Message from @Jonaltright
Discord ID: 544263011389538305
I honestly don't know who posted this, but looks like something we should upvote
@Sam Anderson joe organ is a shill. After he said ‘people who are concerned about George Soros are conspiracy ‘theorists’ in an interview w his little neocon friend Ben Shapiro
RT this @everyone I would recommend contacting your representative about this
Attention @everyone:
I want you all to help out by sending my tweets and the action report to the following entities:
"Daily Universe, The",[email protected]
"Daily Utah Chronicle, The",[email protected]
Deseret News,[email protected]
FOX 13,[email protected]
KSL,[email protected]
KUTV,[email protected]
Salt Lake Tribune,[email protected]
Do your part! Thank you.
I got an email back from a reporter from The Daily Utah Chronicle asking for an interview. Anyone I should forward her to?
@Brunswick ☝🏻☝🏻
Feel free to send them my way. In this case, I spoke with the journalist in question last night.
Would it make sense to put the press emails on the press release so people can contact whomever easily?
Where do I find the action report
I especially like the environmentalist action. Connection to the soil has traditionally been a conservative ethos in Europe and the US. It was hijacked by the left, so I'm glad to see it being taken back. Social Matter has several articles on that, and I found them engaging. Here is a sample:
@Enkrateia - CO#3495 Good article. Dave Foreman was betrayed by the organization he created. Globalists have completely co-opted environmentalism, from the underground (EF!) to the establishment (Sierra Club switching from anti- to pro-immigration). The only ones realistically bucking the trend other than pro-whites are some TERF types.
This thread is on the front page of Reddit so it's a great opportunity
This business owner supports the abuse and killing of animals that belong to people he disagrees with. Let him know about it by reviewing his business.
@Conway - OK You're sure he said this?
Yes. @Matthew Eagle James Allsup discovered the guy was mocking the Minnesota guy who’s dog named Trump was shot while the man was away from his home. We need to push back on this stuff.
@Conway - OK Done.
@Conway - OK I included the screenshot in the review as well for maximum emotional imagery.
Filmmaker Spike Lee: Christopher Columbus Was a ‘Terrorist’
lol what a dirty liar
Yup. Dude did his nursery review in 2013. 🤔
review your own nursery. nice
I dog piled on the tree nursery guy.
@Felden - CO It says on their website a guy named Patrick owns the business?