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2017-05-31 02:17:28 UTC

I don't discuss anything of such import with normies, no

2017-05-31 02:17:55 UTC

non-normies react with scoffing and reactionary doubt

2017-05-31 02:18:24 UTC

a few types tend to find themselves easily in the profiles, INTJ is one of them

2017-05-31 02:18:29 UTC

but say an INFP

2017-05-31 02:18:36 UTC

they not only may test something else

2017-05-31 02:18:43 UTC

they may not be entirely convinced of their result

2017-05-31 02:18:55 UTC

or if they agree with it, not be convinced it tells them anything much

2017-05-31 02:18:55 UTC

also on a few of the questions i'll answer differently due to the fact that my grandfather on my mom's side is italian

2017-05-31 02:19:31 UTC

to me it seems like pretty clear people have basically discussable personality traits. maybe you have to calibrate some things to get your model of the individual right.

2017-05-31 02:19:47 UTC


2017-05-31 02:19:48 UTC

yeah, MBTI is good, has a lot of legs

2017-05-31 02:20:03 UTC

sorry why would it affect your answers @Alien Jesus

2017-05-31 02:20:06 UTC

your ancestry

2017-05-31 02:20:27 UTC

no just how my family on his side are

2017-05-31 02:20:34 UTC

and how is that

2017-05-31 02:20:47 UTC

differently compared to what?

2017-05-31 02:20:51 UTC

you cant be other than what you are

2017-05-31 02:21:06 UTC

yeah i was just saying as a general statement

2017-05-31 02:21:14 UTC

I understand, fuck italians

2017-05-31 02:21:18 UTC


2017-05-31 02:21:27 UTC

sorry, master race

2017-05-31 02:21:33 UTC

it's fine

2017-05-31 02:21:51 UTC

i really dont care

2017-05-31 02:22:35 UTC

not metal

2017-05-31 02:22:50 UTC

i'm mostly white anyway

2017-05-31 02:23:35 UTC

are you doing the aspie test

2017-05-31 02:23:41 UTC


2017-05-31 02:23:54 UTC

cool, link the pdf please in the end

2017-05-31 02:24:01 UTC


2017-05-31 02:25:04 UTC

I like dungeon synth stuff

2017-05-31 02:25:20 UTC

and other metal-adjacent stuff like Empyrium or late Ulver

2017-05-31 02:25:59 UTC

luckily Nester compiled a dungeon synth list too

2017-05-31 02:26:02 UTC

its pretty short though

2017-05-31 02:26:04 UTC

most of it sucks

2017-05-31 02:26:15 UTC

even the good stuff is patchy

2017-05-31 02:26:20 UTC

most dungeon synth sucks

2017-05-31 02:26:41 UTC

one of the best tracks

2017-05-31 02:26:45 UTC


2017-05-31 02:27:21 UTC


2017-05-31 02:27:25 UTC

I guess you are an aspie

2017-05-31 02:27:31 UTC

told ya

2017-05-31 02:27:45 UTC

my faith was weak

2017-05-31 02:28:01 UTC

i find your lack of faith disturbing

2017-05-31 02:30:00 UTC

let me try to find mine

2017-05-31 02:30:24 UTC

I have been thinking about the following project

2017-05-31 02:30:37 UTC

tiered right wing literature reading list

2017-05-31 02:31:31 UTC

so no?

2017-05-31 02:31:42 UTC


2017-05-31 02:31:58 UTC


2017-05-31 02:33:02 UTC

I didn't think I was aspie though

2017-05-31 02:33:25 UTC

the theripist i went to had an aspie son

2017-05-31 02:35:53 UTC

2017-05-31 02:36:15 UTC

this is the guy dems ran against the Montana body slamma

2017-05-31 02:37:05 UTC

I'd vote for him

2017-05-31 02:37:32 UTC

I'm closer to them than I am to the GOP anyway

2017-05-31 02:44:51 UTC
2017-05-31 02:46:26 UTC

montana dems are a better breed

2017-05-31 02:51:10 UTC

is it a coincidence this is shaped like a colon + rectum

2017-05-31 02:53:58 UTC

in Inferno, Dante is "reborn" into Purgatory through Satan's assholr

2017-05-31 02:54:11 UTC

maybe he and Plato were both onto something

2017-05-31 03:02:57 UTC

dang i missed that part

2017-05-31 03:03:00 UTC

sounds great

2017-05-31 03:46:45 UTC

2017-05-31 04:04:51 UTC

@UOC well didnt the greek n romans back then luv them some pederasty

2017-05-31 04:25:55 UTC

Plato was in the Athenian Nihilist Underground Society

2017-05-31 04:26:26 UTC

He was in the anus

2017-05-31 07:43:25 UTC

@isaac antsee#9174

2017-05-31 07:43:33 UTC


2017-05-31 11:34:50 UTC

What do you think about esoteric covfefe cult

2017-05-31 13:37:12 UTC

My resolution

2017-05-31 13:37:20 UTC

I won't be commenting any longer on websites and blogs

2017-05-31 13:37:45 UTC

And I will not punish myself anymore by attempting to sit through any of Varg's diatribes other than if they concern gardening

2017-05-31 13:47:24 UTC

He did make a good point though that Bosnians have nothing to do with Turks

2017-05-31 13:47:35 UTC

Or more preciselly "BosniAKS"

2017-05-31 14:12:21 UTC

Speaking about what keeps people united

2017-05-31 14:12:31 UTC

I was reading the other day about a fight that broke out somewhere on Tibet

2017-05-31 14:12:44 UTC

between a group of some hundred Sherpas and European mountaneers

2017-05-31 14:12:59 UTC

Out of which most were probably hippies who think multi-culturalism is a great thing

2017-05-31 14:13:19 UTC

And without even asking what's the problem, all Europeans present gathered behind other Europeans and joined the defense

2017-05-31 14:13:35 UTC

Even if they could've easily have been the ones who started the trouble

2017-05-31 14:14:21 UTC

Even a Pakistani found it natural to join European side, even though he is technically Asian like Sherpas

2017-05-31 14:14:41 UTC

This is how Europe was and is most naturally united

2017-05-31 15:03:40 UTC


2017-05-31 15:03:50 UTC

never forget

2017-05-31 15:37:31 UTC


2017-05-31 15:38:38 UTC


2017-05-31 15:39:06 UTC

somebody translate covfefe into hebrew

2017-05-31 15:44:52 UTC

here's a sentence that utterly baffles me: "healthcare is a right."

2017-05-31 15:47:55 UTC

healthcare should be a right guaranteed in a modern democratic nation state

2017-05-31 15:48:03 UTC

is how to read it I guess

2017-05-31 15:53:02 UTC

it's still nonsense in the american system. We don't guarantee positive rights.

2017-05-31 15:53:22 UTC

they mean it should be a government entitlement like social security is my guess

2017-05-31 15:54:06 UTC

i said it, therefore reality

2017-05-31 15:54:16 UTC


2017-05-31 15:54:22 UTC

"going to the moon is a right"

2017-05-31 15:55:28 UTC

government entitlement = right pretty much

2017-05-31 15:55:42 UTC

it's just semantics otherwise

2017-05-31 15:55:57 UTC

rather than try to break down the emotionalism or absurdism of the symbol

2017-05-31 15:56:06 UTC

it seems a better idea to me to construct the middle position out of it

2017-05-31 15:56:11 UTC

to see if that is workable, sensible etc.

2017-05-31 15:56:24 UTC

well, it stops being a semantics issue when it comes to congressional funding and judicial review. A right gets different judicial review than a mere entitlement program.

2017-05-31 15:56:37 UTC

but I agree with you broadly, I have no problem with a middle ground

2017-05-31 15:57:52 UTC

if the supreme court interpreted "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness" to include the right to healthcare it would have markedly different effects than just going to single payer healthcare by a law enacted by congress

2017-05-31 15:58:00 UTC

why dont peope just call it the way it is "i think government should pay for people's healthcare"

2017-05-31 15:58:16 UTC

why do shitlibs just have to state everything in abstract ideological maxims

2017-05-31 15:58:17 UTC

because "right" sounds better than "entitlement" i guess

2017-05-31 15:58:26 UTC

it's the same on both sides, it's how people think

2017-05-31 15:58:30 UTC

and also, they make it a moral issue

2017-05-31 15:58:32 UTC


2017-05-31 15:58:36 UTC

as it follows from their first principles

2017-05-31 15:58:48 UTC

and for that matter so does the opposition, because similar first principle issues

2017-05-31 15:59:32 UTC

American healthcare is a big, rotten, corrupt mess, perhaps partially by design

2017-05-31 16:00:08 UTC

Positive rights are cancer

2017-05-31 16:00:55 UTC

healthcare in particular is worrying because it's not a demand that can be satisfied

2017-05-31 16:01:05 UTC

you can spend infinite money on it and everyone will still die

2017-05-31 16:01:10 UTC

@The Enlightened Shepherd how else do you ideologically subvert the base culture?

2017-05-31 16:01:28 UTC

you're stretching it to absurdity @UOC

2017-05-31 16:01:29 UTC

be fair

2017-05-31 16:01:35 UTC

of course everyone will die

2017-05-31 16:01:48 UTC

Point is, scarcity exists for it

2017-05-31 16:01:50 UTC

I work in the NHS, it is a big mess too

2017-05-31 16:01:55 UTC

I am, but it's already one of our biggest budget items here.

2017-05-31 16:01:59 UTC

but I can see at the same time, it has considerable merits

2017-05-31 16:02:07 UTC

and if there was a private setup parallel to it

2017-05-31 16:02:11 UTC

it would be faultless

2017-05-31 16:02:14 UTC

I have no problem with reform, including reform to a single payer system

2017-05-31 16:02:29 UTC

shouldn't healthcare be a big budget item though?

2017-05-31 16:02:32 UTC

it makes sense to me

2017-05-31 16:02:44 UTC

it seems reasonable to me that when so many people (a nation) get together

2017-05-31 16:02:51 UTC

that its for some good mass effect

2017-05-31 16:03:04 UTC

Why not socialize food production ?

2017-05-31 16:03:09 UTC

Maybe, if that's what it costs. I'm just exploring the problems with listing it as right vs. an entitlement. If it's a right, it's much harder (in our system) to place limits on it

2017-05-31 16:03:17 UTC

doing that to a degree is also not a bad idea

2017-05-31 16:03:17 UTC

Isn't food a right?

2017-05-31 16:03:24 UTC

healthcare is simple

2017-05-31 16:03:26 UTC

yeah, if healthcare is, food is just as much I guess

2017-05-31 16:03:32 UTC

spend according to your possibilities

2017-05-31 16:03:33 UTC

full stop

2017-05-31 16:03:45 UTC

We all Know what that crap leads to

2017-05-31 16:03:52 UTC

getting in debt to fund continuous healthcare demand is as dumb as it can get

2017-05-31 16:04:08 UTC

do we? I'm not talking about complete socialization

2017-05-31 16:04:11 UTC

Rationing that hurts everyone

2017-05-31 16:04:21 UTC

again, stretched to absurdity

2017-05-31 16:04:39 UTC

these are just dramatic gestures

2017-05-31 16:04:43 UTC

Look at Canada they have rationing

2017-05-31 16:04:45 UTC

putting all the food production of one country

2017-05-31 16:04:47 UTC

you can declaer something a right or even better

2017-05-31 16:04:49 UTC

a policy

2017-05-31 16:04:53 UTC

under control of one bureaucracy / system

2017-05-31 16:04:56 UTC

It's not absurd

2017-05-31 16:04:56 UTC

but unless it works it wont get anywhere

2017-05-31 16:04:56 UTC

is a bad idea for efficiency reasons

2017-05-31 16:05:11 UTC

and that's how it worked out in the soviet shit I think you are referring to

2017-05-31 16:05:20 UTC

you candeclare "OUR POLICY IS THAT EVERONE HAS ACCESS TO QUALITY FOOD" but unless you can make it work, its another gesture

2017-05-31 16:05:29 UTC

and you cant

2017-05-31 16:05:37 UTC

however is it in principle a bad idea for government to have some degree of food production as a safety net or plan for black swan event?

2017-05-31 16:05:41 UTC

absolutely not

2017-05-31 16:05:46 UTC

i mean you can to extent to which you have material foundation for it

2017-05-31 16:05:47 UTC

production or storage

2017-05-31 16:06:00 UTC

Just curious, can a doctor operate a private practice in the Uk ?

2017-05-31 16:06:10 UTC

not like the US, but yes

2017-05-31 16:06:20 UTC

@fallot explain

2017-05-31 16:06:21 UTC

it's bad though

2017-05-31 16:06:23 UTC

What i'm suggesting is not that absurd, fallot. Our system is already highly concentrated at the very top - the sickest 1% or so account for like 40-50% of our healthcare costs. If we move to guarantee treatment as a right we're looking at an enormous tax burden increase.

2017-05-31 16:06:34 UTC

I can't simply by myself open up a clinic where I see patients

2017-05-31 16:06:49 UTC

however, I can group up with a bunch of other specialists and start my own private healthcare firm

2017-05-31 16:06:53 UTC

today's food situation is a typical example of what happens when standards replace reality

2017-05-31 16:07:04 UTC

we have tons of surplus food that according to "standards" is healthy

2017-05-31 16:07:08 UTC

and even acessible

2017-05-31 16:07:10 UTC

but it just sucks

2017-05-31 16:07:18 UTC

@UOC from what I've heard expanding medical to everyone would be around 20 trillion

2017-05-31 16:07:26 UTC


2017-05-31 16:07:31 UTC

communist countries with heavy industry and nuclear power plants had *better* food than in capitalism

2017-05-31 16:07:37 UTC

because food was decomodified

2017-05-31 16:07:40 UTC

this is false

2017-05-31 16:07:42 UTC

but it was lacking

2017-05-31 16:07:46 UTC

and hence the problem

2017-05-31 16:07:47 UTC

its simply not true

2017-05-31 16:07:50 UTC

what you just said

2017-05-31 16:07:50 UTC

go third path instead

2017-05-31 16:08:08 UTC

fake news!

2017-05-31 16:08:15 UTC

i mean "better"

2017-05-31 16:08:17 UTC

@OJneg @fallot depends on how you do it. That's my whole point. Doing it as a "right" makes it way harder to say "this much, and no more" than just doing it as a program

2017-05-31 16:08:20 UTC

take it with a doze of flexibility

2017-05-31 16:08:27 UTC

it was less industrialized

2017-05-31 16:08:30 UTC

it's the slogan of the other side

2017-05-31 16:08:46 UTC

but at the same time if you are offering it to everyone regardless of their circumstance (except nationality)

2017-05-31 16:08:49 UTC

I hear in N Korea everyone gets free hOver boards

2017-05-31 16:08:56 UTC

it is a right, extended by the government

2017-05-31 16:09:18 UTC

"this much and no more" is a practical issue

2017-05-31 16:09:31 UTC

You're speaking philosophically and you're correct. But legally, "right" is different than "law enacted by congress"

2017-05-31 16:09:44 UTC

how are the people who say right speaking

2017-05-31 16:09:48 UTC

I don't know

2017-05-31 16:09:48 UTC

philosophically or legally?

2017-05-31 16:09:53 UTC

I think philosophically

2017-05-31 16:09:54 UTC

they don't specify lol

2017-05-31 16:09:55 UTC

its a moral argument

2017-05-31 16:09:59 UTC

I think you're right

2017-05-31 16:10:29 UTC

I think you're law enacted by congress

2017-05-31 16:10:37 UTC

They don't Know how they're speaking they just want free stuff

2017-05-31 16:10:56 UTC

haha but it is the way of the jew to speak with double meanings and retreat to the safe one if he's called out

2017-05-31 16:11:06 UTC

articulation or even consciousness of their argument shouldn't stop one from considering it coldly

2017-05-31 16:11:14 UTC

that is true

2017-05-31 16:11:16 UTC


2017-05-31 16:11:21 UTC

a lot of leftist stuff is simply cover

2017-05-31 16:11:28 UTC

for jew/lizard/satan

2017-05-31 16:11:34 UTC

like "brotherhood of man"

2017-05-31 16:11:46 UTC

its a truism, certainly in many senses there is a brotherhood of man

2017-05-31 16:11:59 UTC


2017-05-31 16:12:00 UTC

but what do you do from there, what do you justify on the basis of that

2017-05-31 16:12:13 UTC

is open ended unless it is under some other context

2017-05-31 16:12:23 UTC

like tribe (nationalism) or God

2017-05-31 16:12:39 UTC

if you read Peter Singer or other older, better utilitarians

2017-05-31 16:12:54 UTC

you could interpret "brotherhood of man" to be the widest circle of ethical responsibility

2017-05-31 16:13:10 UTC

i.e. if you happened to see a guy drowning, knowing nothing else, you might throw him a rope

2017-05-31 16:13:20 UTC

I think that's incoherent

2017-05-31 16:13:24 UTC

it doesn't give me a reason

2017-05-31 16:13:27 UTC

ethics is cancer

2017-05-31 16:13:30 UTC

but if that circle conflicts with a higher ethical circle, you'd stick to the higher circle

2017-05-31 16:14:02 UTC

well the underlying reason i've assumed is just the Utilitarian "greatest good" thing which is ultimately axiomatic and therefore incoherent

2017-05-31 16:14:20 UTC


2017-05-31 16:14:35 UTC

i'm watching old mormon vids

2017-05-31 16:14:42 UTC

look how white and wholesome those kids are

2017-05-31 16:14:45 UTC

where's exilarch

2017-05-31 16:15:02 UTC

Thad nationalism

2017-05-31 16:15:07 UTC


2017-05-31 16:15:14 UTC

but weren't they all white and wholesome

2017-05-31 16:15:18 UTC

in 1968

2017-05-31 16:15:23 UTC

or is that past the peak

2017-05-31 16:15:30 UTC

they all meaning mormons or americans?

2017-05-31 16:15:37 UTC

americans, but I guess I meant whites

2017-05-31 16:15:47 UTC

white media

2017-05-31 16:15:52 UTC

1968 is when it all went to hell

2017-05-31 16:15:56 UTC

Pretty sure Mormons didn't let blacks in until the 70s

2017-05-31 16:16:09 UTC

no, blacks were always allowed to be members of the church

2017-05-31 16:16:14 UTC

they couldn't hold the priesthood

2017-05-31 16:16:16 UTC

Theologically they were cursed by Yahweh

2017-05-31 16:16:32 UTC

the beach boys discography is like a perfect snapshot of what leftism does to culture

2017-05-31 16:16:37 UTC

Could be wrong, I'm operating on here say

2017-05-31 16:16:56 UTC

it's pretty sad this kid would likely be ritually abused by demonic mormon pseudopriests

2017-05-31 16:17:10 UTC

the mormons stayed WASP while the east coast got flooded by wops micks slavs and jews

2017-05-31 16:17:14 UTC

"the whole family needs help"

2017-05-31 16:17:42 UTC


2017-05-31 16:17:55 UTC

its a frame of mind thing, the gulf states should really be a model for that

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