Message from @fgtveassassin
Discord ID: 487069144991137792
"I would like to believe that I am capable of smiling."
-Patrick Casey
Tried to get some wifi lebensbraum at the bar. Its live music night. F.
Animated? <:awoo:359012181611642890>
Smiling is a sign of weakness .
"Look, I need to be more high energy. I get it."
-Patrick Casey, forehead vein bulging
Wear high heals
Put lifts in your shoes
Manlet overlords are fine guys.
bravo whoever put that, bravo!
Manlets rising
Chinese height extension
We are a manlet led organization, tbh.
Get shorter
That only works when done during puberty
"I'm like 5'9...and a half."
-Patrick Casey, a manlet that still hasn't learned
*turbo manlet
The day of the step ladder
Napoleon was short too!
Manlets are chads
Let's get him a box to stand on.
A really tall box...
Gotta roll, good chat 👍
Everyone must lift weights, 2 Steak per night nationalism
>6 inches of reach advantage
Patrick, let's be honest
Neanderthal blood
No steak, 100% Vegan protein
Stepson is 6'7
BJJ ultra-heavy weight class is 221+ (with gi)
RIP Rich
@Reinhard Wolff Just a random suggestion, rather than a question, but just for the sake of survey accuracy, next time, we should probably let more time lapse after a large-scale action, because honestly, my answers were heavily colored by the fact that I was still riding the high... 😎