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Hello fellow martians
time to stock up on brawndo
its got what plants crave!
i don't really but something along those lines
really need to watch that movie again
its a historical documentary from the future at this point
gonna write in Luke Wilson in the next election
as much as i'd love to see some tax dollars back in the form of a car only to have them tax me more than the car is worth, just like her show, i'd rather go with the idiocracy meme
It's like anyone right of Stalin is alt right
does the KKK have a dance? I must find this out
Great, now I have the picard song stuck in my head
Because Disney
I mean, I don't blame Disney in removing the EU, since there is some crazy stuff there.
Like a depressed mountain
Timothy Zahn does not let anyone else wrote Thrawn
Warcrack, it's pornhub parody
It is never a bad time to start discussion about sci-fi topics
The thing about the recent film that erked me the most, is that you could fix most of the problems I had with the story with just minor edits or script changes and have it be acceptable.
@Revan yes i did, lol
And he pretty much hit the name on the head with what I was already thinking for the most part.
Has anyone seen the YouTube video where these two guys go over how horrible the quality of Vader's suit was
Both, it's rather hilarious
Also, apparently in the now defunct cannon, the place they sent him for reconstructive surgery was "emporer palpatine's center for reconstructive surgeries "
Apparently that was high on his list of first things to rename as emporer
Here we are
Sort of
The video covers basically all that
It's great
Like apparently the helmet was made of shotty quality materials due to budget cuts imposed by the emporer so the bots made it shinny to hope they didn't notice
Basically Palps didn't want him being too strong because, you know, Palps had trust issues.
It's even less than that. President or not, he is Donald Trump, he didn't care then, he doesn't care now.
naw, that's just called politics these days
Understandable, have a nice day
I miss bush. He provided all kinds of entertain without causing too many problems.
A simpler time
Such great quotes
Like that will stop them?
You gonna turn in your parents on that charge. Then again for a bad dragon item, understandable.
to be fair, a wolf spider is not exactly the nicest spider. but that is talking kill it with fire too literally
what wolf spiders are you talking about?
they certainly are not deadly but still cause swelling and pain.
This is what happens when you force diversity quotas.
Never got a Twitter, stopped using Facebook basically once I was out of highschool. Really didn't see the point in it anymore
Ummmm shootings?
I mean, I've heard they have been trying to reform it.
Building up the good sections and letting the bad sections just do their thing?
Just like every other poor place they are gentrifying.
It's happening in downtown Bridgeport here in CT.
Built a big ass bass pro shop, put in a Chipotle and Starbucks right there in the middle of a rundown part of town
Now they are putting in a hotel and bowling alley
Also yes, demolishing long abandoned buildings does help with crime a bit.
Turns out criminals don't like doing business in open lots where everyone can see as mucb
If only they could solve the local job market
Used to be a big factory area
Then all the facotries left
Automation I think
Didn't need the line workers
Could get more cars out of the factories they had
Probably also moved to a cheaper state too
Basically just the market changed
Well, it made a vicious circle. Everyone became unemployed in a short amount of time, then before any new business really moved in the crime had risen I think making it not exactly hospitiable to new businesses.
The people who could afford to move away and wanted to did.
So the only people left we're too poor or too stubborn to leave.
Story of a lot of factory towns
Heck, similar story to what happened to bridgeport here.
Wonder if Camden NJ had a similar story or.if it was just always a dangerous place.
Same thing is happening to coal towns now
Has been happening to mining town for all of history really
Mine runs out, everyone peaces
But coal is more the market dries up
He declared global warming fake news and took a victory on that promise I think
"I have pulled out of the Paris Accords, I have saved the coal industry. Job down."
"now if only I had pulled out of Paris Accord...."
I don't really care about them tbh, and GW alarmist hurt it worst than denyists I think.
Coal just in general has been on the way out for a while
That said, the second biggest disaster since cernnobyle resulted in no deaths related to radiation. At least that was the numbers of few months ago
And even then it still worked pretty well
People are afraid of nuclear power because they think nukes and hear scary works like radiation
Then there is the problem of waste which the US really hasn't fixed yet
Pretty mucb
Was it fixed? What are they currently doing with it? Besides leaving it somewhere and not checking on it
Everyone go geothermal
Let's tape into those natural corrosive, high pressure, toxic vents! This is safe.
So does every other major place building things tbh
I put my faith in the thought that by trying to build a self sustaining colony on Mars will result in us not needing to worry about global warming aside from trying to maintain things that are astecticly pleasing
And what has musk been doing?
If you don't force a hard deadline one yourself, things will never get done.
There is very little reason to build something on the moon except maybe to act as a place to build large craft
@JadenFrostwolf the sad fact is you could tell trump that and it would probably happen faster than his wall
Gotta spend my tax payer dollars on that wall which can't defeat aircraft and work visas
Or Canada
How about you let communities take care of their own and give me my money back so I can actually help the homeless dude down the street?
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