 UTC

Moly actually did a really good video on it, it got my wife to at least question the necessity.

2018-09-26 22:26:26 UTC

Cool I will check it out.

2018-09-26 22:29:59 UTC

Thanks I was just looking them up on YT.

2018-09-26 22:30:12 UTC

Vaccines are a whole other issue.

2018-09-26 22:31:56 UTC

Vaccines are a dicey topic, am not anti-vax, but I think they give them a lot of unnecessary stuff. I don't let them do flu vaccines and other random stuff.

2018-09-26 22:32:14 UTC

And not all at once.

2018-09-26 22:33:51 UTC

They'll try and give them hepatitis shots minutes after the kid is born. Tell them no and that the pediatrician can give them the shot if needed.

2018-09-26 22:34:40 UTC

I believe it's hepB, not sure though. But it's something that is primarily spread sexually, so it's absurd that they try and give it to newborns

2018-09-26 22:35:54 UTC

Yeah I am going to make a list of the vaccines that I will allow prior to having a child.

2018-09-26 22:36:25 UTC

This was one of the ways I was first red pilled was vaccines and all the chemicals in food/water/air/clothing etc

2018-09-26 22:36:52 UTC

I started down a similar path lol

2018-09-26 22:37:19 UTC

AJ and Red Ice were the reasons I am here. I know AJ would hate that lol

2018-09-26 22:39:56 UTC

Haha, I was mostly an economic libertarian, so I was big on Molyneux, Tom Woods,etc, but I enjoyed AJ. I was a big Cantwell follower as well, and ultimately ended up getting redpilled while he was.

2018-09-27 01:26:24 UTC

What was described in that article is extremely rare, but that alone is worth not having circumcision done. That is one unlucky lottery you don't want to "win."

2018-10-10 16:24:54 UTC

Haha, @missliterallywho. I suppose consider it a blessing, as having the opposite problem would not be good.

2018-10-10 23:59:32 UTC

@missliterallywho my wife puts a burp cloth over her chest between feedings. Itโ€™s not perfect but it cuts down significantly on the spillage.

2018-10-15 03:12:49 UTC

@The Huwhyte Ulf - VA we have three boys. all uncut. all fine. never once had any issue with it! they may not" look like dad', but who cares! Dad will talk to them about it if he ever needs to, and let them know why we didn't have that terrible thing done to them!

2018-10-15 12:35:32 UTC

I feel the same way. Itโ€™s just convincing my wife to see that itโ€™s unnecessary and cruel.

2018-10-15 12:54:48 UTC

@The Huwhyte Ulf - VA show her a video of how they do it. That settled it with my wife.

2018-10-15 12:55:34 UTC

If you lost a finger at the factory would you chop your sons off so he looks like dad?

2018-10-15 13:03:54 UTC

There is not a single argument for it.

2018-10-15 14:01:52 UTC

Hers comes from a medical perspective of it could get infected if you dont do it. I say instead of cutting some part of my son off just teach him to clean himself properly.

2018-10-15 14:01:59 UTC

So much easier and less stress for the child.

2018-10-16 10:50:35 UTC

@The Huwhyte Ulf - VA there is no issue with cleaning. There is no medical reason to do elective cosmetic surgery on an infants genitals. Zero stress. They self clean like female genitalia. In fact until they are older you should not even be messing around around in there. You can really hurt a little guy if you retract his for skin to clean before it separates on its own.

2018-10-16 11:13:12 UTC

The American Association of Pediatrics does not recommend circumcision although they are mealy mouthed about their rejection of it. The WHO also does not recommend it. I donโ€™t really care about either but if you need authorities to back your choice itโ€™s out there.

2018-10-16 15:10:47 UTC

@The Huwhyte Ulf - VA She is talking about smegma, I have only seen that in 3rd world patients who do not properly clean themselves. It's nearly impossible for smegma to build up if you shower regularly.

2018-10-16 23:09:34 UTC

My wife is being induced tonight! ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ง

2018-10-16 23:12:34 UTC

@Grossly Incandescent Congrats and good luck!

2018-10-16 23:13:09 UTC

Congratulations! Hang in there & Good luck tonight! @Grossly Incandescent

2018-10-16 23:24:04 UTC
2018-10-17 23:15:34 UTC

24 hours at the hospital and weโ€™ll probably be here another 24 ๐Ÿ™ƒ

2018-10-17 23:16:27 UTC

Stay Strong & Hang in there!

2018-10-17 23:17:32 UTC

Thanks @celticflame! Wifeys doing great, the fun part hasnโ€™t even begun yet!

2018-10-17 23:19:17 UTC


2018-10-18 02:05:52 UTC

@Grossly Incandescent good luck brother!

2018-10-19 06:55:29 UTC

Congratulations ! @Grossly Incandescent Glad you & your wife are enjoying that precious Bundle of life!

2018-10-19 07:00:05 UTC

Baby girl born at 12:18 am, 9lbs. 4oz. 21.5 inches long. Momma did great, and I was stressed as hell the whole time lol!

2018-10-19 08:25:42 UTC


2018-10-19 10:15:47 UTC

@Grossly Incandescent congratulations bro

2018-10-19 14:21:54 UTC
2018-10-20 14:21:43 UTC

How common is the โ€œreverse sleep scheduleโ€? The wee one barely slept a wink last night but this morning sheโ€™s very peaceful

2018-10-20 16:00:40 UTC

<@&503234823222198282> ^^^

2018-10-20 17:23:26 UTC

Good to know. Fortunately the wife and I have quickly adapted to a sleep schedule consisting solely of random naps

2018-10-20 17:23:53 UTC

I was honesty surprised how much energy Iโ€™ve had despite the lack of sleep

2018-10-26 23:18:09 UTC

Breastfeeding and learning to nurse baby while sidelying is ๐Ÿ‘Œ very helpful. A supervised co sleep nap can be really great for a mom first thing postpartum. I requested supervision bc I felt so weak and deranged after birth

2018-10-26 23:18:21 UTC
2018-10-26 23:18:28 UTC


2018-10-26 23:21:22 UTC

Thank you @Volkmom!

2018-11-04 00:44:47 UTC

Welp, it happened, I got pooped on while changing a diaper ๐Ÿ’ฉ

2018-11-04 10:37:45 UTC

I feel like Iโ€™ve completed a sacred rite of passage

2018-11-05 02:03:50 UTC

Is that the parent equivalent of getting blooded?


2018-11-05 05:33:54 UTC


2018-11-10 04:06:11 UTC

Today I learned that some babies get acne

2018-11-15 00:12:58 UTC

Does anyone have any experience with outdoor schooling or forest kindergarten?

2018-11-15 01:12:53 UTC

@Prestor John I taught at an outdoor / environmental education camp for two years. 3rd-9th grade groups would come for a few days and do science, skill, or adventure classss. Sometimes older and younger but usually 3rd-9th.

2018-11-16 15:25:40 UTC

Good advice from big, American nationalist castizo.

2018-11-16 17:38:23 UTC

Really great stuff in the video, thank you for sharing @Wood-Ape - OK/MN, I had never heard of these guys before

2018-11-16 17:47:39 UTC

@Grossly Incandescent Garcia ("master chim") is a smart guy

2018-11-18 15:22:57 UTC

<@&503234823222198282> thoughts on vaccines?

2018-11-18 15:25:51 UTC

Primarily the annual flu vaccine

2018-11-18 17:42:28 UTC


2018-11-18 17:42:47 UTC


2018-11-18 17:50:34 UTC

๐Ÿ‘Ž we are on a delayed schedule for big vaccines, skipping the dumb ones like chickenpox (but actively looking for it in the wild) and never doing flu. Even if you think itโ€™s a good idea,this yearโ€™s flu vaccine will have the same efficacy rate as not getting it. They picked the wrong strains.

2018-11-18 17:57:11 UTC

Not a parent but it was surreal back in 2015, working at a pretty expensive west coast summer camp and there was a *rubella outbreak*

2018-11-18 17:57:50 UTC

Not shilling for pharma or CDC. Just surreal...

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