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2018-06-28 20:00:39 UTC

167 online - our most ever for this new subreddit, come post in the sub and help take us to the next level!

2018-06-28 22:12:30 UTC
2018-06-28 22:33:40 UTC

Which one of you.....

2018-07-01 16:20:03 UTC

@everyone traffic is WAY up on since we started boosting the project just over a month ago. Help us a grow the subreddit as another social media effort to reach the public. We can use moderators, commenters, and high quality identitarian content. Messaging redditors who have made sympathetic comments and telling them to subscribe to r/identitarians is highly effective. Come subscribe yourself and help spread the word!

2018-07-01 16:20:29 UTC

Message me if you want to get involved!

2018-07-03 01:58:05 UTC

If you very recently registered for Defend ID with the note 'Meetup' and you have the initials PO, please DM me. @everyone

2018-07-03 04:55:27 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I'm happy to announce that *The Identitarian* is back on the table! Our previous editor had to resign, but I've since located a new one -- a highly experienced movement veteran -- who I'm positive will do a fantastic job.

There's still quite a bit to sort out, of course, so stay tuned for an announcement in the upcoming months when we're ready for article submissions.




That is all. Have a great week!

2018-07-04 16:36:53 UTC

Attention @everyone

Happy Independence Day! In light of fireworks, there will be no fireside tonight. Have a good one!

2018-07-06 03:45:34 UTC

Another phenomenal action from San Diego!


2018-07-07 16:41:33 UTC

@everyone Posting dox, especially the dox of an IE member, even if it's just a re-post of dox already posted elsewhere, is a banable offense. Don't do it.

2018-07-08 03:59:25 UTC

Let's give it up for @Brunswick, who, due to his immense contributions as IE's content coordinator, has been named as our member of the month for June.

Keep up the great work, @Brunswick!


2018-07-09 18:06:09 UTC

Attention @everyone

Patrick is live!

2018-07-10 02:26:57 UTC

@everyone we got a few mysterious Zelle payers to sort out:

1. June 20, $100, initials EH, note 'IE dues'
2. July 1, $75, initials PO, note 'Meetup'
3. July 9, $55, initials HW, no note (sad!)

Everyone is happy when their dues are properly credited and they actually get registered for the conference they pay for, so DM me if any of these describe you.

2018-07-10 04:45:16 UTC

Attention @everyone:

By now, many of you will have heard that Mike Enochโ€™s motion to dismiss in the Sines vs. Kessler case has succeeded. I personally congratulated him after hearing the news, and wish TRS the best in the future.

That our motion failed is not particular cause for concern; in fact, we werenโ€™t counting on it succeeding, so leadership is still continuing forward as planned. While Iโ€™m clearly not a lawyer, the way these things work has been described to me as follows: When a judge rules on a motion to dismiss, he deliberates on whether or not the plaintiffs could plausibly win if the case went to trial. In the case of Enoch, the judge ruled that the plaintiffsโ€™ failed to allege that (1) he was involved in the planning phase of UTR or (2) he did anything of consequence at UTR itself.

There are many opportunities to get out of a civil suit, and this was simply the first of many. Now that the motions to dismiss have been ruled on, we can proceed with our plan to file counterclaims, i.e. sue the city of Charlottesville. From what Iโ€™ve gathered, we have an excellent chance to win such an action, so do not fret! We might very well emerge from this legal maelstrom far stronger than before.

But in order to continue fighting this absurd case โ€“ and the second, state-level civil suit that we were recently named in โ€“ weโ€™ll need to continue affording legal counsel.

**As such, Iโ€™ve made the decision to become a patron and contribute $50 a month to our legal defense. I am calling on you to do so as well.** How many of us can afford to give more to the organization? While Iโ€™m far from wealthy and have student loan debt to pay off, I can afford to give an extra $50 per month to the organization, which is why Iโ€™ve made this decision.

2018-07-10 04:45:26 UTC

I truly believe that this organization has the potential to change things for the better. It would be a shame to see it perish in these lawsuits, but so long as we can continue to afford legal representation, we WILL win. And it should be noted that we are still growing and evolving as an organization, despite the storm weโ€™re currently weathering. After we move past these lawsuits, weโ€™ll be able to obtain a headquarters, pay for more employees, deliver even bigger and better actions, and continue to show the world what weโ€™re capable of.


2018-07-10 15:51:47 UTC

If you want to become a patron, please contact @Argument of Perigee. @everyone

2018-07-11 16:10:39 UTC

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST. See you there! @everyone

2018-07-12 00:34:57 UTC

@everyone Patrick is running late and will be here in 10 minutes.

2018-07-12 20:56:50 UTC

Attention @everyone

Iโ€™d like to remind everyone, and notify new members, that there are many ways to get involved in IE behind the scenes that may not be apparent right away. For one, many of you have requested that we fight to correct our Wikipedia page. We have made progress here, but require more editors who are willing to bolster their profiles across Wikipedia. Please contact @Steve - NJ and @Prestor John if you can help.

In general, I am always happy to put writing and editing talent to work on other items too.

With the weekend approaching, Iโ€™d like to also ask you if your chapter has a meetup planned. It could be something as simple as flyering and going to the bar afterwards, or maybe it is reserving (for free) a room in a library and practicing public speaking. Are your meetups IE exclusive? Please let me know if you feel like your chapter could go to greater heights with more guidance.

The political momentum is in our sails, and the pressure driving interest in our movement is still growing. Thank you for your support, and I will see you in NY at the end of the month.

2018-07-15 14:19:24 UTC

@everyone Many of you are familiar with the Identity Rising podcast, which is hosted by our own @John Wesley-SC and @Chillbro Swaggins-CA. The show (which totally rocks) is currently accepting applicants for another potential cohost position on the podcast. If this is something you think you have the interest and skill set for, please DM @John Wesley-SC.

2018-07-16 01:39:03 UTC

@everyone if you sent a $10 Zelle payment about an hour ago with no description provided, please DM me.

Related: always have your Zelle linked to your email address, not your phone number. Transaction information you enter under a phone-number-linked Zelle payment may not appear to the recipient.

2018-07-16 17:19:02 UTC

Attention @everyone

Next Identitarian AMA is scheduled with Generation Identity UK's Tom Dupre!

2018-07-16 22:26:32 UTC

Attention @everyone:

Something to keep mind: When you're in public with other IE members, remember that some people are more discreet about all of this than others. So if you decide to wear, say, an IE shirt, just make sure everyone's cool with it beforehand.

Anyways, I hope your week is off to a great start. I'm going to be busy with some things in the DC area on Wednesday (some of which you will see soon!) so I will not be hosting the fireside, but someone else will. More details TBA.

2018-07-17 00:37:04 UTC

To clarify, this doesn't apply to something like a banner drop or a flash demonstration. In such actions, all participants are aware of the fact that they will be representing IE. But if you go out to dinner or something, just make sure everyone's okay with it.

As far as I'm concerned, the social stigma associated with involvement in dissident politics is our biggest obstacle. As such, we need to ensure that we're doing everything we can to safeguard the identities of our members with sensitive personal situations.


2018-07-17 17:51:20 UTC

Attention @everyone:

The fireside this week has been moved to **Thursday, July 19** at 8:30 PM EST because I will be busy in the DC area on Wednesday.

2018-07-17 18:15:32 UTC

In addition to that... @everyone

Thursday at **6:00 PM Eastern** - Identitarian AMA on r/identitarians

Thursday at **7:30 PM Eastern** - Cyberstrike Server Mtg on Wikipedia

Thursday at **8:30 PM Eastern** - National Fireside

2018-07-18 02:00:00 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I'd like to remind you all that I posted an announcement on June 6 stating that IE members were not allowed to attend events organized by NPI/OH, given that the people involved in these organizations have tried to turn IE members against leadership, spread rumors about me, and blatantly attempted to destroy everything we've worked to build simply because they realized they would never be in control.

There's an upcoming conference in IN organized by NPI/OH. If you missed the June 6 announcement and registered for the IN conference, you need to DM me before you attend โ€“ preferably tonight.

For everyone else, I hope you're having a great week. Reminders: BUY MERCH, come to Defend Identity, and stay active in your local chapter. See you at the fireside on Thursday!

2018-07-19 16:42:00 UTC

@everyone ICYMI, Patrick recently interviewed Paul Kersey for Red Ice. It's an excellent interview and Paul Kersey put out some great points for all of us:
-Surround yourself with good people
-Stay positive
-Pre-announced street rallies don't work - IE's flash demos and private conferences are much better
-There won't be a watershed moment.
-Abandon the term "Alt Right" and the baggage associated with it

2018-07-19 16:42:30 UTC

Here's the link. The whole interview is good, however if you're short on time go to about 20 min mark:

2018-07-19 16:49:10 UTC

Reminder that Tom Dupre of Generation Identity UK will be on at 6pm EDT tonight for an "Ask Me Anything." It's great to have GI active now in the UK and we can learn much from them as we share a common language and culture.

2018-07-19 22:01:13 UTC
2018-07-20 00:31:19 UTC

Fireside starting in five minutes! @everyone

2018-07-22 18:21:26 UTC

Please DM me if you're a registered CPA. @everyone

2018-07-22 23:12:57 UTC

@everyone please give this page a click and use it as a source for anyone interested in IE. The more traffic and links it gets, the more it will move up google search rankings. Our goal is to get it to page 1 so this neutral description of IE can help counter the unsavory accounts of us by hostile sites and organizations.

2018-07-23 00:31:36 UTC

Update: I'm looking for someone with basic accounting skills. @everyone

2018-07-23 01:33:04 UTC

Attention @everyone:

We've received a surge of applications since the AmRen video was posted! While this is a great thing, the interviewing team is a bit overwhelmed.

If you're interested in becoming an interviewer, please message @Alerio -- you'll need to do at least five interviews per week, and commit to doing this for at least six months.

Also, we're expecting a huge surge after Defend Identity.

This is a great way for people who can't do activism to help out. The organization needs you!

2018-07-23 19:16:02 UTC

Attention @everyone:

Here's your monthly merch reminder.

Right now, payment can be sent to our Zelle account at [email protected] or [email protected]

Or to our PO box:

Identity Evropa
PO Box 7064
Arlington, VA 22207

Thanks! Remember, this is a great way to support the organization while receiving something in return.

2018-07-25 21:52:14 UTC

Attention @everyone

I hope youโ€™re having a great week. Patrick is hosting the Fireside tonight at the normal time โ€” 8:30 PM Eastern.

2018-07-26 00:24:14 UTC

Attention @everyone:

This should have been posted yesterday (my mistake) but let's give it up for Colorado for executing a flawless banner drop! Well done.

2018-07-26 00:31:14 UTC

We're getting started! @everyone

2018-07-28 19:13:27 UTC

The first action was a resounding success! High energy stuff. We'll post a tweet in within the hour!


2018-07-28 20:31:47 UTC

@everyone this needs your support! RT, upvote, share everywhere! Here - R/the_donald post removed by the mods it seems. Support this one instead:

2018-07-29 04:09:10 UTC

This weekend was phenomenal. Thank you to @Louis Loire - NY, @Matthias, @wayne peek, @Deleted User, and everyone else who helped made it possible.

Remember: This is just the beginning!


2018-08-01 03:31:51 UTC

I just got home after spending eight hours in the car...what a weekend! I think we can now officially say that we have owned Mexico.

Onward and upward!


2018-08-01 03:46:27 UTC

I'll be going on Fuentes' show tomorrow night at 9 PM EST. In light of this, we'll begin our fireside at 8:00 PM EST. See you there!


2018-08-02 00:03:19 UTC

We'll get started in two minutes. Very excited to give you guys a rundown of this weekend!


2018-08-03 00:03:31 UTC

@everyone Link to the livestream of Patrick on Nick Fuentes' channel

2018-08-03 00:09:49 UTC

Patrick is now live

2018-08-03 20:19:26 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I have tasked @The Morrรญgan with handling baby registries for expecting members of our fine organization.

If you have a child on the way, feel free to send her an Amazon registry (or equivalent) and expected date of delivery. We'll post the registry in announcements at some point so everyone can pitch in.

One of the benefits of having a tribe is that individuals can make small contributions โ€“ contributions that add up, given how many of us there are!

Have a great weekend.

2018-08-04 03:04:03 UTC

The video from Defend Identity has been posted! <@!270291433599139850> deserves immense praise for this video. Glad to have you with us, Oscar!


2018-08-05 16:44:02 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I think this should go without saying by now, but IE members cannot attend UTR2. If you feel that this rally is more important than the organization, you are free to leave IE on good terms.

If you do plan on attending โ€“ again, I seriously doubt anyone is โ€“ please do the honorable thing and let me know rather than trying to be sneaky.

Other than that, have a great Sunday.

2018-08-06 12:44:12 UTC


Merch orders are going exceedingly well. We are moving through old stock very quickly - which fortunately means different merch in our future!

At the moment we are completely out of stock in medium T-shirts, we have 2-3 size S, around 10 size L and perhaps 3 or so XLโ€™s

If you were waiting for the โ€œright timeโ€ to order a shirt, I wouldnโ€™t delay - we will be out of inventory before you know it and will likely NOT be printing new shirts of the same design.

Merch orders can be placed simply using just two steps.

1. Log into your members portal at and place your order using the order page (can be found in the top right corner of from your main login page)

2. Send Payment

Payment can be sent digitally to our Zelle account at [email protected] or with check or money order to our PO box:

Identity Evropa
PO Box 7064
Arlington, VA 22207

One final note, if you have paid for your order before 8/1 and have not yet received it, please dm me. The lead-up and follow up from Defend Identity has been very hectic and if Iโ€™ve forgotten your order I want to fulfil it asap.

Thanks for your attention and I hope you all have a great week! <:deye:359010025223618570> ๐Ÿ‘•

2018-08-07 17:37:05 UTC

Attention, my fellow White people:

As many of you already know, @Logan and @missliterallywho are expecting a baby boy โ€“ and soon! While any baby born to members of Identity Evropa is a blessing, this particular baby will be the first born to parents who met through IE, which makes this a particularly special situation.

They've provided us with a baby registry, through which we can โ€“ and should โ€“ all give generously. (I have already purchased them a crochet romper, which was on the list.) Support them here:

We're going to be doing this for every baby born to a member of this fine organization henceforth. If you're expecting, please message @The Morrรญgan , who is doing a great job thus far at keeping track of expecting members.


2018-08-08 17:23:45 UTC

Attention @everyone:

We'll be doing our fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EDT as usual. See you there!

2018-08-08 18:10:22 UTC

Attention @everyone:

On August 19, we'll be doing a banner drop in Ohio. Afterwards, we're going back to a member's house for a party. If you want to attend โ€“ and you should โ€“ please shoot @MrDefault a DM.

2018-08-08 21:55:49 UTC

Correction: The fireside will be tonight at 8:30 PM **EDT**. Thank you to our resident time zone specialists for pointing this out.


2018-08-08 23:29:54 UTC

The latest episode of *Identitarian Action* is now available! Thanks to @Freiheit - CA, @Brunswick and @Asatru Artist - MD for putting in time to ensure that the raw audio is turned into a finished product.


2018-08-09 00:31:50 UTC

As usual, we'll get started a few minutes after 8:30 PM EDT to avoid forcing me to try to talk over the beeping sound made by people joining the chat. @everyone

2018-08-11 01:46:43 UTC

Props to our activists in Chicago for another successful action! Well done!


2018-08-11 02:34:38 UTC

Attention @everyone:

A friend in the movement recently contacted me, asking if I knew of anyone who would be interested in making videos for their website. (Itโ€™s not Red Ice.)

I was provided with the following criteria:

-Willingness to appear on camera to discuss controversial issues: immigration, race, etc.
-Professional look on camera with a clear voice and articulate manner
-Self-starting attitude, reliable work ethic, consistent productivity, ability to file on time
-Ability to gather daily material from the site and develop a pleasing โ€œstorylineโ€ to bring it all together for the audience
-Access to high quality camera and mic
-Ability to upload the raw files, links to music/images and descriptions of text overlays for the editor

This is a paid position, but it will not be full-time to start.

Bonus points for being female. (Just passing it alongโ€ฆ)

If youโ€™re interested, please send me an email ([email protected]) with a brief summary of your qualifications, skills, and why you constitute an ideal applicant.

Have a great weekend!

2018-08-14 03:15:14 UTC

Attention @everyone:

As you all know, we're doing an action in Ohio this weekend. If you're interested in attending, please message our resident tradcath @MrDefault.

We're also looking to raise $200 to help cover the costs of the action, namely the banner materials. **If you're willing to help, please send a donation to our Zelle ([email protected]) with a note that reads "Ohio activism donation".**

Thanks! We'll do a fireside this Wednesday at 8:30 PM Eastern as usual.

2018-08-15 17:03:47 UTC

Attention @everyone

I hope you are having a great Wednesday. Patrick Caseyโ€™s most recent interview on Red Elephants is up!

In addition, we have a public payment processor! Believe it or not, we can accept public, electronic donations for the time being. Please help us promote this method now on the site while we can.

You can expect a Cyberstrike Meeting tonight at 8 PM Eastern with @Steve - NJ on the Cyberstrike server and, of course, our National Fireside with Patrick at 8:30 PM Eastern on this serverโ€™s general voice channel.

Have a great day.

2018-08-15 18:43:07 UTC

Attention @everyone:

Another job posting โ€“ if you're skilled in video and animation and are looking for a **full time position** please email your qualifications to [email protected]. Please include a sample of your past work, preferably hosted somewhere as opposed to attached to the email.

This job would not require you to show your face, so you could remain incognito while working for the cause.

Fireside tonight at **8:30 PM Eastern.**

2018-08-15 21:01:10 UTC

Attention @everyone:

If you have something you would like to announce or discuss during the fireside -- something relevant to IE, not your Minecraft server -- please shoot me a DM.

2018-08-15 21:12:52 UTC

The donate button on our website will not be used for dues just yet. We're still sorting a few things out. @everyone

2018-08-16 00:28:27 UTC

We're going to get started in a few minutes. Please join before 8:30 if you can! @everyone

2018-08-17 20:24:07 UTC

ATTENTION friends:

Some of you are already aware of the recent News 21 article centered on two groups: Identity Evropa and the Proud Boys.

I want to begin by clarifying that I was not made aware that this piece would be included in such a histrionically-named series(Hate in America). Had I known, I wouldn't have agreed to participate. I turned down National Geographic for this very reason.

The journalists in this piece concocted a story about how they were with ASU, doing a piece on identity in America. While there are still video interviews that have yet to be released, I'm willing to bet that the ASU thing was made up. Though I did verify parts of their story, I take responsibility for not properly vetting them. This is a mistake that won't be made in the future.

With that said, I think the article made us look reasonable, well-adjusted, and sincere. We were not called Nazis or White supremacists, and the word identitarian does appear in relation to our views. The article is also thankfully bereft of anything relating to Nathan's past or Eli's involvement in the organization.

There were a few unfortunate elements included in the article, but these are mostly available online, e.g. (false) claims that we chanted "Jews will not replace us!" This means that, despite being fed a false story by these journalists, we didn't give them any rope to hang us with. That's a damn good sign that we're doing something right, if you ask me.

However, I was concerned about some of the Discord messages mentioned in the article. REMINDER: Do not post negative things about other races; do not advocate violence; do not use crude language. In short, do not say anything that, if leaked, would make us look bad.

Thank you for your time and have a great weekend.


2018-08-17 20:32:09 UTC

As @Steve - NJ just pointed out, they might not have completely lied to us.

I'd also like to remind you all that when I took over, in the wake of Eli's NYT documentary, I made the decision to suspend engagement with the press (minus responding to questions via email) for some time. After much consideration, IE leadership decided it would be fruitful to do a few media appearances and afterwards decide if such a strategy is worthwhile.

There's a big NBC piece coming out on IE, which will include two interviews of me and footage of our NYC action. I have a good feeling about this one, but we know how these things can play out.

2018-08-17 20:32:14 UTC

@everyone ^

2018-08-17 21:59:40 UTC

Confirmed: Their story wasn't a lie โ€“ we were not duped. News21 is a project involving ASU, which is exactly what they told me. The only issue was the histrionic title "Hate in America" but that's always going to be a risk with press engagement.

In conclusion, we received fairly positive coverage, minus the title and a few unfortunate things in the article. Overall, I would chalk this up to a win for us, assuming there aren't further developments stemming from the time they spent with us.


2018-08-19 17:13:38 UTC

We just did a high energy banner drop in downtown Cincinnati! The pictures should drop later tonight.

Thanks to @everyone who participated in and planned the action.

2018-08-19 22:51:22 UTC

Happy Sunday! @everyone

Let's give it up to @MrDefault, the Ohio chapter, Patrick and all of the activists who traveled out to Cincinnati this weekend.

2018-08-19 23:55:52 UTC

@commonplebe - IN, @Piet Dietzel, and others deserve credit for creating the banner. Well done! @everyone

2018-08-21 04:56:54 UTC

@everyone For those of you who follow @John Wesley-SC's outstanding podcast, *Identity Rising*, John is pleased to announce that Dr. Kevin McDonald will be joining him for this Sunday's episode. *Identity Rising* airs on Podtrash every Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. EST.

2018-08-21 17:10:23 UTC

@everyone I was asked to share this message posted in his local server by our OK Coordinator @Conway - OK :

I'm sure you have all heard by now about the destruction of another Confederate monument by an unhinged leftist mob, yet again in North Carolina and I'm sure like me, you're angered by it.

It's time like this, when we get brought back down to the reality of our situation - that things indeed will get worse before they get better. It wouldn't surprise me at all if a few other monuments on other campuses are vandalized, if not destroyed. As much as this angers us, it ultimately benefits us as it is exactly the kind of acceleration we need. After the anger subsides, however, you need to re-direct those emotions into motivation. The motivation to improve yourself, to improve our communities and our organization.

That being said, always remember that the reason Conservatism Inc has failed this country for so long is because they have allowed themselves to be in a perpetual state of defensive reactionary to the left's advancement. This is where we are different. We will not play by the left's rules. We will not be reactionary, we will not be defensive. We will not do reactionary activism.

What we will do is double down on what has worked for us. Rest assured, there is a great number of our people out there that are angered by this too. It is those people we will be reaching out to.

As Sam Hyde once said "Never forget that these people want you bankrupt and dead, they want your children raped and brainwashed, AND THEY THINK IT"S FUNNY."

What are you going to do about it?

Get active, complete activism proposals, better yourself, your career, your community, become a patron and a pillar of what weโ€™re trying to build.

Getting angry is easy. Planning, working towards and executing a plan with diligence and dedication is how we win. And we need to win

2018-08-21 17:29:16 UTC

@everyone - It's been brought to my attention that many of you have never seen our activism proposal - It can be found in our activism server (ask your coordinator for an invitation) and will also be attached below.

Completed proposals are sent to #proposal-submissions channel in the activism server where they will be reviewed by @wayne peek and @Louis Loire - NY

2018-08-22 05:10:38 UTC

I'm terribly late here, but let's give it up for @Ben - OH, our member of the month for July.

As many of you already know, @Ben - OH is our main accountant. He does quite a bit behind the scenes, and without him this organization would be in a rough spot.

Let's never forget that the amazing activism we produce is the result of not only the planning for that particular action, but also the considerable administrative work that allows us to have a functioning organization.

Thanks again, @Ben - OH!


2018-08-22 19:05:29 UTC

Attention @everyone

I hope you are having a good week.

Some updates for you...

IE is on **Telegram** and we have begun regular postings. This will likely be the place we go in the event we are removed from Twitter.

Open this link within the application:

In the coming weeks, there are going to be numerous IE events suited for the broader regions.

**September 8:** DC Forum
@Deleted User

**September 29:** FL Statewide Meetup
@Zyzz @John O -

**October 6-7:** NW Forum @Niko - WA

**October 20:** IL Speaking Engagement

**October 27-28 (tentative):** CO Speaking Engagement & Activism
@Benis @Argument of Perigee @Louis Loire - NY

If you are in the area and these interest you, contact those Coordinators to find further details.

I'm near certain Patrick will be hosting the **Fireside** chat at the normal time tonight, 8:30 PM Eastern in general voice.

Thank you!

2018-08-22 21:03:13 UTC

Fireside tonight at the usual time: 8:30 PM Eastern. I'm looking forward to it!

And thank you, @Matthias, for outlining the upcoming regional events. I would strongly encourage you all to travel to one if not all of these โ€“ nothing beats interstate fellowship and activism.


2018-08-22 22:07:36 UTC

We have certain members who want to begin shaping political policy positions, but they need your help. To have cutting edge, headline-grabbing stances (without being explicitly racial) requires new and neglected sources.

Murdock-MS has suggested that we begin an maintain a cache of under-reported or, simply, ignored news articles which can be turned into engaging narratives and influence political policy. Examples of topics include but are certainly not limited to: The role immigration plays in enlarging the Democrat voter base, the role porous borders play in the illegal drug trade, the age demographics most affected by the opioid epidemic, Silicon Valleyโ€™s concerted war against right-wing voices, the mediaโ€™s double standard on 1st amendment rights, etc.

This is a simple and easy way to assist our people and push our cause forward. If youโ€™re willing to help, please message @Tron.


2018-08-23 00:30:54 UTC

The fireside will begin shortly! Join general voice chat and mute your mic, please.


2018-08-23 22:31:03 UTC

YouTube just suspended our account. Retweet this:


2018-08-25 01:30:09 UTC

Attention @everyone:

We're considering changing the date for the aforementioned Colorado event. If you've already bought tickets, please shoot me a DM. Otherwise, we'll announce a new date shortly.

Again, I would like to strongly encourage you all to attend as many regional events as you can. Without people attending events, we don't really have a movement/organization, do we?

If you're putting in a considerable amount of time and energy volunteering for IE, we may be able to subsidize some of your expenses, so feel free to reach out.

Other than that, keep up the great work and have a constructive weekend!

2018-08-25 06:46:33 UTC

Attention @everyone:

Those of you who have been in the organization for a while will remember that around the time when I took over โ€“ early December or so โ€“ I created a member survey to better understand your experiences in IE. The responses you all were kind enough to offer proved invaluable; they've helped guide the decisions I've made as your executive director, and I would like to believe that the organization is in a better place now than when I accepted this position.

Given that a considerable amount of time has elapsed since then, I think that another member survey is in order.

Please take the time to fill this out โ€“ your responses are both wanted and needed. At ten questions in length, it's short enough to answer in a few minutes.

Thank you!

2018-08-25 21:32:40 UTC

Thank you to @everyone who has taken the time to fill out the survey. If you haven't already, please do so!

I want to address a few concerns I'm seeing in the responses to the question about my performance thus far:

-I don't recall specifying that we only want immigration from "NW Europeans" as was claimed in the "Hate in America" article. This doesn't reflect my position and I, being of Irish heritage, certainly harbor no ill will toward my fellow White ethnics ๐Ÿ˜‰
-"Lift weights" is coming up more than expected. To everyone losing sleep over the fact that I don't look like Rich Piana: I do lift weights regularly, but I also train mixed martial arts, and given that I want to do a few amateur fights there's no use trying to bulk up too much since I'll have to drop weight to fight. After I do a few fights, I promise to immediately begin injecting my body with synthol.
-Too serious in interviews -- this is a valid critique and something that I've been working on. I made more of an effort to be less serious in the Red Elephants interview, and will continue to work at this in the future.

I do appreciate the honest criticism; without it, I wouldn't be able to correct my mistakes and become a better representative of this organization. Quite often we refrain from telling people what they need to hear the most, often out of politeness, which is unfortunate but understandable.

One last thing: Someone mentioned that IE leadership seems too removed/distant from the membership. My guess is that only a minority of our members feel this way, but nevertheless I would like to again let you know that I'm always available to talk. Shoot me a DM, I don't bite.

Enjoy your weekend! I'm currently repairing my lawnmower, so I hope you're doing something more exciting.

2018-08-26 02:32:48 UTC

@everyone Insulting the memory of the dead is beneath us and will not be tolerated. The dead are enemy to no one. Let them rest in peace.

2018-08-26 22:22:12 UTC

Attention @everyone:

We're aware that the website is down. This happens from time to time and isn't cause for concern.

2018-08-28 17:12:28 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I will be traveling from Wednesday to Monday to attend an IE event, which I'm very excited for. As such, however, I will be unable to host a fireside chat this evening. @wayne peek will step in, though, so you won't want to miss it.

2018-08-28 20:42:21 UTC

Sorry, the fireside will be tomorrow evening: 8:30 PM EDT as usual @everyone.

2018-08-29 09:10:41 UTC

Thank you for your patience as we confirmed the new dates for the upcoming event in Colorado. Our national activism team is incredibly excited to unveil Identity Evropaโ€™s next call to action: Defend the Rockies! I strongly encourage all of our activists nation-wide to begin eyeing plans to attend this event in Denver, Colorado throughout the weekend of **November 9th โ€“ 11th**. Several members from our national leadership team and I will be in attendance for this high-energy weekend of activism, fraternity, and nature. Stay tuned for formal invitations to be sent via email in the very near future.


2018-08-30 00:30:19 UTC

Attention @everyone. Wayne informs me that he's just about ready to get started. Head into our voice channel and mute those microphones.

2018-08-30 21:49:54 UTC

Attention @everyone:

This is a perfect example of why you should be *very* careful of the language you use, particularly at meet ups and during activism.

2018-09-03 17:57:44 UTC

Great video from Colorado! Props to @Valaska, @Argument of Perigee, and others!


2018-09-05 19:35:55 UTC

Attention @everyone:

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM eastern. Weโ€™ll be discussing the survey results among other things.

See you there!

2018-09-06 00:25:44 UTC

Fireside soon! Please hop in and mute your mics. @everyone

2018-09-06 00:32:26 UTC

We'll get started in two minutes, to give people a chance to join and not interrupt me with their infernal beeping sounds. @everyone

2018-09-06 03:23:22 UTC

Please message me if you have not yet been added to your state server, unless your coordinator has already reached out to plan a secondary vetting call.


2018-09-07 01:31:01 UTC

Good evening @everyone

I hope your week is wrapping up nicely.

We are getting off of Discord more and more! All regional servers are now on Slack and are ready. Your <@&358430370137374721> have the ability to invite you and should be doing so tomorrow and into the weekend. You are going to be invited via your membership email address, so make sure you have access to that. If you would like that address changed or have other questions, just let me know.

In addition, we are aiming to set up a new PO Box tomorrow and send out invitations to the next major event: **Defend The Rockies** by email tomorrow night! Soon after that, you will be receiving your invites to the next national conference in early 2019.

Friends, we have more dues paying members, more patrons, and more upcoming events than ever before. Let's keep it up and keep going.

2018-09-08 01:24:39 UTC

Attention @everyone

You should all now be receiving this invite to our Denver event on November 9th to 11th.

Note the PO Box update found within and on our website.

See you there!

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