Message from @Conway - OK
Discord ID: 487075917315702806
Vulgarity during the vulgarity lecture
@Kane press x to doubt
I made a dumb "yo momma" joke the other day and deleted it. I felt bad afterwards.
"IE only allows women through marriage". . Sounds cultish yeah? Women need help and support standing strong with our views. IE is that place. Want better wives? They need support from IE to revolt the modern brainwashing @MrBland - VA
"I don't think I've ever violated a rule on the server."
-Patrick Casey, speaking in his capacity as identitarian high priest
@Conway - OK "Kayaak!"
"Down boy down boy" JT
Someone messed up
So no more Hail Caesars?
Gotta leave. Night guys.
@The Morríganwell said hon
certain ie members rn: <:nervous:359009898115104770>
Hail Little Caesars
Alright the woman issue isn't a hill for me to die on. As long as our people are the focus my views can be flexible.
"If you LARP, I will find you. And I will ban you."
-Patrick Neeson
IE stays focused. We da best! @MrBland - VA
It's just common sense
👏🏻 👏🏻
The burden of rehabilitating the Roman salute will fall on a future generation. Our burden is to ensure that generation exists.
LARPing is b!g gh3y
NAZI's hurt us at charolteville
^ * Feds with a (brand new) Nazi flag
"The road to hell is paved with LARPers."
You are all my brothers
Dont hurt Joseph
I didn't understand that. Try 'help' for more info.
wow, I can't believe that Patrick won't let me wear my favorite "S" shirt anymore :^(
Server rule broke!
Patrick cursing after telling us not to curse. 😂
@John O - lol, I'm still coming for ya. one day...
@Asatru Artist - MD I appreciate his passion when he does this.
case in point: my gf is woke on race and likes the idea of IE, but won't join because she thinks there are NS types in IE
Today is a glorious day in IE history
Does anybody take the, is x white, joke seriously?
Act professional and you will be treated like a professional
Act white, follow the rules.