Message from @Why Tea
Discord ID: 530224001872822273
Pizza Hut Nationalism
No way, Patrick Casey is a VOLcel
I don't fully understand it really but I can't ignore patterns and trends, despite the influence he's had on the movement.
@Reinhard Wolff Do you like pizza?
I kinda feel bad for him too...
Perhaps you should public challenge him to an MMA duel?
He couldnt even manage his website so he shouldnt be criticizing
Wew lad
Richard Spencer will be wearing a dress by 2025.
@Reinhard Wolff Make pizza crust with almond flour and eggs
cheese based crust
Go Hi-carb
@Reinhard Wolff If he ran in 2020, what then?
I’ve been low carb for two years now 😄
It's the way
he doesn't have the money to run
ahahahhaah omg
😂 😂 😂
No denying Spencer was pivotal in spreading these ideas in a very persuasive and effective way but, like what I hear from Patrick and others, he's to be avoided, at least personally.
@Mick can confirm.
@Reinhard Wolff What are we doing with NPI? I missed something.
@Freiheit - CA nothing
National Pizza Institute 🤔
No accountability
As we tap into true white potential, its about time we did better than rs
@Mick Sounds about right
@Papa Pizzagate Like I said, it's a running trend and pattern
from more than just IE
G'Night All.
Richard is basically meth.
@Reinhard Wolff You should make pizza out of iron shavings and ground pine needles. That's a pizza for a real man. ;)