Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 384598875316551681
Thatβs a very woke comment for T_D
@Sam Southern - TN Let all fear when r/theDonald learns to hate.
His power levell...its over ____ Get in on this: "It's Ok To Be German" Posters spotted in Germany
<iframe src="" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Great ad for the Sweden Democrats. Best part is when Akesson says he will fix things. Men taking responsibility for the present and future is the only way forward. Pretty introspective recap of what I even hear normies now call "Trump Degrangement Syndrome"
Looks like I have to keep not reading Teen Vogue.
@Fox we will resist the temptation together!
@ThisIsChris we'll leave that to podesta.
^From a left wing perspective, which I think is even better for us.
Last line: "To cut a long story short, there is no victory of the left without the broad alliance of all anti-establishment forces. One should never forget that our true enemy is the global capitalist establishment and not the new populist right which is merely a reaction to its impasses. "
^If you don't come to identity politics it will come to you.
white onion = white pill
onion juice will ascend the alt right
based breitbart
Ann Coulter just retweeted McFeels
^ Based AF
>my sides
Jesus Christ
Even though Nick was removed from IE etc., thought this tweet was excellent.