Message from @Perihelion - CA
Discord ID: 371061275435728928
"More than 6,500 foundations, corporations and private citizens from 46 states and Washington, D.C., contributed to the campaign."
@Valaska not a whitepill, deleted
"We're all Europeans, Goy"
Solutrean Hypothesis ^
it's a fun news article, but try not to push this too far. There's a mountain of evidence for OoA and you sound like a flat earther if you really insist that humans all came from europe.
>implying the earth isn't flat
Nice! Stumbled across this, brightened my day.
Out of Africa theory works for Africans. That's all.
Richard Spencer is now one of the auto complete suggestions for google just by typing 'r'
He's getting a lot of attention
That's somewhat tailored to you.
Google now knows you
Too bad Google trends data is only available up to the 14th right now. Hopefully we'll be seeing a whitepill there soon.
@Perihelion - CA I checked it on a school computer
Google is a CIA front
Take the discussion to general.
Yes sorta but cia is pretty incompetent. Our saving grace is the incompetence of our corrupt institutions
I fully redpilled my best friend of 10 years. Whitepill for me, but I reckon it should be for everyone too. Hard working lad with a based waifu and 2 young boys.
We *are* going to win.
I just found out one of my libertarian friends is redpilled now. It was after he was in Britain for a semester. It told me all about how London is a caliphate now.
He was kind of already there beforehand but this seemed to have helped seal the deal.
@Perihelion - CA Nope, I did on incognito
This morning I dropped a banner with my local group. My first time doing this. Later I met up with a local business owner who had some trouble after word got out that he gave to david duke's campaign. He's an awesome guy and plans on opening his bar back up .... but needs staff he can trust. Then took him to a bbq at a member's house. great time had by all. I then articulated my plan to use the 2018 election as a platform for our group to advance white identity. The ethnostate starts in Minnesota.
you mean your neighbor *cough cough*
you guys had a meet up yet?
As a group? Weve had several throughout the year
Good work @Joe-MN
H o l y s h i t ^
I'd love to start doing that with the flyer confetti
"Gaining support and close to taking power"
Anyone know what track that is in the IB video?