Discord ID: 247120766154309632
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Howdy all
Got the invite code from brett Stevens
Are you guys chatting note
Howdy brett
I will in a min
Filling out some bureaucratic forms for ZOG atm
Do you like the avatar brett
Celebrate the dead
That's pretty good
Clinton doesn't care about any issue except herself like most politicians
The csa = the shire
Smoking a nice burley/Virginia
Ya know I didn't pick it up from you and dmu actually
Moscow idaho has a contigent of really excellent conservative Christians mostly calvinist
Whom I befriended
Many of them pipe smokers
Idaho is glorious
Sam hyde slaughtering leftists
Except for the Californians
I have to get my family out first
Their minds are in the thrall of the demons
8 [
But I'm working on it
Salo: 100 days of Sodom is a good one
Phantasm is pretty cool, the dreamlike aspects
Yeah at least once
@diversity_is_racism probably best if they stay in cali tbh
They'd hate idaho Anwar
Like in the great divorce
The left is blustering
Electoral college crisis would mean civil war
They don't want that
Same guys
Good thing you got going here
Is there a way to have notification only on nick mention
Nvm got it
Their livelihoods need to be threatened too
Like Mrs gersh here
Especially in Montana, the people are there to be mobilized
Is there any proof of this claim of extortion by gersh
I didn't see any hard evidence
I've heard that the gersh woman got fired
No proof yet tho
Lol kaliyugafornia
Why the anti pig racism
They have higher iqs than cows and sheep
A nationalist acrobat
hail sabbath
i've heard that the gersh woman got fired
no solid proof yet
the montanan yeomanry are going to kick out the leftists
i used to host a metal radio show
thanx buddy
and atrocity
try HIV lysett tar oss
same ^
his videos are great
i think he kind of misses the point re: christianity
that's always good
it's just noise until you can pick up the frequencies
heimat: try the other early burzum albums
don't judge it by the sound
but by the content
hey diversity_is_racism come back to #heavy sometime
ultimate american death metal
will the odal-rune be our swastika
WoV = heroically homo
varg confirmed goth emo
forest emo
aka norwegian
savage asiatic chants
@diversity_is_racism is a gay nigger, you've been infiltrated
we must encourage homosexuality amongst the negroid population
to combat overbreeding
sociopaths aren't capable of love
Done! You're #419666 in the waiting list.
tried signing up for gab
what is this
666 tho
very good
green hair spotted @ spoilt girl
avoid avoid
newer jew?
obama has ancestral butthurt from british sodomizing
666 14ever 88 is grate
Howdy brett
Just finished rereading frankenstein
A most metal book
One of my favorites
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