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holy fuck i almost made a conservative socialist

in a way yes


capitalism is retarded. It causes massive poverty, it allows the rich to sit back and earn money without putting in any work, and it barely gets what the people need.

capitalism does cause poverty, people are born into poverty and cant find jobs. big corporations can exploit 3rd world countries. the rich dont do anything, they simply own the buisness, the entrepreneurs and the workers do all the work. people need infstructure, security, education ect. in 3rd world countries so they're stuck being poor.

socialism wont stop poverty completely but it will raise a bunch of people out of it, and it will restore the economic power in the hands of the people

people cant afford proper education

some people cant

they're that poor

you still have to pay to go to a public school

and even if you're done with school you still cant go to college because you might be poor, and then you're stuck living a shitty job you dont like

and if you can afford college you have to pay off a massive debt while working only a slighty better job


too bad lol

why cant you improve it

in socialism you can have a better life and a better job


how is it not better?

how is capitalism better than socialism?

no matter how hard you work you wills till live that life the same way, you will barely save up

why do you think poor people stay poor?


under socialism its easier to find a job because the workers would be more likely to give the poor a chance

its really fuckin hard to get into nasa

yeah there are shit jobs where you barely get paid enough to live

we can improve life with socialism

you have to pay off a massive debt nowadays, something like 21 or 23k

i thought both capitalists and socialists wanted to improve life lol

working your ass off for this random rich asshole taking the money you worked for in return for little pay

the workers as a collective can divide up the money like cooperatives do

cooperatives do this in the capitalist system too

cooporation over competition. in titoism you could do something called profit sharing where the workers would help manage and organize eachother from different cooperatives.


well first you need capitalism

capitalism makes massive infrastructure and resources, then you would transition to socialism

well capitalism is easy to understand

so humans adapt to it better

in some countries, people have a wage as low as $0.37

capitalism is really easy to understand but over time poverty increases, the rich get richer, and the workers have less opportunities

well he wouldnt give out his jobs for free, he wants workers that are willing to work for him, he also wants to cut money to earn more profit

in capitalism, the only reason why he gives out good wages is because of competition

thats it

corpoartions give higher wages to compete over workers

yeah thats the only reason why they give higher wages

they give higher wages to attract the worker

doctors do

mr e do u know what futile means lol

futile: incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.


thats on a garry's mod map wtf


the us doesnt have a big brother plot lol

i dont think the nsa care about my political beliefs, unless if i liked isis or some shit

us is corrupt too, its obvious

a world government will never happen lol

a shadow government is very unlikely

the tv show?


so you're claiming that NATO could be a shadow government



wtf is the agency?

sounds like a tv show

and its worldwide?

sounds like a spooky campfire story made up by the capitalists

the fbi and cia are governemnt workers, they dont own the mop

caught u

w a t c h i n g

Tito's Tunes

i support the great Marshal Tito

he gave the workers means of production, he gave rights to religion

5th principle of the sfr yuoslav constitution

Rights and freedom of men and citizens: are limited by the interests of socialist society. The freedom of scientific, cultural and artistic creativity is proclaimed, education is based on the principles of scientific socialism, social policy is based on overcoming the differences resulting from unequal conditions of life and work, veterans' benefits and social security are provided, protection and improvement of environment is introduced.

im coo,l with that

cuba says if you're too harsh twoards the government you might be questioned but honestly its not that authoritarian

wait nigga

they have this cuba

they have that along a one party state

so put that along yugoslavia

if you want to learn how the cuban government works then check out a video hold on

besides the democracy we have now is fake: bankers/elites can buy out lobbyists then the lobbyists "raise funds" for the representatives, then the representatives do what the bank says




its not even a democracy

its a republic


The capitalist part of usa



tribalism ftw

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