Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 494693243041087488 Turn this into a meme with @Reinhard Wolff as the Pope.
"Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself."
Nothing wrong with being a virgin
Incel gang
Keep your modesty until marriage
@Reinhard Wolff He tried to fight the chadest of all kings and lost.
Maybe he can work together with Cuomo
shout out to the old WASPY racist crew
that but unironically
If Jared likes you, you're doing something right
the GOP needs to grow a pair and shut this shit down
@Koba I'd like to accuse the Democratic 2020 nominee of sexually harassing me 50 years ago. I'm not saying it happened, I'd just like the FBI to investigate
@Reinhard Wolff When is UT getting a coordinator?
@Reinhard Wolff What if I have? Who do I talk to when they are completed?
@ThisIsChris sexually assaulted me 6 years ago. I demand an investigation by the board
Good. @Gimlet You have my vote.
@ThisIsChris u bastard
@ThisIsChris Jokes on you, @Gibson isn't human.
I’ve transcended it
@Reinhard Wolff See you later brother.
@ThisIsChris lol the "accusations" are almost twice my age
Bye Patrick
very based and redpilled tonight
👏 👏 <:deye:359010025223618570>
@Reinhard Wolff Godspeed Potato Emporer.
Is there really such a thing a IE gold membership?
My name is gold
@Rick yes
I have the membership
really great stuff