Message from @Alex Kolchak - NY
Discord ID: 527290360263737355
The Trump presidency came before the institutions were ready for his agenda
I wonder if he could have drawn from the groups like the freedom caucus or tea party movement to staff his administration
Those people would have been much closer in ideology and they would have enough political experience to not be total outsiders
The freedom caucus brought together the votes together for the wall vote so yeah!
But staffers didn’t get into the exec branch
I love Larry.
That Christmas banner is peak Christmas Optics
Another great banner action by your crew, @Bogl - CA !
Santa, take notes
So I found out that I’m .5% Arab. However, I’m 14% Nordic so it balances out
I just found out I'm gonna be an uncle
An uncle to a White Baby? @Ecarttev<:thinkplant:359034245777457173>
Yes super white family
@OttoVonBismarck Does that mean you are 14.5% Swedish?
@Ecarttev Congratulations!
Lol @MrDefault
Jordanians are huwyte?
the ancient near and middle east were a lot nicer before the arabs and mongols enriched it
Thank you @Argument of Perigee ! Hope your Christmas day is going well.
They’re tearing down Ghandi statues now.
Why has Fox News still not tweeted in a month and a half?
In protest of Tuckers address being left up too long on Twitter
Guess its a semi-permanent protest
Merry Christmas everyone!
Woah good on them
Want something more done than just not tweeting but ok
We've come full circle.
The hyper sypathetic ideology that our enemies expouse have come back to bite them.
I love that
That is some hilarious shit
I hope you all had great huwhite Christmases
It was pretty huwhite.
Mine was full on Danish and English
Danish decorations and traditions