Message from @Mikolas
Discord ID: 489609933592068097
can you bring eye flush in case an anarcho-commie pepper spray attacks you?
What about if you constantly carry pepper spray on your car keys chain?
Press "F" for IE minority outreach... 😔
(In Roblox with due process.)
respact property
Oh! I meant to ask about that last night. Anything else to know not in the guidebook?
Or tips from a vet, etc?
@Mikolas <#405211244023382016> is good to review too
We really need to *be the best*.
go full ubermensch
Wow @Bjorn - MD
🅱️ig 🅱️rain
Reading history books led me to identitarianism
Average IE IQ is 400
I was at an economic student's party at my college a couple years ago. A couple of my classmates were talking about Richard Spencer, and this was before I was redpilled and even knew who he was, and I said "Oh yeah I like Richard Spencer I read his book". Got him mixed up with another Spencer lmao...
@celticflame What, lol?
To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to understand Identity Evropa.
@Mikolas My best advice is to get involved locally IRL. It's the only way we can win. Step up and help your Coordinators with various projects and tasks.
Paint bridges
The drawing is very skilled,nicely done @Bjorn - MD
Girls like guys *with skills*, gosh!
nordic skiing is the whitest hobby
Purge the gamers!
We are high IQ and high Autism
Happy national gamer day. Don’t forget to thank a gamer for his service.
"March of the Titans: Complete History of the White Race" theres two volumes and a combined edition
"I ... want a bunch of gang weed memes popping up." -- Patrick Casey
@ajman There is a Richard Be Spence (no "r") that wrote a book about the Bolshevik connection to Wall Street
Gaming has its place, but must be recognized as the escapism it so often is.
@celticflame Oh. Wish I could claim credit, but it isn't mine. I was responding to Chris's comment that we needed to respect people's property by posting a picture of /Curt Doolittle/ from the /Propertarian Institute/ 😋
Play tabletop rpg
Medieval LARP
Be a credit to your race, basically
@Bjorn - MD reverse google gimage search says that is ron paul
Oh ok @Bjorn - MD
It should be illegal for IE members to waste time with video games
@Argument of Perigee @ThisIsChris Unfortunately I'm in a city that's an hour or two from my locale yet its a campus ripe for flyers