Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 502310313421570060
@Reinhard Wolff Favorite keto food?
👏 <:deye:359010025223618570>
somebody send me the pic of Pat with his thumbs up
Thanks for a fun fireside tonight @Reinhard Wolff
You're doing great @Reinhard Wolff
Thank you, @Reinhard Wolff. Stay classy.
Thule 🤔
I'm trying to figure if that's an ironic shirt or not
Broke: Thule
Woke: Gabathule
Oh, this isn't the actual Trump shop
@Nutter Butter big fan of the song
@Nutter Butter this is pretty good
This is peak optics
would be great for a singalong
anyone know how to play harmonica
they sing it here too
Don't watch past the's triggering to say the least.
#invaders whining...
I think it would be a great idea if some musicians produced quality identitarian music.
@Jacob Gang gang gang
its ok, its their turn. we owe it to them after all the horrible stuff we done
and just imagine all the good falafel we will get YUM
The Swedes and other Scandos will prove to be a powerful, pragmatic force in reclaiming the White patrimony. Once they make up their minds, it's the Thirty Years War all over again.
oh yeah... muh food choices. my 🅱
@John Riggs there's quite a few musicians in IE, myself included. Depends on what genre you mean though?
Not sure we want another thirty years war fam
@OMGDwayne If there are any Swedes left for a 30 year war...