Message from @micbwilli
Discord ID: 489610022775422976
Or tips from a vet, etc?
@Mikolas <#405211244023382016> is good to review too
We really need to *be the best*.
go full ubermensch
Wow @Bjorn - MD
🅱️ig 🅱️rain
Reading history books led me to identitarianism
Average IE IQ is 400
I was at an economic student's party at my college a couple years ago. A couple of my classmates were talking about Richard Spencer, and this was before I was redpilled and even knew who he was, and I said "Oh yeah I like Richard Spencer I read his book". Got him mixed up with another Spencer lmao...
@celticflame What, lol?
To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to understand Identity Evropa.
@Mikolas My best advice is to get involved locally IRL. It's the only way we can win. Step up and help your Coordinators with various projects and tasks.
There's a decent compilation of history by a fellow named Arthur Kemp
Paint bridges
The drawing is very skilled,nicely done @Bjorn - MD
Girls like guys *with skills*, gosh!
nordic skiing is the whitest hobby
Purge the gamers!
Happy national gamer day. Don’t forget to thank a gamer for his service.
"March of the Titans: Complete History of the White Race" theres two volumes and a combined edition
"I ... want a bunch of gang weed memes popping up." -- Patrick Casey
@ajman There is a Richard Be Spence (no "r") that wrote a book about the Bolshevik connection to Wall Street
Gaming has its place, but must be recognized as the escapism it so often is.
@celticflame Oh. Wish I could claim credit, but it isn't mine. I was responding to Chris's comment that we needed to respect people's property by posting a picture of /Curt Doolittle/ from the /Propertarian Institute/ 😋
Play tabletop rpg
Medieval LARP
Be a credit to your race, basically
@Bjorn - MD reverse google gimage search says that is ron paul
Oh ok @Bjorn - MD
It should be illegal for IE members to waste time with video games
@Argument of Perigee @ThisIsChris Unfortunately I'm in a city that's an hour or two from my locale yet its a campus ripe for flyers
@ThisIsChris Seriously, lol?
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Wow, that's actually pretty funny. Also that might be a good book
@ajman Striker mentioned it.
Just getting in. Has this been posted yet?
@Bjorn - MD Yep!
@celticflame ...but I thank you for the compliment nonetheless 😎