Message from @FACINEMA
Discord ID: 486385388856803328
Have you not seen that?
New Nike ad
Nike is evil.
I'm wearing Nike rn though
I'm wearing chuck taylors
but different stripes and all
What's going on with nike?
One of my state legislators went on a Kaepernick rant on his Facebook
Triggering some folks in the comments fo sho
It's really hard to hold in my rage against that joke of a man Kaepernick.
@Salo Saloson chucks are nikes
yeah but they look cooler
if I'm having kids make my shoes, they can at least make shoes that look good
the A E S T H E T I C must be on point at all times
Nike is lame and for Meds, Adidas tracksuits are the way to go.
I found a teal tracksuit
I'll be seeing/buying this one.
"Journalists are people too and deserve to be given the benefit of the doubt"
@FACINEMA You know how journalists sleep at night? First they lie on one side, then they lie on the other!
*It's 2:00 you know where your IE is at?*
I got bored...
and this shot was bad ass
Check out @LaurenRoseUltra’s Tweet:
🌕 <:deye:359010025223618570>
“Be condescended to by a shoe company.”
(insert clown and world emojis here)
If Mel is our Oprah, can we run him in 2020?