Message from @Laucivol

Discord ID: 599122160996319243

2019-07-12 06:13:39 UTC  

(History replies: Not just no, but hell no.)

2019-07-12 06:13:52 UTC  

@Death in June the people would have to be more responsoiible as they were more like in the 1800s in america, there would have to be decentralised means of record keeping and contracts and perhaps most importantly of all many services provided by government today would have to have private companies pick up the slack, example, private company for road mantence, private securty companies, private fire departments

2019-07-12 06:13:58 UTC  

Whereas AnCap the historical answer is... .... ... maybe?

2019-07-12 06:14:12 UTC  

read my profile

2019-07-12 06:14:16 UTC  

Rational Man Animal

2019-07-12 06:14:24 UTC  

in the REVERSE order

2019-07-12 06:14:32 UTC  

thus commie = animal

2019-07-12 06:14:36 UTC  

@Laucivol that's cool, atleast you're open minded to it

2019-07-12 06:14:43 UTC  

rational is at the top of the pyramid

2019-07-12 06:14:53 UTC  

So again I just have to take your word and hope companies are benevolent enough not to form monopolies.

2019-07-12 06:14:56 UTC  

hard to stay there when survival is at stake

2019-07-12 06:15:24 UTC  

And my experience of corporations is not so much.

2019-07-12 06:15:44 UTC  

I cannot trust a company to have my best interest at hand.

2019-07-12 06:16:04 UTC  

well, the problem is that a corporation MUST by law place the profit of share holders ABOVE all other concerns

2019-07-12 06:16:04 UTC  

Nor can I trust a sovereignty to have my best interest at hand.

2019-07-12 06:16:16 UTC

2019-07-12 06:16:25 UTC  

thus if the company can break the law but profit more than the fine....

2019-07-12 06:16:35 UTC  

they are required to break the law

2019-07-12 06:16:39 UTC  

you see the paradox

2019-07-12 06:17:12 UTC  

Also yes I want to have options to skim through as my house is burning to the ground.

2019-07-12 06:17:34 UTC  

(Even GodManAnimalEmperor wants AnCap to make sense, by the by... but we still don't see the result as net positive versus what's before us.)

2019-07-12 06:17:35 UTC  

that is the one flaw with the market

2019-07-12 06:17:53 UTC  

cancer is a GREAT market creature

2019-07-12 06:18:16 UTC  

but what WILL be or what is sustainable tommorrow has no value to the market

2019-07-12 06:18:59 UTC  

it will consume it self if it profitable and will never realize the inevitable cliff until the fall begins

2019-07-12 06:19:14 UTC  

@SageTheory they will have a much harder time when there is so much competition, the free market is not kind to monopolies

2019-07-12 06:19:31 UTC  

that is an oxymoron

2019-07-12 06:19:36 UTC  

if you have COMPETITION

2019-07-12 06:19:47 UTC  

you have no MONOPOLY

2019-07-12 06:19:52 UTC  

Except we've seen that going completely hands free *is* kind to monopolies.

2019-07-12 06:20:01 UTC  

Rockefeller bought out all his competition. Nothing stops that in Ancap world.

2019-07-12 06:20:23 UTC  

The industrial revolution EG Rockefeller, Carnegie and so on shows us that.

2019-07-12 06:20:24 UTC  

well, not really because.... now that interest rates are artifical and money is fiat

2019-07-12 06:20:27 UTC  

not real capitalism

2019-07-12 06:20:36 UTC  

(i know, i know)

2019-07-12 06:20:58 UTC  

The only reason people don't do that now is anti monopoly laws otherwise they'd be more common.

2019-07-12 06:21:10 UTC  

(Still not arguing against it.. . once we moved to fiat currency... capitalism breaks.)

2019-07-12 06:21:11 UTC  

but in truth, we have changed the very basis of the mechanism that makes capitalism function

2019-07-12 06:21:32 UTC  

Derivatives destroy markets. Period

2019-07-12 06:21:39 UTC  

Besides the few that the govt doesn't crack down on

2019-07-12 06:21:42 UTC  

Only GOD should be able to create something from nothing