Message from @Distracted
Discord ID: 482413792379011072
yeah we are completely shadowbanned on twitter
is unbelievable how they just put all left wing responses on the top even if they dont have as many RTs, favorites and replies
yup. coordinated social media attack
PLEASE DOWNVOTE: If you search Reddit for Identity Evropa the first result is lies from /r/Anarchism
You'd at least expect it to be something like "dey natzeez" but it's just some fb comment sc. They're bringing their worst
Do they really have anything but "their worst"? 🤔
I mean like that's the best they've got
Slate acknowledges our SA Tweets and influence on Trump. While slandering us they do actually accurately quote IE and others in the movement whose messages will resonate with anyone who can read through the lines. Keep hammering this @everyone everywhere you are active. We were at the fore front of this issue. We drive narrative. We are captain now.
Glad the quote was right, at least. They're having a harder time reframing reality every day.
"some violence against whites" Jesus Christ these scumbags
they use language like that to provoke us in to over reacting and I have to say it takes so much self control to not wish these vermin ill
It's disgusting how they downplay it. But not unexpected
The NYT and Slate are justifying the expropriation and violence because of apartheid and continuing inequalities. We had slavery and Apartheid and still have inequities so if someone is defending the violence and theft the questions are begged: “how much violence is enough for the SA Whites?” And “how much do we American Whites deserve?” You ask boomers and normies what they or their grandkids should give up to pay for historic crimes and they will drop this anti White shit fast. MSM defending violence in SA makes it real.
@FACINEMA It does take a lot of self control, but we're learning to be better people and an effective voice for our people simply by realizing that and not allowing them to maliciously provoke us.
@Prestor John I was talking with a lefty acquaintance of mine a few months ago and slavery came up...and i asked him "when will whites be let off for slavery" and he said "never".
Moral of the story...NOTHING will ever be enough for the left until we are gone.
I don't think we can win a libel suit over the term white supremacist because it's so ambiguous, but we'd have a great case against those calling us neo-nazis since our official rules ban posting anything pro-Hitler
@TMatthews Yeah, I was referring to the "neo-Nazi" label. That could literally get one of us killed by these feral leftist mobs.
They don't care if you're a nazi or not. Just look at the people on twitter celebrating the slaughter of the Boers
True. <:sad:366743316475281408>
@Asatru Artist - MD Why don't we start an "awareness" program to educate people on how many whites were slaves over the years. We can then demand reparations or we can point out how it didn't stop us from building the world as it is. Truth is the left is primarily juvenile in their thinking and have no agenda but hate. When 65% of your audience is white in America yelling "white supremacist" all the time is a benefit to us. People, when they can pull their eyes from the TV or FB, look around and don't see what they say, just lawlessness of immigrants. They don't care.
White Slave Trade:
Barbary Slave Trade: 1.25 million
Slavic Slaves
Christian Slavery in Muslim Spain
Ottoman Slave trade
Crimean Khanate (the khanate maintained a massive Slave Trade with the Ottoman Empire)
Slavery in Ancient Rome
Indentured Servitude
White Slave Traffic
White Slave Traffic Act of 1910 (!!??)
Criminal Law Amendment (White Slave Traffic) Bill (WTF?)
Modern day laws to stop the slavery of white people? Where's the outrage? This is happening NOW!!!
This is all pulled from Wiki. All in the public. Slavery exists TODAY but people who live in the greatest country on Earth want a paycheck from.....everyone!? We're being assaulted on so many fronts it's no wonder the normies just want to bury their heads in the sand.
@finnthecelt there is a fundamental difference between Whites that were taken as slaves and then disappeared into population vs the Black Americans almost all of who can not deny that they are direct descendants of slaves. While most assuredly all of us have ancestors who were slaves or serfs, I think it is too far removed from the normally. Better to keep ask “when has the White man paid his debt?” And getting the answer “never” this is extraordinarily pointed for normies.
@Prestor John Excellent points I'll think upon. Trivia: there are more slaves ALIVE today than at the height of slavery in America. The whole argument is so political anyway it's amazing. The only problem I have with “when has the White man paid his debt?” is that it takes on an air of responsibility that isn't shared amongst other ethnic groups that were masters of slavery. Maybe incorporating the two ideas would allow me to tolerate the discussion with a mental inferior who isn't concerned with history or truth. That really is why it's tough for me to argue that with anyone (why I don't); I know they are bald-faced lying to me. Thx.
This contains some good nuggets
@Deleted User That's what I'm talking about!! Thank you! "1. SLAVERY WAS AN ANCIENT AND UNIVERSAL INSTITUTION, NOT A DISTINCTIVELY AMERICAN INNOVATION." Two questions to ask people: 1) When did the first settlers arrive in America, 2) When did the first slaves land? America was not "founded" on slavery. Ah well. Let those who dwell in this narrative carry on because all it does is force people to learn it and they run right to the Right. Same with spouting "white supremacist". Means nothing anymore. Like "racist". LOL, only today would the mainstream media show some guy walking down the street with a "La Raza" sign and criticize the racists.
@Finn thecelt#5477 not being historically accurate is indeed frustrating, but we deal in minimum units of information for broad consumption. Trivia: blacks owned black slaves at almost the same rate as Whites in VA at the outbreak of the War of Northern Aggression. 7% of Whites own slaves and 6.5% of Blacks owned slaves. Also at the out break of the War if Independence there were more White slaves in PA than black slaves in VA. During the continental congress Washington has to sell some of his Blacks and buy some Whites because PA forbade Black slaves in the state for more than a few months at a time were as Whites could be held for years.
Our transgressions are mundane, it is only our achievements that are unique.
Per @missliterallywho’s suggestion, everyone should fill this out and maybe drop an intelligent line or two at the end about Identitarianism. Make sure to soft-sell it.
@everyone ^^^^^^
Signed and confirmed earlier.👌🏻
I went pretty hard on the SA issue. I called it discrimination against a minority population and a human rights violation but I also demanded sanctions which will probably never happen.
We must maintain a homogeneous majority of the population who are descendants of our founders. A nation consists of people united by common descent, history, culture and language. All great civilizations have crumbled when that was no longer the case.
Done. Added a note about focusing on likely GOP or undecided voters, rather than trying to win over people who will never vote GOP.
Are y'all putting white identity issue and going real name?
I went real name, screw it.
Eh... I just saw the above about the "soft sell". Makes sense.