Message from @VinceChaos
Discord ID: 537816446370054154
I have
@Sam Anderson lift n listen my dude.
it's on my list
It's on my 'saved for later' list
Gym wifi is too shitty for that
Nah, I skipped straight to the sequel: Zero to Bofa Deez.
Sticking with my Born Guilty for now😉👌
Where is it?
What book is that?
@micbwilli <#497878998949429249>
Zero to One - Peter Thiel
Born Guilty is in the mail.
IE is the only non-cucked startup from California
time for us to seek hockey-stick growth
Nice @Johnny B. Populus
Also WOKE on FBI crime stats
Jason was a great speaker
@VinceChaosCool,yes i do!
If only Peter Thiel was still in charge of paypal
have you read any rene girard @Reinhard Wolff ?
Oy vey what a career
Here is the audio book. Only 5 hours.
Another great read by Peter
@celticflame I just discovered Kohne, he's a grand fellow.
Yes he is and he is by far 1 of my most favorites,love him! @Johnny B. Populus
lets go make a startup boys
Can he be our george soros?
hire our buddies
Ohhhhhh <:whitepill:439924104406106113>
Based ghey
Wait............Peter TEAL <:deye:359010025223618570>