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2018-10-13 04:48:27 UTC

@Deleted User I just worry about fracturing and implosion. Every day. That's a personal fear of mine, not reflective of I.E.'s dynamic.

2018-10-13 04:48:30 UTC

We need people at all levels of explicitness. What I take issue with, is I see people sometimes arguing that promoting civic nationalism is somehow *more* effective than promoting identitarianism. No, it really isn't, because it's ultimately useless, and no one is promoting the next step, people will never reach the next step. If we play this silly game of "oh, we'll just promote identitarianism *after* we've turned the whole country civnat", then by the time you're ready to promote identitarianism, their won't be any identitarians left to promote it.

This is why civic nationalism can be destructive if taken too far. It just makes people complacement. It tells them they have a solution and they can just end right there.

2018-10-13 04:48:32 UTC

@Jacob Pretty much all the friends I still associate with know I'm in IE, never had an issue.

2018-10-13 04:48:47 UTC

So i agree, pretending to be civnat is lame.

2018-10-13 04:49:58 UTC

Is this path more difficult? Ya, I guess. But this is the only path to victory. Becoming civnats isn't victory, it's moving the goalpost.

2018-10-13 04:50:00 UTC

busy day tomorrow, boys. Good chat. Don't be retards in my absence.

2018-10-13 04:50:17 UTC

@Jacob moving that post toward victory.

2018-10-13 04:50:35 UTC

Good chat, disagree on strategy, but good chat none the less.

2018-10-13 04:50:41 UTC

Good night

2018-10-13 04:50:42 UTC

Love ya, brotha.

2018-10-13 04:50:50 UTC

haha you too

2018-10-13 04:51:45 UTC

IE and identitarianism as a whole is growing. I'm not too concerned about people like us suddenly deciding that demographic transformation is okay because of "muh based Kanye"

2018-10-13 04:51:58 UTC

CivNats just slow the bleed, we need the bleed stopped or our descendants become the Indians on reservations. ๐Ÿ˜•

2018-10-13 04:52:27 UTC

muh based Kanye is so easily debunked with 92% of blacks voting for Dems...

2018-10-13 04:52:39 UTC

and 70%+ of Hispanics

2018-10-13 04:53:06 UTC

@Asatru Artist - MD Going off of your metaphor, slowing the blood loss is still a good first step until you can get to sewing the wound back shut

2018-10-13 04:54:33 UTC

Anyways, good debate and goodnight friends

2018-10-13 04:54:38 UTC

Which is why we should vote for Republicans, maybe help their campaigns either, but still have people pushing for the next step

2018-10-13 04:54:43 UTC

One last point, perhaps missed in chat. I'm arguing that America/GOP/Our social order being CivNat is preferable to the way things currently are. It is by no means ideal or a final destination and is up to us entirely to harness that energy.

If IE were to become a CivNat org, I would probably leave tomorrow.

My point felt hazy and worth clarifying. goodnight lads.

2018-10-13 04:55:06 UTC


2018-10-13 04:57:31 UTC


2018-10-13 05:00:51 UTC

Good night. Sleep tight. Stay white, keep up the fight.

2018-10-13 05:02:49 UTC

I'm thinking about doing my first flyering this weekend.

2018-10-13 05:02:53 UTC

I'm a bit spooked.

2018-10-13 05:03:40 UTC

I missed my opportunity

2018-10-13 05:04:29 UTC

I was thinking about putting up some posters today

2018-10-13 05:04:30 UTC

@Deleted User Last thing one sees before one dies?

2018-10-13 05:04:36 UTC

But I have like 5 right now lol

2018-10-13 05:04:43 UTC

my pack should be coming in soon, though

2018-10-13 05:06:11 UTC

There's a local state college. But I worry about being recognized. The womens' basketball coach is a family friend (and black).

2018-10-13 05:06:29 UTC

Gonna do some postering tomorrow

2018-10-13 05:07:34 UTC

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN You going alone?

2018-10-13 05:08:20 UTC

@fgtveassassin I dunno. I feel bad I've been in the org over a month and haven't flyered.

2018-10-13 05:09:10 UTC

I've thought that too but I'm too nervous to go out alone, even if like I did it at night or something I just don't feel comfortable doing it, even though I doubt anyone in the area knows what IE is

2018-10-13 05:09:12 UTC

I might wait until Tuesday or Thursday to flyer a better target, possibly with back-up.

2018-10-13 05:09:23 UTC

We're not supposed to poster at night IIRC

2018-10-13 05:09:38 UTC

I though early morning / dawn. Fewest college kids up. lol

2018-10-13 05:09:45 UTC

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I recommend morning or late afternoon, and wearing a hat. Act and dress like a student, walk like your ambling to class or killing time between classes. Put up your materials calmly and confidently like theyre totally normal and boring. Most people are NPCs with zero situational awareness.

2018-10-13 05:09:52 UTC

lol I was also nervous when I first joined IE

2018-10-13 05:10:29 UTC

It's honestly funny to see the new guys talking about putting up posters like it's some kind of secret agent activity

2018-10-13 05:10:38 UTC

I do live near a Penn State campus though so I feel that'd be some good media attention "Neo-nazis at Penn State"

2018-10-13 05:10:49 UTC

I'm just very memorable (6'9")

2018-10-13 05:11:17 UTC

It IS a secret agent activity

2018-10-13 05:11:24 UTC


2018-10-13 05:11:25 UTC

I did buy a dedicated flyer outfit (new grey t-shirt, grey zip-hoodie, no-logo camo ball cap)

2018-10-13 05:11:25 UTC

If you are accosted, calmly walk off campus. If they become violent, trust in your ability to outrun libtards.

2018-10-13 05:11:37 UTC

@Jacob I'm just nervous about activism as a whole, I wouldn't go at night, just using as an example of even more aninomity but still having nerves about it

2018-10-13 05:11:56 UTC

@TylerHess Around here there's no Antifa, but Jamal does ostensibly have to get to morning practice.

2018-10-13 05:12:10 UTC

I've put up stickers at my own college during the day alone

2018-10-13 05:12:16 UTC

I would not recommend that though

2018-10-13 05:12:17 UTC

But local Tyrones probably don't know I.E.

2018-10-13 05:12:25 UTC

unless you've been in this for a while

2018-10-13 05:12:41 UTC

'It's a classical book club'

2018-10-13 05:13:02 UTC

Yeah, I wasn't even considering my own uni. The considered area is a closer community college.

2018-10-13 05:13:24 UTC

Itโ€™s pretty unlikely to be caught in the act by people you know

2018-10-13 05:13:30 UTC

I once postered with a friend and he would pick a target, run up, and run away

2018-10-13 05:13:36 UTC

That's how *not* to do it tbh

2018-10-13 05:13:46 UTC

though it seemed reasonable at the time

2018-10-13 05:13:50 UTC

Draws way too much attention

2018-10-13 05:13:50 UTC

literally just act normal

2018-10-13 05:14:09 UTC


2018-10-13 05:14:33 UTC

*checking maps to make sure I don't flyer near diversity center by accident*

2018-10-13 05:15:04 UTC

Need IE posters with Koba on it so we can just say its a lost dog ad

2018-10-13 05:15:08 UTC

I had some Mexican guy actually become really afraid when he saw what we were putting up, which was silly because we had politely given him help in locating his lost car seconds earlier.

2018-10-13 05:15:43 UTC

Videos and pictures of IE members tend to not spread far. If it happens, continue acting normal, donโ€™t cause a scene that would increase engagement on the internet

2018-10-13 05:17:02 UTC

Plus if they get scared for whatever reason they wonโ€™t act in a level headed manner, and are unlikely to take pictures of you anyway

2018-10-13 05:18:20 UTC

I guess I'm particularly spooked of that one target. My mom was high up in that large town / small city's school district. Boomer women gossip.
I think I'll just resolve to hit the higher reward / lower risk two universities Tuesday and/or Thursday.

2018-10-13 05:19:00 UTC

Yeah, I'm not a confrontational guy. I'm more likely to run than fight (although I know one shouldn't run either)

2018-10-13 05:19:04 UTC

a great rule to live by when postering is to look like a normal well adjusted person

2018-10-13 05:24:09 UTC

I'm pretty stoic externally. And I am quite plain other than my height. I think I will try to just have a chapter mate tag along my first time.

2018-10-13 05:24:23 UTC

@fgtveassassin got you covered

2018-10-13 05:28:09 UTC

I really like the term โ€œdiversity taxโ€ Allsup used in his latest video

2018-10-13 05:46:58 UTC

The meme that keeps on giving.

2018-10-13 05:49:55 UTC


2018-10-13 05:50:33 UTC
2018-10-13 05:51:28 UTC

I'm reading it backwards to spite you

2018-10-13 05:52:35 UTC


2018-10-13 05:52:43 UTC

Dude this is an insane amount of self awareness

2018-10-13 05:52:49 UTC

>mfw Star Wars propagandists get theirs'

2018-10-13 05:53:08 UTC

Lord, make me an instrument of your will. Where there is injustice against my people may I bring right. Where there is error may I bring truth. Where my people despair may I bring hope. Grant that I may comfort my people rather than to be comforted - to serve them rather than to be served. For it is by putting the needs of my people before my own that I may best serve to secure the existence of my race and a future for White children. Good night, and peace be with you.

2018-10-13 05:53:23 UTC

@Singleton Mosby WV Blessed and Breadpilled. Good night, sir!

2018-10-13 05:56:03 UTC

I'll give Cernovich this, he helped derailed Marvel fanboys' hopes and dreams.
It needed doing.

2018-10-13 05:56:32 UTC

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN what was Cerno's role?

2018-10-13 05:57:13 UTC

Didn't he coordinate the campaign to uncover James Gunn's creepy tweets, leading to his firing from Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

2018-10-13 05:57:20 UTC

Maybe "single handedly" is too strong.

2018-10-13 05:57:41 UTC

I honestly have no idea, so I'm just wondering

2018-10-13 05:59:18 UTC

I'm ready for bugman religion replacement (star wars, marvel, etc) to go down in flames. And I say this as someone who spent thirty years of life hooked on the stuff.

2018-10-13 06:04:53 UTC

in middle school I had a lot of friends into that stuff but I couldn't keep up with it all. that stuff is expensive and requires a lot of time

2018-10-13 06:05:07 UTC

they read the books and would have the lego models and all that kind of stuff

2018-10-13 06:07:06 UTC

Yeah, it really does consume you. I can't blame anyone but myself for putting the energy of my youth into it. I did have Boy Scouts too, at least.

2018-10-13 06:09:09 UTC

I think I took it as a deracinated substitute for culture.

2018-10-13 06:09:10 UTC

I lucked out in that I was just naturally interested in some stuff that turns out to be kind of useful

2018-10-13 06:10:49 UTC

I was told to "follow your passion and the money will follow" which now i know is kinda nonsense but luckily my passion was math so I'm doing OK. A lot of kids I went to school followed their passion into trying to spin up acting careers and they spent most of their 20s on that and then gave up.

2018-10-13 06:11:06 UTC

Nothing wrong with settling but they had wasted so much time and energy on a futile effort

2018-10-13 06:11:20 UTC

because of bad advice

2018-10-13 06:11:40 UTC

@ThisIsChris Anthropology is nearly as bad as acting. It creates 95% Cultural Marxists, 5% Human Biodiversity Spergs.

2018-10-13 06:12:15 UTC


2018-10-13 06:48:04 UTC

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Did we get the 5% HBD sperg in @Reinhard Wolff ? ๐Ÿค”

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