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2018-07-13 00:40:26 UTC

I don't know I called rifles fully semi-automatic bolt-action rifles

2018-07-13 00:40:44 UTC

I know one journalist that said that

2018-07-13 00:41:44 UTC

I take that back what they actually said was a fully semi-automatic assault rifle in the picture that you showed was a bolt action rifle

2018-07-13 00:42:54 UTC

US society is interesting. Whites are losing their jobs, while other races are permited to be racist and homofobic as they please. The problem begins when it starts to show between 2 minorities. If there will be real racist fight it will happened between latino and blacks. I see it a lot on You tube

2018-07-13 00:42:56 UTC

All of these typos are due to Google speech to text sorry for all these weird word errors

2018-07-13 00:43:48 UTC

specially now when illigal immigration is a problem

2018-07-13 00:44:09 UTC

asians aren't even counted as a minority anymore even though they are vastly outnumbered by black people

2018-07-13 00:45:38 UTC

Well yeah because Asians are considered white

2018-07-13 00:46:19 UTC

blacks say high scool doesn't teach them spanish, but a lot of employers require spanish language to get a job... actually you don't have to speak english, better if your only language is spanish

2018-07-13 00:46:23 UTC

Only feel times that I experienced racism was actually in a liberal City like Santa Cruz

2018-07-13 00:48:43 UTC

high school doesn't teach any language EXCEPT Spanish, and a second language is a requirement to graduate

2018-07-13 00:49:06 UTC

i was super upsetti, my high school dropped literally every second language class except for spanish the year before i went there

2018-07-13 00:49:25 UTC

and i ended up taking a spanish class from a french teacher

2018-07-13 00:49:55 UTC

that happened to me to

2018-07-13 00:50:23 UTC

though i didint need it to graduate i needed it to go into college without taking a second language in collage

2018-07-13 00:50:53 UTC

it's a requirement to graduate HS here

2018-07-13 00:51:13 UTC

and i retained no knowledge and took a different second language in college

2018-07-13 00:51:22 UTC

so it was a complete waste of a class

2018-07-13 00:53:32 UTC

Anyway I think this attack on the erderly mexican is one off many to come if reported...

2018-07-13 00:56:06 UTC

That sucks, my high school offered Spanish, German, and French, and it was a shitty public school in TX where Spanish is obviously the most useful for over 99% of students

2018-07-13 00:58:14 UTC

mine had spanish, french, german, and chinese the year before i went there

2018-07-13 03:18:38 UTC

This guy is creepy

2018-07-13 05:44:55 UTC

Interesting, Looks like Dateline Australia was using some of Tim's Footage of the Proud boys initiation.

2018-07-13 05:55:41 UTC

I don't think someone is essentially a racist because they are a race realist. Nor is it 'wrong' to use country of origin as race.
Example, near all African (including African Americans) maybe different because of nurturing or nature, it is a grouping that works for the purpose of grouping, for the purpose of either medical/education/whatever. So the 'race' is a valid organiser in general.
I agree with Zach Wood, that the IQ test is only a test of certain aspects, but for the purpose of this point lets say it's a be all and end all intelligence test, so the outcome of whites being smarter than blacks is only racist if you think intelligence is the be all and end all, it's equally as valid to say blacks are superior because they can run faster than whites, or that Tibet people are superior because they can use oxygen more efficiently. So the actual point of differences isn't racist unless someone thinks one aspect is better than the other.
And be it culture or chromosome, race is a good way to identify whatever it is.

2018-07-13 06:00:46 UTC

I usually use the analogy of dog species, pick any species you want, that species in general will all have a similar medical condition, and similar behaviour. You can teach any species to do anything, but if you want a sniffer dog then a kelpie will struggle, and need different training than a Labrador.
Something that can be overcome because differences are recognised, not taboo

2018-07-13 06:03:41 UTC

I don't think so either, but I also don't think society at large is anywhere near ready to discuss the subject. Both from those who aren't racist and will think of it as racist, and from those who actually are racist and will feel validated by it.

2018-07-13 06:07:15 UTC

Maybe, but I think it will invalidate racists. "Okay you're smarter, but they will tear your arms clean off", racists can currently choose what they want to hear and assume superiority across the board, when we all have a superior factor each

2018-07-13 06:07:52 UTC

Really I feel we have acadamia to blame for having swept it all under the rug and not allowing it to be discussed in a responsible fashion.

2018-07-13 06:09:13 UTC

No different to sexism IMO, girls and boys will always be different, it has been proven over and over again that school/work/life can cater to either, and life works better for everyone when each sex is doing what it does best

2018-07-13 06:10:52 UTC

Also I don't think that enough people really grokk how statistics work to not make stupid assumptions based on the data. If you say "Men are on average taller than women" someone else will say "Oh yeah, well Venus Williams is 6'1" and you're only 5'10""

2018-07-13 06:11:45 UTC

Are people that dumb? I'm sure they just want to argue for the point or arguing

2018-07-13 06:12:21 UTC

If you need to say 'hashtag not all' then you are talking to an idiot

2018-07-13 06:12:38 UTC

I think it's a combination of the two in most cases. Cognitive dissonance between "men and woman are equal in every way" and the observable fact

2018-07-13 06:14:29 UTC

Not saying that all of this discussion should be entirely verboten, just that we're in a shitty position, and now of all times is probably the wrong time to discuss it. But hey, maybe despite inspiring some crazies to fling shit it'll shift the overton window enough to have useful discussion

2018-07-13 06:17:15 UTC

I think it will never be the right time until people do start talking about it. It will always have that awkward point whenever we start the ball rolling, and by the time the ball is rolling it will be time.

And dickheads will always exist, but lets not let them stop the future of humanity

2018-07-13 06:18:33 UTC

I pretty much agree, but racial relations feel like the worst they've been since the Rodney King riots, and they've only been seeming to go downhill

2018-07-13 06:18:52 UTC

People only need to move 1 inch at a time to move 1 mile

2018-07-13 06:19:54 UTC

But going half a mile back to move forward mile later when your back to a cliff is a poor proposition.

2018-07-13 06:21:05 UTC

idk I'm just some dude on the internet. I hope things work out however it happens, and if not then at least I've got plenty of popcorn in the pantry

2018-07-13 06:21:12 UTC

Race relations is bad because only the alt right is talking about race, of course blacks don't like what they are hearing. But if pro black sides talked about it, I'm sure blacks would like to hear why they are better in some ways

2018-07-13 06:23:10 UTC

Man, I really wish only the alt right was talking about race.

2018-07-13 06:23:32 UTC

As in race realism...

2018-07-13 06:24:30 UTC

haha I know

2018-07-13 06:31:20 UTC

I mean im sure you see more people yelling about it and providing their opinion to the conversation than ever before

2018-07-13 06:31:37 UTC

Not sure that its worse than previous years, i think its just in the spotlight more

2018-07-13 06:36:55 UTC

It is definitely more violently volatile I think

2018-07-13 06:37:53 UTC

It's easier to get a smack in the chops now days, but it hurts less because soybois can't punch

2018-07-13 06:39:47 UTC

The only thing I wanted to comment about the Zack Wood stuff is that I wonder when he thought this uncivil rhetoric started, because I think it's gone on longer than he would think. It hasn't been just this decade when middle America felt slighted by the elites.

2018-07-13 06:40:50 UTC

@Dunk Massive you might wanna look at <#463068752725016579>

2018-07-13 06:41:13 UTC

Not American, but I'm going to guess it started between 1989 and 1994

2018-07-13 06:42:17 UTC

@Arch-Fiend yeah I know, but I don't want to interrupt good debate, when everyone here already knows to just scroll past my shit

2018-07-13 06:43:00 UTC

eh we stopped talking in there a few hours ago

2018-07-13 06:43:31 UTC

just put it there if your were interested in seeing

2018-07-13 10:57:53 UTC

Where the pics go? I got a pic of two opposite headlines from the 1 journalist

2018-07-13 10:58:28 UTC


2018-07-13 13:01:47 UTC KIA founder tried to nuke the subreddit

2018-07-13 13:05:03 UTC

So hes crying that KIA is no longer under his control?

2018-07-13 13:14:38 UTC

He had admin permissions

2018-07-13 13:14:40 UTC

No longer

2018-07-13 13:16:01 UTC

i saw his post, he writes like an insane person

2018-07-13 13:17:00 UTC

its like reading a long nonsequiter at times

2018-07-13 13:51:35 UTC

Re: The IQ thing, it's not even "you're smarter" because it's not a baseline or a maximum, it's an average. It's "you're statistically more likely to be more intelligent". One of the hilarious things about using IQ as a reason to boot people of a particular race is that it also applies to a substantial portion of any other racial group you'd want to discuss, which is why the " we need to kick out the low IQ blacks lol" argument always gets walked back as long as you push a little on it

2018-07-13 13:58:12 UTC

But it does raise a point where if you bring a bunch of people from a poverish society or just dump resources to get them into a rich environment, would it be beneficial or damaging

2018-07-13 13:58:41 UTC

Dumping resources pretty much never solves the problem

2018-07-13 13:59:01 UTC

Well it always seems to be a choice

2018-07-13 13:59:19 UTC

But to the extent that IQ can be influenced (IIRC it's majority nature, but nurture plays a non negligible role) gains can be made

2018-07-13 14:01:27 UTC

Because what I am trying to get at is that this is essentially affirmative action

2018-07-13 14:01:53 UTC

sudden, rapid change is never a good idea

2018-07-13 14:02:00 UTC

I don't mean it as flags for minorities are dumber than life is just that they have not done the proper environment to raise their natural IQ and the fact that we just say oh just let them in first and then we'll deal with it

2018-07-13 14:02:00 UTC

that is literally how you break stuff

2018-07-13 14:02:03 UTC

I don't think affirmative action is the way to go

2018-07-13 14:02:20 UTC

Oh ok

2018-07-13 14:02:35 UTC

Yeah I think there's a few root societal problems that need to be dealt with

2018-07-13 14:02:39 UTC

i think that so long as a nation isint suffereing from a preexisting immigration crisis (looking at you europe) then really it doesent need a eugenics or forced exodus policy. in my opinion it doesent even need a "high iq only" immigration policy, i prefer something slightly different, but even so i think its fine to keep the nation you have and work with that rather than try and change the people, better to try and serve the people

2018-07-13 14:03:27 UTC

in the US, ironically, it seems we have a lower IQ worker deficient

2018-07-13 14:03:37 UTC

I did a small analytical thinking paper about affirmative action where minorities such as Hispanics and blacks do worse when they are giving affirmative action compared to the others

2018-07-13 14:03:38 UTC

or at least, a labor job deficient

2018-07-13 14:04:07 UTC

Well yeah, you never get better results when someone doesn't feel like they have ownership of the results

2018-07-13 14:04:34 UTC

i agree grenade, though i dont think imported jobs should solve that, i think that when you realize your nation requires a working class, you find that inteligence isint a very good metric to bar people from your country on

2018-07-13 14:05:02 UTC

Not only that the biggest problem is if you believe that you are smarter than and the rest and got into let's say USC but when you arrive you actually are below average and combined with affirmative action you're even lower than that

2018-07-13 14:05:33 UTC

well that was my point, if you have open jobs, and not enough people to fill them, you can't wait 15-18 years to fill them, you can't wait maybe even 5 years.

2018-07-13 14:06:09 UTC

i think america has plenty of stupid people who could work, its just that we put them through college anyway

2018-07-13 14:06:14 UTC

That sounds like a really bad idea or things that require skilled labor

2018-07-13 14:06:26 UTC

so if you are gonna be letting people in based on any metric outside general "do you not have a history of killing people", it should be based on qualification for a job that needs to be filled.

2018-07-13 14:06:56 UTC

Well I mean considering the LAPD half of the applicants fail the background check

2018-07-13 14:07:08 UTC

i dont think america needs immigration to solve its industry problems

2018-07-13 14:07:26 UTC

farmers would disagree

2018-07-13 14:07:41 UTC

and not because they can pay cheap

2018-07-13 14:07:46 UTC

That's called artificially lowering the cost of production

2018-07-13 14:08:06 UTC

there were farmers in at least one state, paying up to 10 bucks an hour

2018-07-13 14:08:13 UTC

Which is using government programs and intervention for their benefit

2018-07-13 14:08:25 UTC

and then the state basically removed all immigrates

2018-07-13 14:08:30 UTC

and they still can't fill that

2018-07-13 14:08:32 UTC

That is why we got fat and lazy people

2018-07-13 14:08:34 UTC

there is just not enough people

2018-07-13 14:08:50 UTC

that want or even CAN work that job

2018-07-13 14:09:00 UTC

I got into argument with that

2018-07-13 14:09:05 UTC

i can tell you, the people who are stupid and went through college? you are not turning them into a farmer

2018-07-13 14:09:26 UTC

A century egg I would rather work for $12 an hour as a secretary vs $20 as a farmer

2018-07-13 14:09:40 UTC

not until they are at least 5-10 years down the line training.

2018-07-13 14:09:45 UTC

Stupid Google speech to text

2018-07-13 14:10:01 UTC

that sounds like an area that basicly was an immigrant town that had a long history of immigrants competing with the native population for that position, the native population moved out, and when you got rid of the immigrant population the only native population left were to high class for the work

2018-07-13 14:10:19 UTC

no, its a whole state

2018-07-13 14:10:29 UTC

not a single town

2018-07-13 14:10:33 UTC

which state?

2018-07-13 14:10:48 UTC

hold on, i need to find it, i want to say Alabama

2018-07-13 14:10:50 UTC

because thats a different problem

2018-07-13 14:10:51 UTC

Sounds to me they forgot to automate the process

2018-07-13 14:11:22 UTC

its one of those southern or mid-eastern ones that suddenly went real hard on immigration

2018-07-13 14:11:34 UTC

Because I know before there was issues with Gathering and there was a demand for automation someone designed it and actually sold it

2018-07-13 14:11:47 UTC

the problem your describing there is AMERICA has people who would take that job, but the issue is that those people would have to leaves the city in order to take those jobs, we have a lot of population dencity problems here in the usa

2018-07-13 14:11:59 UTC

where the jobs are isint where the people are

2018-07-13 14:12:32 UTC

Oh you mean like in Los Angeles and New York City where massive population leads to unemployment

2018-07-13 14:12:39 UTC

find me a city slicker that will be a farmer and i'll show you a republican from a city

2018-07-13 14:13:14 UTC

we still have pretty bad unimployment right now

2018-07-13 14:13:18 UTC

don't link Trump Grenade ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-13 14:13:32 UTC

Because I am from a relatively big city and if I can find a farming job that pays $20 an hour I would actually move there if I actually don't have my current job

2018-07-13 14:14:27 UTC

i dont think theres any industry right now that has more positions for our total unimployment its just that the unimployed are far from the places where these jobs are

2018-07-13 14:14:31 UTC

I know five others that are artist majors that would not do this

2018-07-13 14:15:31 UTC

its not a problem of jobs not being where people are, its people not being qualified for the jobs that are open

2018-07-13 14:15:51 UTC

the cost in time and money for retraining is just not affordable

2018-07-13 14:15:55 UTC

farming is a kind of job that you can become qualified

2018-07-13 14:16:10 UTC

not over night

2018-07-13 14:16:20 UTC

not if you are some soy boy from a liberal arts college

2018-07-13 14:16:24 UTC

uh dude its the most affordable job in the world to learn

2018-07-13 14:16:39 UTC

learn? sure.

2018-07-13 14:16:46 UTC

i can learn how to pick an apple

2018-07-13 14:16:59 UTC

but for 10 hours a day? 7 days a week?

2018-07-13 14:17:03 UTC

if soyboys cant learn to be farmers why dont we just kill them?

2018-07-13 14:17:05 UTC

that takes training

2018-07-13 14:17:23 UTC

i mean, thats an option, but then we need immigrates if those bodies where needed

2018-07-13 14:17:31 UTC

wait, better yet, lets do an exchange program

2018-07-13 14:17:32 UTC

i mean fuck thats damn useless to society if they cant learn the most basic industry of human civilization

2018-07-13 14:17:58 UTC

i mean, no one is illegal, mexico seems like a great place, the Mexican wants to be here, soy boy loves mexico.

2018-07-13 14:17:59 UTC

I am meant I'm a soy boy because I'm Asian

2018-07-13 14:18:02 UTC

i see no problems here

2018-07-13 14:18:26 UTC

Asians are not soy boys even if that is probably more accurate for the average diet.

2018-07-13 14:18:28 UTC

i dont think all unemployment is soy though

2018-07-13 14:18:32 UTC

i think more of it is black

2018-07-13 14:18:48 UTC

i think its cities

2018-07-13 14:18:52 UTC

lets nuke all the cities

2018-07-13 14:18:56 UTC

problem solved

2018-07-13 14:19:00 UTC

i mean, it causes more problems

2018-07-13 14:19:02 UTC

but thats not hte point

2018-07-13 14:19:02 UTC

Oof economy

2018-07-13 14:19:08 UTC

Please give me a week to move out of the city first

2018-07-13 14:19:11 UTC

im willing to live in a country with black people if they work

2018-07-13 14:20:01 UTC

im not willing to live in a country with anyone who doesent contribute to some extent

2018-07-13 14:20:11 UTC

Don't get me started on freaking gun control in California

2018-07-13 14:20:29 UTC

California politicians doesn't know the difference between a rubber gun and a pellet gun

2018-07-13 14:21:19 UTC

but yeah i dont just like solving industry problems with immigrantion until youve run out of domestic options

2018-07-13 14:21:26 UTC

Hell I got one person I heard that once The Purge yet also wants to ban guns

2018-07-13 14:21:32 UTC

and i know for a fact that we arnt trying hard enough

2018-07-13 14:21:46 UTC

California is losing its beauty, only a matter of time until people don't tolerate it anymore

2018-07-13 14:22:24 UTC

i think it can get much worse before people truly dont tolerate it anymore

2018-07-13 14:22:30 UTC

The purge and banning guns both bad ideas

2018-07-13 14:22:59 UTC

i wish cali had actually tried to ban elon's "flamethrower"

2018-07-13 14:23:06 UTC

I'd say Let The Purge happen and let's see who is more well armed

2018-07-13 14:23:11 UTC

californians trike me as the kind of people who will let a fire build up in the corner of the room and not do anything about it because it might mean they have to take responcibility

2018-07-13 14:23:31 UTC

the amount of industries that would leave because they couldn't have a butane torch

2018-07-13 14:23:47 UTC

all the restaurants that would no longer be allowed to operate.

2018-07-13 14:23:56 UTC

The purge is unconstitutional though. And only those with power would get the most out of it.

2018-07-13 14:24:29 UTC

they are trying the purge, its called Baltimore

2018-07-13 14:24:49 UTC

Wait they can butane torches how about butane burners

2018-07-13 14:25:36 UTC

they wanted to block elon's flamethrower, which is just a fancy blowtorch

2018-07-13 14:25:40 UTC

not even

2018-07-13 14:25:46 UTC

its just a very big lighter

2018-07-13 14:27:08 UTC

Oh yeah they classified anything from 5 to 10 ft a second-class flamethrower in anything over 10 ft as the original Elon Musk made it to 4 feet

2018-07-13 14:34:05 UTC

oh hey, i forgot about this video

2018-07-13 15:54:08 UTC

Not really a "news" much less political but interesting:

2018-07-13 15:54:27 UTC

Grenade, that's a good video

2018-07-13 15:54:35 UTC

I wish it had been made sooner

2018-07-13 16:01:40 UTC

@aleee this type of stuff used to be what i looked up on youtube. back before everything had to be political

2018-07-13 16:02:30 UTC

Ah, the good old days

2018-07-13 16:02:58 UTC

Back when things weren't regulated to death and DMCA takedowns were few and far between

2018-07-13 16:04:02 UTC


2018-07-13 16:21:14 UTC

Video was mostly spot on. The only real issue I have is that it glosses over the fact that even the early days weren't just gossip. There were a lot of people in it for the banter but there was also a lot of concern over an indie dev sleeping with journos and being chummy with indie award judges

2018-07-13 16:39:50 UTC

Not really news but there's no other reasonable place to post interesting videos

2018-07-13 16:39:59 UTC

Or not I guess

2018-07-13 16:40:28 UTC


2018-07-13 16:40:49 UTC

I guess I have to grind out 800 more xp before I can actually get get server functionality

2018-07-13 16:50:51 UTC

"This might be the only man in America that speaks quicker than Ben Shapiro.๏ปฟ"
"He's from New York, welcome. This is how we speak๏ปฟ"
"You have to type it like a new Yorker speaks. "HesFromNewYorkWelcomeThisIsHowWeSpeak."'"

2018-07-13 16:50:55 UTC


2018-07-13 19:22:39 UTC

some free speech issues in canada right now

basicly any lawyer in ontario (one of the most populated provences of canada) who would like to pracice law in the province is required to take the following statement in order to be licenced. the statement requires adherence to a set of ideologys.
heres a website of a lawyer attempting to resist that.

this one from late last year is a bit self explanitory

2018-07-13 19:25:51 UTC

Re: russian indictment

2018-07-13 19:26:10 UTC

^^^ Meme officially declared by the USG to be russian propaganda

2018-07-13 19:29:36 UTC

Do they WANT to make this meme the most popular meme of all? Because they're doing a good job at it if so

2018-07-13 19:30:25 UTC

oh my god! lol and lmao are russian propaganda! ๐Ÿ˜’

2018-07-13 19:30:25 UTC


2018-07-13 19:30:31 UTC

also I suddenly feel the need to eat some soup and destroy nice patriotic American restaurants

2018-07-13 19:31:50 UTC

I now want SOUP TIME to spread

2018-07-13 19:32:39 UTC

"My God, all these people have been taken in by muh Rushuns"

2018-07-13 20:04:37 UTC


2018-07-13 20:04:55 UTC


2018-07-13 20:05:02 UTC


2018-07-13 20:06:00 UTC

I want there to be a button you can press where, when confirmed, all fake news gets moved to the fake news channel accompanied by a flushing sound

2018-07-13 20:07:57 UTC

Nice little 'pick me up' video

2018-07-13 20:13:53 UTC


2018-07-13 20:13:55 UTC


2018-07-13 20:21:51 UTC

The ONE time I decide not to look at the twitter profile description

2018-07-13 20:26:46 UTC

Goddamn that Portland vid

2018-07-13 20:28:15 UTC

My favorite part is the guy yelling "hold tight" after the human chain was already broken and everyone is on the ground getting handcuffed

2018-07-13 20:54:31 UTC

Tim is right, these people believe beyond all doubt that fascism is out to get them

2018-07-13 20:56:38 UTC

The video has 3 of the most hypocritical statements I have ever heard, 'i know my rights', 'is this how you treat a woman', and my favourite 'what kind of power trip are you on?'

2018-07-13 20:56:42 UTC

Fascists wouldn't have given them tons of warnings that they'd be arrested

2018-07-13 20:57:27 UTC

If it weren't for that one guy yelling the naughty word at the ICE agents I would expect that video to be more widespread with the warnings cut out

2018-07-13 20:57:30 UTC

Fascists don't waste bullets on scum like this, they bayonet them to death

2018-07-13 20:58:19 UTC

Kind of like the UC Davis pepper spray incident. Most people never saw how the protesters had circled the cops and wouldn't move to let them out when asked, and how they were all individually informed they'd be pepper sprayed before they did it

2018-07-13 21:00:19 UTC

Russia is doing it right

2018-07-13 21:01:44 UTC

Nice work Russia :)

2018-07-13 22:23:37 UTC


2018-07-13 22:25:07 UTC


2018-07-13 22:25:14 UTC

if a real woman can't represent a trans woman, doesn't that just mean that trans women aren't really women?

2018-07-13 22:25:39 UTC

if there are more than two genders, how can you be trans

2018-07-13 22:25:49 UTC

they kinda defeat their own major argument by being upset by this

2018-07-13 22:27:37 UTC

This will come haunt them back imo

2018-07-13 22:28:04 UTC

the extreme left is getting smaller?

2018-07-13 22:28:06 UTC

Next time they make black guy play lancelot again

2018-07-13 22:31:00 UTC

you ever see the post of the guy who got banned for asking the question: "if you can be binary, and binary means two, then does that mean there is only two genders"?

2018-07-13 22:31:28 UTC

it was like reddit or something

2018-07-13 22:33:05 UTC

I think I saw a screenshot or an archive of it once

2018-07-13 22:33:58 UTC

Looks like there's going to be less representation of trans people since there are so few trans actors

2018-07-13 22:34:33 UTC

Scarlett Johansson definitely doesn't look like any trans person I've ever seen.

2018-07-13 23:33:48 UTC

If you can't say niggers are equal to honkeys and spics then you're wacist

2018-07-14 01:06:26 UTC

I put together a thread about this bit of news I find interesting.

2018-07-14 01:07:19 UTC

The gofundme put together by the Democratic Socialists of America after Charlottesville hasn't disbursed the $200,000 it crowdfunded, going on 11 months later.

2018-07-14 01:07:30 UTC

A number of sources are listed in there.

2018-07-14 01:07:52 UTC


2018-07-14 16:07:10 UTC

Pro-Trump supporters threatened with arrest simply for attending and being in a group of 3 or more persons.
police issue s12 public order restrictions on pro-Trump rally outside US embassy in London?

@davidkurten explains in video

#Trump #Britain

2018-07-14 16:14:04 UTC

"but Imagine how horrible it would be if we arrested people for speech"

2018-07-14 17:58:50 UTC

nobody expects the Social Inquisition

2018-07-14 18:10:59 UTC

Christ whats with people shitting on Elon, at least he tried to do something, like yea in the end it was unnecessary but again at least he tried

2018-07-14 18:13:37 UTC


2018-07-14 18:13:47 UTC

How many fucking billionsaires are there

2018-07-14 18:13:53 UTC

who just sit on their cash and make money

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