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2019-07-12 05:35:58 UTC

Mob rule.

2019-07-12 05:36:01 UTC

Got it

2019-07-12 05:36:08 UTC

and what does one do on a 48hr op? <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>

2019-07-12 05:36:11 UTC

with no state, then what stops those hired for security from TAKING rather than TRADING?

2019-07-12 05:36:19 UTC

A lot of this sorta thing i settle on is/ought.

2019-07-12 05:36:29 UTC

yeah and these small communities exist within states, yes?

2019-07-12 05:36:31 UTC

why pay when you have alll the guns and superior skills to fight?

2019-07-12 05:36:38 UTC

and the security operates within the territory of the state?

2019-07-12 05:36:40 UTC

I mean if the security companies just occupied a local community and ruled over the local populace

2019-07-12 05:36:45 UTC

who's going to stop em?

2019-07-12 05:36:47 UTC

and are subject to the laws enforced by the police force of the state?

2019-07-12 05:36:58 UTC

the state has the authority of for security

2019-07-12 05:37:00 UTC

Ought is nice, but *is*.. well.. is what we needsmust focus on.

2019-07-12 05:37:14 UTC

which has conditions outside of money

2019-07-12 05:37:23 UTC

@Muten lol implying the current state is accountable hahahaha

2019-07-12 05:37:27 UTC

ie. outside the mechanisms of trade

2019-07-12 05:37:45 UTC

the only counter I've heard to "rogue armies" and "security company occupation" is just "people wouldn't appreciate it" which means???

2019-07-12 05:37:48 UTC

don't confuse theory with implementation

2019-07-12 05:38:04 UTC

Plus whose going to break up the monopolies? In an Ancap society that'd be a larger problem than we have today.

2019-07-12 05:38:11 UTC

you can't compare a theortical ancap society to the implementation of a rep republic

2019-07-12 05:38:17 UTC

@Terry Arcona Well they are accountable to more people, less accountable in general but equally accountable to the general public

2019-07-12 05:38:40 UTC

theoretical representation republic vs theoretical ancap society

2019-07-12 05:39:05 UTC

so, in theory, a state SHOULD be accountable

2019-07-12 05:39:16 UTC

applies in both situations

2019-07-12 05:39:42 UTC

If you want a 100% free market with 0 govt monopolies will ruin the economy more than it has now.

2019-07-12 05:40:00 UTC

but the mechanisms of accountablity used by a traditional state lay outside the mechanisms of trade

2019-07-12 05:40:12 UTC

not so in the ancap world

2019-07-12 05:40:33 UTC

so how do you prevent one from using the other as leverage?

2019-07-12 05:40:44 UTC

@Muten dude who pays the securty companies? if they become corrupt no one would pay them and they would go out of business

2019-07-12 05:40:56 UTC


2019-07-12 05:40:57 UTC

but they have guns

2019-07-12 05:41:03 UTC

who needs money when you have guns

2019-07-12 05:41:13 UTC

just exploit the people you occupy

2019-07-12 05:41:19 UTC

like they did in the olden times

2019-07-12 05:41:19 UTC

they ONLY go out of business cause the STATE prevents them from just TAKING the money

2019-07-12 05:41:38 UTC

with no STATE, the security firm just ROBS the client

2019-07-12 05:41:47 UTC

"I just want to be able to rob people ok"

2019-07-12 05:41:50 UTC

why pay for what you can TAKE by force without opposition?

2019-07-12 05:41:57 UTC

@Muten lol no they aren't, you're living in fantasy land, current states are accountable to corporations and big money lenders, they don't give a rats ass about jo smoe the little guy

2019-07-12 05:42:18 UTC

^^ ah, u are breaking the rule; theory vs theory

2019-07-12 05:42:31 UTC

at least we HAVE an implementation no matter how flawed

2019-07-12 05:42:35 UTC

I mean god's right but you missed my point anyway

2019-07-12 05:42:51 UTC


2019-07-12 05:42:52 UTC

@SageTheory government is responsible for most monopolies, hell government it self is a monopoly

2019-07-12 05:43:04 UTC

well, not really.

2019-07-12 05:43:15 UTC

a monopoly isn't based on the customer

2019-07-12 05:43:20 UTC

government should be a monopoly of the population

2019-07-12 05:43:24 UTC

it's based on the competition

2019-07-12 05:43:38 UTC

everyone is part of their company

2019-07-12 05:43:50 UTC

'part of' means what exactly?

2019-07-12 05:43:53 UTC

The govt isn't a Monopoly lol and yes it's a problem you'd make worse under ancap

2019-07-12 05:44:05 UTC

My arm has an elbow, i have an arm

2019-07-12 05:44:06 UTC

government is the monopoly that EVERYONE is a part of

2019-07-12 05:44:15 UTC


2019-07-12 05:44:19 UTC

that's actually retared

2019-07-12 05:44:20 UTC

well, not really

2019-07-12 05:44:23 UTC

I retract that statment

2019-07-12 05:44:23 UTC


2019-07-12 05:44:51 UTC

the gov is GIVEN a monopoly on force in exchange for agreeing to protect your rights

2019-07-12 05:45:23 UTC

i.e. apply that force discriminately and fairly

2019-07-12 05:45:32 UTC

I sense 56 iq people

2019-07-12 05:45:38 UTC

are there ancaps around?

2019-07-12 05:45:43 UTC

go away and it will rise to 100

2019-07-12 05:45:46 UTC

@ManAnimal who says there wouldn't be opposition, practicaly all AnCaps I know of are armed, presumably most people would be in an AnCap society, we're talking about changeing the out look of people and raising people to be more responsible rather than the type of turds mondern public education is poping out

2019-07-12 05:45:49 UTC

Now, if we argue idealistic versions (utopias).. Representative Republic wins out in my estimate.

2019-07-12 05:46:05 UTC

yes, hence the error of initial criteria

2019-07-12 05:46:37 UTC

Well, is the argument idealistic or realistic?

2019-07-12 05:46:39 UTC

The govt doesn't control industry unless you go full socialism and that doesn't work. We live in a bastardized capitalist system where the govt intervenes in the market and ignores monopolies.

2019-07-12 05:46:41 UTC

@SageTheory it's amonopoly of force yes it very much is

2019-07-12 05:46:44 UTC

you are projection from our CURRENT system which ENABLED those ancaps to acquire skills, resources and discipline into your theoretical world

2019-07-12 05:47:05 UTC

but take away the current paradigm and those fundamentals disappear as well

2019-07-12 05:47:27 UTC

How does one train in a realistic AnCap implementation?

2019-07-12 05:47:39 UTC

Ignores the ones that they choose to tho

2019-07-12 05:47:39 UTC

they don't

2019-07-12 05:48:01 UTC

I'll give it as something that's possible.

2019-07-12 05:48:03 UTC

@Laucivol Representative Republic have failed misrably

2019-07-12 05:48:13 UTC

but any theory must have clear entry criteria from a common external domain as any competing theory

2019-07-12 05:48:56 UTC

i.e. people in the wilderness choose representtion democracy vs people in the wilderness choose to be ancap society

2019-07-12 05:48:59 UTC

@Terry Arcona Okay, sure.. but praytell how a *realistic* ancap society would work better?

2019-07-12 05:49:07 UTC


2019-07-12 05:49:14 UTC

Representative Republic have failed misrably?

2019-07-12 05:49:17 UTC

So just tear or down lol

2019-07-12 05:49:27 UTC

yet you sit there had can express you ideas on a compute

2019-07-12 05:49:32 UTC

Tear it down*

2019-07-12 05:49:33 UTC

with food in your belly

2019-07-12 05:49:42 UTC

and no nuclear fallout

2019-07-12 05:49:47 UTC


2019-07-12 05:49:58 UTC

I'll play along, but I need to be convinced why it's better than the current.

2019-07-12 05:50:24 UTC

Honestly I'm still waiting on the Ancap solution to the monopoly problem.

2019-07-12 05:50:27 UTC

again, projection from the current paradigm which enables entitlement into fantasy

2019-07-12 05:50:32 UTC

just like the communists

2019-07-12 05:50:41 UTC

So far I've only seen idealism equivalent to Marxism.

2019-07-12 05:50:46 UTC


2019-07-12 05:50:50 UTC

Because all I've heard is that it's a problem like I didn't know.

2019-07-12 05:50:52 UTC

@Laucivol that's what I've been explaining but aperently you're not paying attention

2019-07-12 05:50:53 UTC

I'd agree with taht assessment

2019-07-12 05:51:12 UTC

I was driving. @Terry Arcona

2019-07-12 05:51:19 UTC

both simply make opposite assumptions regarding human nature

2019-07-12 05:51:42 UTC

one thinks people are all alteristic and the other all rational

2019-07-12 05:51:50 UTC

And the scroll up I did look at was just vitriol.

2019-07-12 05:51:52 UTC

neither can account for any variation

2019-07-12 05:52:03 UTC

So, how do we get there.

2019-07-12 05:52:11 UTC

@SageTheory the solution is simple, monopolies form far easier with government assitance, take away government and there will be far less monopolies

2019-07-12 05:52:30 UTC

not exactly

2019-07-12 05:52:42 UTC

government substides hurt COMPETITION

2019-07-12 05:52:55 UTC

Okay, any historical precedence for the claim?

2019-07-12 05:52:58 UTC

but don't HELP nor create monopolies

2019-07-12 05:53:12 UTC

there is a difference between the only game in town and say Standard Oil

2019-07-12 05:53:32 UTC

i mean, facebook was the first, twitter was the first

2019-07-12 05:53:53 UTC

they didn't have to destroy competition to corner the market

2019-07-12 05:53:59 UTC

Like I said, I'm game to hear the argument. But I'm also dubious.

2019-07-12 05:53:59 UTC

they CREATED a new market

2019-07-12 05:54:19 UTC

so one is a monopoly and the other isn't

2019-07-12 05:54:20 UTC

Erm.. Myspace. >.<

2019-07-12 05:54:33 UTC

Oh my god itโ€™s mananimal

2019-07-12 05:54:34 UTC

but they didn't interfere with myspace

2019-07-12 05:54:39 UTC

I thought you were gone

2019-07-12 05:54:46 UTC

myspace just couldn't compete

2019-07-12 05:54:56 UTC

FB crushed Myspace and Livejournal

2019-07-12 05:55:04 UTC

again, leave the thinking to others lol

2019-07-12 05:55:11 UTC


2019-07-12 05:55:24 UTC

but because they presented a better product

2019-07-12 05:55:38 UTC

So to say that FB didn't have competition is dishonest.

2019-07-12 05:55:44 UTC

so then FB did **not** create a __new__ market, and were not first?
make up your mind, pls

2019-07-12 05:55:48 UTC

not by employing dirty business practice

2019-07-12 05:55:51 UTC

They just happened to steamroll them.

2019-07-12 05:55:56 UTC

@ManAnimal yea myspace came before facebook, facebook grew far larger when it got in bed with the government

2019-07-12 05:55:57 UTC

techincally you are right

2019-07-12 05:56:20 UTC

BUT those other platforms had a BB gun

2019-07-12 05:56:27 UTC

If your talking utilities then yes technically so but those are formed because it's easier to have one water company than multiple water companies. I'm talking anticompetitive monopolies that hurt the economy.

2019-07-12 05:56:29 UTC

@Terry Arcona that's cuz they're operating on govt software <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>

2019-07-12 05:56:31 UTC

vs the Cannon FB developed

2019-07-12 05:56:50 UTC

And if I dig deep, probably find other competition as well.

2019-07-12 05:57:17 UTC

so we are in agreement, fb isn't a monopoly at least it wasnt..... at FIRST

2019-07-12 05:57:33 UTC

Nonetheless less the BB Gun v Cannon is a fair analog.

2019-07-12 05:58:07 UTC

it's only later that they start employing unfair tactics against those trying to enter the market it becomes a monopoly

2019-07-12 05:58:30 UTC

(Fuck, I shouldn't have taken that drive now that I sat down and the intoxicants are hitting.)

2019-07-12 05:58:39 UTC

And yes silicon valley is a problem but I don't think ancaps have an answer to it because they have no way in breaking up monopolies.

2019-07-12 05:58:39 UTC

many forget that a monopoly is defined by how a company treats other competitios NOT customers

2019-07-12 05:59:08 UTC

@ManAnimal well technicaly even with the government aid it's gotten it's still not quite a monopoly but it's damn close

2019-07-12 05:59:37 UTC

it's hard to monopolize on the internet

2019-07-12 05:59:52 UTC

true. but 'gov aid' isnt' always a bad thing. in fact, it is the ONLY way a gov can operate with a free market

2019-07-12 06:00:06 UTC

It's more of a cornered market.

2019-07-12 06:00:32 UTC

the 'ideal' gov simply takes money from one interest and pays it towards another interest of competing interest

2019-07-12 06:00:34 UTC

Technically social media isn't operating as a monopoly.

2019-07-12 06:00:56 UTC

They are operating in cohoots, though.

2019-07-12 06:00:56 UTC

@SageTheory government doesn't break up monoplies either, atleast not the ones that are bed with government which is practicaly all of your fortune 500 and up companies today

2019-07-12 06:01:22 UTC

so if people vote they would like more public transit rather than cars, i charge a premium for driving the cars and every dollar from that goes ONLY to public transit. zero sum

2019-07-12 06:01:26 UTC

Yes that's a problem

2019-07-12 06:01:43 UTC


2019-07-12 06:01:52 UTC

@ManAnimal if companies are recieing government subsidies it's no longer a free market

2019-07-12 06:02:04 UTC

so i don't make cars 'illegal' i just compartmentalize and by doing so, i encourage investment in trainsit tech which makes the cost come down

2019-07-12 06:02:15 UTC

we aren't talking about companies

2019-07-12 06:02:20 UTC

follow my example

2019-07-12 06:02:44 UTC

don't make up your own and say it doesnt work; focus on my example and tell me how it doesn't work

2019-07-12 06:03:03 UTC

i never mention a company receiving a subsidy

2019-07-12 06:03:03 UTC

The resting argument of AnCap seems to be that the gov't enables bad habits due to favoritism and nepotism.

2019-07-12 06:03:08 UTC

Because saying no govt = no monopolies is false and also it's not so bad to where it's crippling the economy.

2019-07-12 06:03:32 UTC

i said the gov pays for trains with dollars raised by taxing car owners

2019-07-12 06:03:37 UTC

@SageTheory AnCaps handle it by not handling it, monoplies simply form less with out government, AnCaps don't promise there wont be any but there will certainly be far less

2019-07-12 06:03:50 UTC

the gov pays a compnay for a product (trains) just like any other customer

2019-07-12 06:03:53 UTC


2019-07-12 06:03:55 UTC


2019-07-12 06:04:19 UTC

exactly Laucvioui

2019-07-12 06:04:21 UTC

So they don't have an answer

2019-07-12 06:04:29 UTC

they focus on the shit implementation

2019-07-12 06:04:38 UTC

We just have to take their word.

2019-07-12 06:04:40 UTC

rather than comparing ideal to ideal first

2019-07-12 06:04:49 UTC

Alright, the thing about as said monopolies still form.. and have even more power than they would under mixed economies.

2019-07-12 06:05:36 UTC

corruption is everywhere, we know. but ideally, for the sake of comparison, we pretend it doesn't exist so we can assess the merits of ancap vs republic

2019-07-12 06:05:39 UTC

They would nothing would stop them. Even though we have monopolies only a few really get away with forming them.

2019-07-12 06:06:07 UTC

(@ManAnimal "Capitalism hasn't been done right, yet." I know what you mean, but it falls into the same problem as the fierce Communists there.)

2019-07-12 06:06:52 UTC

not sure what you mean exactly but i do agree in general

2019-07-12 06:06:53 UTC

@ManAnimal the biggest corruption is seen between corporate back room deals with government

2019-07-12 06:07:11 UTC

eliminate government you take away alot of the corruption

2019-07-12 06:07:18 UTC

Thing is that sans wider gov't anti-trust laws in place gets to the same badness.

2019-07-12 06:07:26 UTC

the KEY difference is that while i can describe the ideal mechanisms of capitalism they cannot describe the ideal mechanisms of communism

2019-07-12 06:08:14 UTC

I'll give you that.. ergo why I caveated I know what you mean.

2019-07-12 06:08:18 UTC

capitalism rests of 'capital being a storage of value' and any implementation would lay along a spectrum of how well it acheives that metric

2019-07-12 06:08:37 UTC

ah, ok

2019-07-12 06:08:47 UTC

@Terry Arcona what qualities would a society have to have for it to count as anarcho-capitalist

2019-07-12 06:08:56 UTC

hey,, I thought you died last month?

2019-07-12 06:09:16 UTC

@Terry Arcona Most of us are trying to find out how to make AnCap work, TBH.

2019-07-12 06:09:19 UTC

my heart did

2019-07-12 06:09:25 UTC

In fact read up on Rockefeller he accomplished his monopoly with colliding with other companies.

2019-07-12 06:09:38 UTC

I really want the idea to be functional... but I just don't see how.

2019-07-12 06:09:59 UTC

personally, I would LOVE to be the electrical engineer that developed the first cloaking device and create Galt's Gulch with it

2019-07-12 06:10:06 UTC

but... Dreams vs Reality

2019-07-12 06:10:12 UTC

be sure not to confuse

2019-07-12 06:10:47 UTC

As I've said numerous times is/ought.

2019-07-12 06:11:11 UTC

the idea doesn't really seem coherent to me

2019-07-12 06:11:23 UTC

also, how about this observation: "I swear by my life and my love of it, that I shall never work solely for the sake of another man...."

2019-07-12 06:11:26 UTC

Ought AnCap be able to function in ideal? Yes. Is humanity able to make it so? As Death in June just said.. doesn't seem to be.

2019-07-12 06:11:36 UTC

^^^ can this saying be applied to both MEN and WOMEN?

2019-07-12 06:11:36 UTC

i don't agree with the first part

2019-07-12 06:11:44 UTC

capitalism is inherently anti-anarchist

2019-07-12 06:11:50 UTC

or does one have to devout themselves to the family for it to work?

2019-07-12 06:11:58 UTC

sticky question

2019-07-12 06:12:16 UTC

Eh, I'll give any ideal a shake.

2019-07-12 06:12:16 UTC

Ancaps are more unreasonable then commies

2019-07-12 06:12:28 UTC


2019-07-12 06:12:29 UTC

the only way i could see it making sense is if anarchism was just being used as a synonym for a high level of decentralization

2019-07-12 06:12:50 UTC

I'd even say, "Ought Communism able to function? Yes. Will it? See history."

2019-07-12 06:12:53 UTC

capital is easier to steal than slave labor

2019-07-12 06:13:16 UTC

also easy to trade

2019-07-12 06:13:21 UTC

thus the point

2019-07-12 06:13:39 UTC

(History replies: Not just no, but hell no.)

2019-07-12 06:13:52 UTC

@Death in June the people would have to be more responsoiible as they were more like in the 1800s in america, there would have to be decentralised means of record keeping and contracts and perhaps most importantly of all many services provided by government today would have to have private companies pick up the slack, example, private company for road mantence, private securty companies, private fire departments

2019-07-12 06:13:58 UTC

Whereas AnCap the historical answer is... .... ... maybe?

2019-07-12 06:14:12 UTC

read my profile

2019-07-12 06:14:16 UTC

Rational Man Animal

2019-07-12 06:14:24 UTC

in the REVERSE order

2019-07-12 06:14:32 UTC

thus commie = animal

2019-07-12 06:14:36 UTC

@Laucivol that's cool, atleast you're open minded to it

2019-07-12 06:14:43 UTC

rational is at the top of the pyramid

2019-07-12 06:14:53 UTC

So again I just have to take your word and hope companies are benevolent enough not to form monopolies.

2019-07-12 06:14:56 UTC

hard to stay there when survival is at stake

2019-07-12 06:15:24 UTC

And my experience of corporations is not so much.

2019-07-12 06:15:44 UTC

I cannot trust a company to have my best interest at hand.

2019-07-12 06:16:04 UTC

well, the problem is that a corporation MUST by law place the profit of share holders ABOVE all other concerns

2019-07-12 06:16:04 UTC

Nor can I trust a sovereignty to have my best interest at hand.

2019-07-12 06:16:16 UTC

2019-07-12 06:16:25 UTC

thus if the company can break the law but profit more than the fine....

2019-07-12 06:16:35 UTC

they are required to break the law

2019-07-12 06:16:39 UTC

you see the paradox

2019-07-12 06:17:12 UTC

Also yes I want to have options to skim through as my house is burning to the ground.

2019-07-12 06:17:34 UTC

(Even GodManAnimalEmperor wants AnCap to make sense, by the by... but we still don't see the result as net positive versus what's before us.)

2019-07-12 06:17:35 UTC

that is the one flaw with the market

2019-07-12 06:17:53 UTC

cancer is a GREAT market creature

2019-07-12 06:18:16 UTC

but what WILL be or what is sustainable tommorrow has no value to the market

2019-07-12 06:18:59 UTC

it will consume it self if it profitable and will never realize the inevitable cliff until the fall begins

2019-07-12 06:19:14 UTC

@SageTheory they will have a much harder time when there is so much competition, the free market is not kind to monopolies

2019-07-12 06:19:31 UTC

that is an oxymoron

2019-07-12 06:19:36 UTC

if you have COMPETITION

2019-07-12 06:19:47 UTC

you have no MONOPOLY

2019-07-12 06:19:52 UTC

Except we've seen that going completely hands free *is* kind to monopolies.

2019-07-12 06:20:01 UTC

Rockefeller bought out all his competition. Nothing stops that in Ancap world.

2019-07-12 06:20:23 UTC

The industrial revolution EG Rockefeller, Carnegie and so on shows us that.

2019-07-12 06:20:24 UTC

well, not really because.... now that interest rates are artifical and money is fiat

2019-07-12 06:20:27 UTC

not real capitalism

2019-07-12 06:20:36 UTC

(i know, i know)

2019-07-12 06:20:58 UTC

The only reason people don't do that now is anti monopoly laws otherwise they'd be more common.

2019-07-12 06:21:10 UTC

(Still not arguing against it.. . once we moved to fiat currency... capitalism breaks.)

2019-07-12 06:21:11 UTC

but in truth, we have changed the very basis of the mechanism that makes capitalism function

2019-07-12 06:21:32 UTC

Derivatives destroy markets. Period

2019-07-12 06:21:39 UTC

Besides the few that the govt doesn't crack down on

2019-07-12 06:21:42 UTC

Only GOD should be able to create something from nothing

2019-07-12 06:21:44 UTC

not banks

2019-07-12 06:21:45 UTC

And this is true in An__CAP__, too.

2019-07-12 06:22:08 UTC

@SageTheory a bigger richer company could do that but then more competition would arise

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