Message from @Attrition in the desert
Discord ID: 494682505555869697
You were too nice,lol
<:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611> <:koba:359010745112985611>
gj in those interviews we will never see
The SPLC is not objective. @Reinhard Wolff
Proud boys too funny love it though
Proud boys need more incel members
IE HATES bad optics
Objectivity is not the same as being nonbiased.
Samoan Nazis Proud Boys
@SuperTomPerry -RI yea but they're our biggest group of fans
@Rabbidsith guess whoever wrote the article was just trying to protect their job, most objective way they could put it while earning shekels
My awakening
@Mikolas Fair enough.
At the crazy time of the transition Patrick called me on the phone, personally. It was the day Eli stepped down and the day before "Operation Homeland" (lol) was launched. We'd always connected, but had maybe spoken personally a total of ~2 hours in our lives. In a 5 minute conversation, Patrick answered all reasonable questions that he could, and assured me that all others would be answered in time. He was right. Sticking with IE at that tumultuous time was perhaps one of the best decisions that I've ever made.
@Rabbidsith Idk would have to read their history, I'm not up to it though lol
@Goose wasnt aware i just love the basis for their founding and standarda its so out there its comical an yet somehow so simple and right
@SuperTomPerry -RI i meant the SPLC, not proud boys lol
@Goose haha oh
RIP William Clark @Deleted User
Press F
I like the seriousness...its appropriate!
@⚡Clark⚡ don't get me started
Aren't you talking about Jared Holt?
Oh please...
Patrick destroyed him with FACTS and LOGIC
rip IE flat earth gangangang
You know it
Can't wait to watch it, gonna suck seeing their inevitable editing though
Everyone knows the earth is saddle-shaped
"GTFO of my house" - Patrick
He drank his go off juice
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN hyperborean geometry
High Energy
Patrick activating his almonds
@⚡Clark⚡ I'll have to fill you in someday about the whole scoop there.