Message from @Sam Southern - TN
Discord ID: 532698411997331462
the committee even bashed WSU CRs for hosting a build the wall event in february like talking about the wall is some controversial thing and not something our very president is behind
Implying those cucks even voted for trump
Probably voted for McMuffin
the funny thing is our side of the state is pretty pro trump, whitman county is the only one besides a few by the seattle area thats even a blue majority and its a small one at that
just build a wall around mexico tbh
Even a wall on the Mexican southern boarder would be good
Keep out the squats
we could use a northern wall too
walls galore
why stop at one wall?
Bremen AntiFa were stupid enough to publicly admit to the attack on Magnitz:
media already in hysteria
This but Trump
Dalai Lama and Africa Cardinal more pro-white than most Western leaders.
i've never seen so many asians use the same talking points as us
“White people have their own spaces”
Where they at nibba ???
you in it right now @Sam Southern - TN
I am not commenting rn no. I will when I get home. Gymposting rn
Good find
Welp lads
Learned an important lesson this week
When a woman says “why would you want to be dependent on your husband!?”
Do not say “why do you want to be dependent on daycare”
That is all.
I feel like you should say that every time though
gotta say fam, I coulda told you that without first hand knowledge
Nancy Pelosi, please succumb to your illness and stay home.
Welcome back New Guy/Old Guy
Who’s the former coordinator who recently rejoined?