Message from PF-626733

RocketChat ID: qSxq5w6pkuL4kQKSB

  1. As of right now @Eric MI is slated to be my scribe, and @Benjamin MI is slated to be my quartermaster; they're both my alternative interviewers for irl vettings. They are both very competent, and they are good at proactively completing tasks when given them. I have been incrementally building up their leadership capabilities over these last few months. @Benjamin MI is also the lead cameraman and media manager of the cluster. @Sam MI is not slated to hold a formal leadership position, but he shows great promise. It is very possible that he could take on the role of scribe if @Eric MI chooses to focus more on direct leading and planning local actions. @Johnny MI and @Sam MI are both the primary fitness advisors within my cluster.
    2. Retention has been my focus above acquisition since this time last year. @ND - Ryan OH 's advice is the reason for this. There are three primary proverbial "boxes" to "check off" I have concentrated on as it pertains to retention:
    2a: Immediate involvement. I ensure that a fresh member is involved in group activism within a week (ideally 3 days) of being added to the main server. At a minimum this can be stickering multiple cities, or preferably they are stenciling and/or dropping a banner. This ensures that the anxiety around the danger of activism is "nipped in the bud," and it provides a great bonding experience.
    2b: Highlight the importance of professionalism and adherence to the guides. Not only does this serve its obvious purpose, but it also instills a feeling of truly being in a "serious nationalist group" as one of my members put it. It makes everything feel like more than "just a hobby."
    2c: Cultivating a personal relationship with my members, and ensuring that my local leaders do so as well (primarily @Eric MI and @Benjamin MI ).
    3. I have three primary goals for cooperation with nearby networks and clusters.
    3a: Myself and @ND - Ryan OH are planning a Toledo War memorial event which will primarily encompass Michigan and Ohio members.
    3b: I communicate with @Michael IN and @Adam IN on a regular basis, and I am in their cluster channel to provide advice and oversight. My cluster will be engaging in joint activism with the Indiana cluster in southwest Michigan, most likely in January.
    3c: I have already cultivated a close relationship with @ND - Carter MO , and we will coordinate joint network actions within the Midwest in 2022.