Message from @Prestor John
Discord ID: 448908278848815116
This is Andrew Dodson
What’d they say? @Mark Vandal
@Reinhard Wolff good stuff. That z guy said he met you at amren
Said he liked what we do
Nice. I have no idea who that is though haha
He was just on the Shoah. He is a Big brain podcaster
We got some good quotes in!
We are mentioned here. It might be a good idea to contact Anglin and let him know our side of the story on Dodson seeing how he is connected to us.
Just so @everyone knows if you are doxxed and need a place to lay low you can always come stay with me for a few weeks while the heat dies down. If you are having trouble please let someone know.
@Der Seeteufel - SD Very kind offer.
Dodson mentioned reading about us before going to Cville. I was there and I never even saw him. I'm sure Anglin will be willing to write a follow up. Nothing that he wrote is malicious or even technically incorrect it's just what he heard. Unfortunately Dodson did mention us even though he wasn't a member.
Tbhf I’m a bit disappointed. Anglin doesnt have a point of contact here that he speaks to before running a story? That’s an issue for both sides imo.
Just typical daily stormer quality
I’m not a regular reader but that makes sense. We should be pressuring him to a higher standard when he speaks about us.
From the article. Daily Stormer is so emo. The kind of stringbean whiners who get stuck in lockers.
Lmao, if you legit consider suicide after getting redpilled you're extremely weak
Not to mention in the completely wrong mindset for a redpilled person
Yea can't say I felt that after getting redpilled... just felt more like a sense of urgency
The only foreseeable ways that I'll be dying are from old age after having seen my white grandchildren playing happily in a country where they are allowed to flourish and live peacefully, or by having my head blown apart by the enforcement of sharia law. There are other possibilities, but suicide sure isn't one of them lol
After redpilling I was filled with energy to push back. Not to give up. So much made sense that didn’t before. Honest political / cultural Argument’s didn’t end with an admission of some level of hypocrisy.
@Prestor John that's why we are here and they write for Daily Stormer I suppose
New article from UC San Diego didn't mention our border demo. This leftoid sounds fairly blackpilled.
@Dale Wyte I was doxed. It was rough for a bit but I managed to find good work again over time. That said let's take this to general
@Deleted User sorry for the pain that you went through
So she found our flyer "deeply hateful". If she found our flyer deeply hateful then she has bigger issues than an IE flyer.
I guess I have believed I could talk my way though being doxed. "Just interested in helping my people. Not against helping other folks too, just focusing on my own larger family. Plus, kind of a cool way to meet some nice bros. Hey, you wanna check it out too, man?" Admittedly, they like me and would really not want to get rid of me. "Don't want to hurt nobody. Really don't. I can drop out if you want, but really, you wanna check it out? Kinda fun, man. Hey, up to you though."
@Bennie were you doxed? What is your comment in reference to?
You cant talk your way through a dox. Leftists and jewish websites like canary missions will seek to ruin your reputation and stifle your employment opportunities. Secure your social media/get rid of it prior to activism
With that said, lets take it to general
You mentioned you were doxed so I was just thinking about that.
Yeah I'll take it to General but that's all I was going to say
Is this a new high score for reaction times?
"One poster was from an entirely different organization called American Renascence was posted in downtown saying “Your professor is scared of this book” their views are similar with that of Identity Evropa."
They wrote this while literally shaking
@Jacob wheatpaste 1, soy boys 0
American Renascence??? They can't even read the flyer and spell it right?