Message from @Walt
Discord ID: 547970343311114251
@Reinhard Wolff What's your favorite anime my dude?
p r i n t e r s
@⚡Clark⚡ Remember the Sunwell
Most important
chained to the radiator playing fortnite
Whats with the resurgence of everyone into The Sopranos again? Big fan of the show, but it seems so many people are watching it again
Ay toni
AOC is trash.
IE fortnite team wins cash prize for the org
curb your enthusiasm is unironically funny plus it confirms many things about jewish culture
@Paul H - MI because meds aren't being silenced anymore
People are openly and *proudly* in DSA, and are in elected office *no problem*
*fortnite dances in campus conservative*
as in a language
Go off Steve King
TFW you have 800 constituents
The Virgin AOC the Chad cousin marrying counter-Israeli Somalian Omar
@Reinhard Wolff did you see aljezera hit on GI 😥😥😥 in France
Have you ever heard the tragedy of Ilhan omar?
i thought she married her brother not her cousin
@Freiheit - CA it must be over 800 by now, pretty sure that's just jewgle lying
Can’t wait for LOPF 2020 in Mogadishu
@TIDEI thought not. It's not a story the MSM would tell you
Idea: Identity Evropa but in Evropa
Activism can change it but we don't have all of the pieces just yet.
Busy day... finally setting down to dinner,getting ready for tomorrow morning.
That means Konosuba god's blessing on this wonderful world confirmed for sunday
Even after we win our ideal state, the left will still run the media.
Sorry Everyone, I didn't mean to cause a stir
D&D nationalism! Haha
Cleric ftw
roll a 20 to save evropa
thanks to my new job i can contribute to this! hope someone has a good time
Varg is way ahead of you m8.
I'll take D&D over some other stuff