(DM) Alan MI
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11/24/21 Michigan Cluster Meeting Report:
In attendance:
1. @Alan MI
2. @Eric MI (cluster meeting note taker)
3. @Michael MI
4. @Benjamin MI
5. @Johnny MI
6. @Sam MI
7. @Francis MI
8. @Nathan MI
1. @Arthur MI (Was unable to attend because hes in the process of moving)
2. @Ulysses MI (work conflict)
Basic Report:
@Alan MI : Planning Thanksgiving event. Bringing Mashed potatoes and gravy. Stickered 5 cities.
Maintained 1700 calorie ceiling and workout program.
@Eric MI : Very sick, so he will not be attending the Thanksgiving event. Will be well by the demo.
Can meet the network fitness standards (when not sick).
@Michael MI : Will be receiving his new promat at the Thanksgiving event. Bringing a peanut butter red velvet cake.
Has maintained the workout regiment that @Johnny MI helped him design. Has been concentrating on his new job.
Failed the 9 minute mile standard, failed the plank standard, completed the pullup standard, and completed the push up standard.
@Benjamin MI : Serving as quartermaster for the Thanksgiving event. Preparing the turkey.
Attended the NJP event. Submitted a report to @Thomas
Failed the plank standard, but completed the other three standards.
@Johnny MI : Stickered 4 cities.
Attended the NJP event.
Has created an accountability agreement with @Michael MI where as long as @Michael MI follows his workout regiment @Johnny MI will make sure he stickers at least once a week. This arrangement is already showing improvement for both of them.
completed all network fitness standards.
@Sam MI : Bringing a ham to the Thanksgiving event.
Working on building muscle since he has gotten down to a healthy body fat %.
completed all network fitness standards.
@Francis MI : Bringing punch to the Thanksgiving event.
Looking for a new job.
Failed the plank standard but completed all others.
@Arthur MI : Is healing from his injuries. Will likely get a large sum of money from the accident which will allow him to get back on his feet. WIl likely be staying with his father temporarily. He may move to Alabama in the future to live with his brother who intends to join PF after he leaves the military.
@Ulysses MI : Working on a banner and cutting out copies of the banner stencils. Cannot attend the Thanksgiving event due to a family matter. Stickered 3 cities.
Mainly focused on his career and determining family plans (recently married).
Longer Summary:
The meeting primarily consisted of discussing travel plans for both the Thanksgiving event and the upcoming demo. Nothing of particular note happened during this meeting to warrant more verbose articulation.
November 27th Michigan Thanksgiving Event (Frontsgiving).
Lead Organizer - @Alan MI
Quartermaster - @Benjamin MI
Members present: @Alan MI @Benjamin MI @Johnny MI @Francis MI @Michael MI @Sam MI
Purpose: To assess and improve the physical fitness of those attending, practice marching drills, practice sparring, and generally socialize.
10am: Arrival time
10:30am - noon: Marching practice/hike
noon- 2pm: Sparring
2pm- 4:30pm: Casual chit chat
4:30pm-5pm: @NS - Michael OH speech
5pm-5:15pm: Banner picture
5:30pm: general departure
Long form: The day began with idle chit chat as well as discussion of the days events. We hiked throughout the parks trails as a group. For approximately 3/4ths of the hike we were in marching formation. @ND - Ryan OH appointed @Alan MI to give the commands to the marching column for various actions including stopping, merging into one column from two, separating into two columns from one, and commands meant to mimic obstacles during demos such as curbs, trees, or other such encounters. The march itself maintained a brisk but relatively orderly pace for its duration. Afterwards everyone drank some water and chatted a bit before a sparring lesson was given by @ND - Ryan OH in which the basics of 5 strikes, 2 blocks, dodging, and general movement during combat were covered. Shortly into the actual sparring practice a park ranger arrived to notify us that we were not permitted to actually spar and strike one another on park property. After a brief conversation he told us that it was fine to practice striking the air as we had done so far, but that we could not actually strike each other. Therefore, we practiced a bit more, but the overall sparring time was cut short by this incident. As a result several members of the Ohio network began to cook up some food while everyone else chatted about a variety of topics. Later in the afternoon we found a more secluded section of the park to listen to @NS - Michael OH 's speech. Its contents were relevant to our cause and PF as a fraternal institution, and his delivery was excellent. @Benjamin MI recorded him presenting it. After discussing the contents of his speech we all took a picture with a banner that @PF-571562 brought. This concluded the event for the day, and everyone departed shortly after.
- As of right now @Eric MI is slated to be my scribe, and @Benjamin MI is slated to be my quartermaster; they're both my alternative interviewers for irl vettings. They are both very competent, and they are good at proactively completing tasks when given them. I have been incrementally building up their leadership capabilities over these last few months. @Benjamin MI is also the lead cameraman and media manager of the cluster. @Sam MI is not slated to hold a formal leadership position, but he shows great promise. It is very possible that he could take on the role of scribe if @Eric MI chooses to focus more on direct leading and planning local actions. @Johnny MI and @Sam MI are both the primary fitness advisors within my cluster.
2. Retention has been my focus above acquisition since this time last year. @ND - Ryan OH 's advice is the reason for this. There are three primary proverbial "boxes" to "check off" I have concentrated on as it pertains to retention:
2a: Immediate involvement. I ensure that a fresh member is involved in group activism within a week (ideally 3 days) of being added to the main server. At a minimum this can be stickering multiple cities, or preferably they are stenciling and/or dropping a banner. This ensures that the anxiety around the danger of activism is "nipped in the bud," and it provides a great bonding experience.
2b: Highlight the importance of professionalism and adherence to the guides. Not only does this serve its obvious purpose, but it also instills a feeling of truly being in a "serious nationalist group" as one of my members put it. It makes everything feel like more than "just a hobby."
2c: Cultivating a personal relationship with my members, and ensuring that my local leaders do so as well (primarily @Eric MI and @Benjamin MI ).
3. I have three primary goals for cooperation with nearby networks and clusters.
3a: Myself and @ND - Ryan OH are planning a Toledo War memorial event which will primarily encompass Michigan and Ohio members.
3b: I communicate with @Michael IN and @Adam IN on a regular basis, and I am in their cluster channel to provide advice and oversight. My cluster will be engaging in joint activism with the Indiana cluster in southwest Michigan, most likely in January.
3c: I have already cultivated a close relationship with @ND - Carter MO , and we will coordinate joint network actions within the Midwest in 2022.
- @Eric MI and @Benjamin MI are slated to be my scribe and quartermaster respectively. @Sam MI and @Johnny MI both serve as physical fitness advisors, and @Sam MI shows leadership promise.
2. I check three boxes off for retention: immediate involvement in group activism, giving off the impression that they are part of a "real nationalist group" not just a club, and cultivating as well as maintaining a personal relationship with each member of my cluster.
3. @ND - Ryan OH and I are planning a joint network Toledo War memorial event, I am actively communicating with the Indiana cluster to assist them with growth, and I will maintain my close relationship with @ND - Carter MO as we coordinate future actions in the Midwest.
1. @Eric MI and @Benjamin MI are slated to be my scribe and quartermaster respectively. I have incrementally exposed them to greater depths of leadership and responsibility in preparation for their appointments. @Sam MI and @Johnny MI both serve as physical fitness advisors, and @Sam MI shows leadership promise.
2. I check three boxes off for retention: immediate involvement in group activism, giving off the impression that they are part of a "real nationalist group" not just a club, and cultivating as well as maintaining a personal relationship with each member of my cluster.
3. @ND - Ryan OH and I are planning a joint network Toledo War memorial event, I am actively communicating with the Indiana cluster to assist them with growth, and I will maintain my close relationship with @ND - Carter MO as we coordinate future actions in the Midwest.
12/15/21 Michigan Cluster Meeting Report:
In attendance:
1. @Alan MI
2. @Eric MI (cluster meeting note taker)
3. @Michael MI
4. @Benjamin MI
5. @Johnny MI
6. @Sam MI
7. @Francis MI
8. @Nathan MI
1. @Arthur MI (Was unable to attend because hes in the process of moving)
2. @Ulysses MI (work conflict)
Basic Report:
@Alan MI : Planning Thanksgiving event. Bringing Mashed potatoes and gravy. Stickered 5 cities.
Maintained 1700 calorie ceiling and workout program.
@Eric MI : Very sick, so he will not be attending the Thanksgiving event. Will be well by the demo.
Can meet the network fitness standards (when not sick).
@Michael MI : Will be receiving his new promat at the Thanksgiving event. Bringing a peanut butter red velvet cake.
Has maintained the workout regiment that @Johnny MI helped him design. Has been concentrating on his new job.
Failed the 9 minute mile standard, failed the plank standard, completed the pullup standard, and completed the push up standard.
@Benjamin MI : Serving as quartermaster for the Thanksgiving event. Preparing the turkey.
Attended the NJP event. Submitted a report to @Thomas
Failed the plank standard, but completed the other three standards.
@Johnny MI : Stickered 4 cities.
Attended the NJP event.
Has created an accountability agreement with @Michael MI where as long as @Michael MI follows his workout regiment @Johnny MI will make sure he stickers at least once a week. This arrangement is already showing improvement for both of them.
completed all network fitness standards.
@Sam MI : Bringing a ham to the Thanksgiving event.
Working on building muscle since he has gotten down to a healthy body fat %.
completed all network fitness standards.
@Francis MI : Bringing punch to the Thanksgiving event.
Looking for a new job.
Failed the plank standard but completed all others.
@Arthur MI : Is healing from his injuries. Will likely get a large sum of money from the accident which will allow him to get back on his feet. WIl likely be staying with his father temporarily. He may move to Alabama in the future to live with his brother who intends to join PF after he leaves the military.
@Ulysses MI : Working on a banner and cutting out copies of the banner stencils. Cannot attend the Thanksgiving event due to a family matter. Stickered 3 cities.
Mainly focused on his career and determining family plans (recently married).
Failed the plank standard but completed all others.
Longer Summary:
The meeting primarily consisted of discussing travel plans for both the Thanksgiving event and the upcoming demo. Nothing of particular note happened during this meeting to warrant more verbose articulation.
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