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2018-10-28 19:48:24 UTC

@Sherlock Are we Dixie posting?

2018-10-28 19:48:54 UTC

Well I'm a good ol rebel

2018-10-28 19:48:55 UTC

Haha no Iโ€™m just saying that secession would make everyone happier

2018-10-28 19:48:59 UTC

Now that's just what I am

2018-10-28 19:49:33 UTC

@Sherlock agreed

2018-10-28 19:49:54 UTC

The south would be a totally viable nation

2018-10-28 19:50:17 UTC

@Freiheit - CA cool, i have to do like one more orientation thing and after that i think i can start helping with that stuff, i used to put up ads for guitar lessons so i actually have a kit i made for it

2018-10-28 19:50:27 UTC

The large *ahem* Bantu population would be a question

2018-10-28 19:50:34 UTC

If we split off as a region rather than as individual states weโ€™d be super powerful

2018-10-28 19:50:45 UTC

@american_frankenstein Would be happy to have you.

2018-10-28 19:50:57 UTC

i'm in marin county next to SF

2018-10-28 19:51:00 UTC

Well theyโ€™re a question now so that wouldnโ€™t change

2018-10-28 19:51:19 UTC

I mean if something like 30% of your nation state is black

2018-10-28 19:51:24 UTC

rather than 12% now

2018-10-28 19:51:30 UTC

At least we wouldnโ€™t have to worry about NY and Cali screwing everything up for us

2018-10-28 19:52:01 UTC

We don't wheat paste, we only use non-permanent adhesive, like tape. I would, however, value your expertise.

2018-10-28 19:52:14 UTC

Yes Southrons know the issue unlike smug coastal elites

2018-10-28 19:53:06 UTC

And the other thing is that NY and Cali would be much happier as well. Itโ€™s a total win win which is why i dont get that itโ€™s such a taboo topic

2018-10-28 19:53:23 UTC

It's probably not taboo talking to Cali libs

2018-10-28 19:53:48 UTC

It's probably only taboo to unaware centrists who are spooked by the concept of secession

2018-10-28 19:53:49 UTC

I know they had their little freedom movement post Trump

2018-10-28 19:54:04 UTC

Which unfortunately did not amount to anything

2018-10-28 19:54:09 UTC

Cali can't afford to be isolated.

Their economic strength is hammered without being the American tech hub/Port of LA

2018-10-28 19:54:40 UTC

yeah awesome, would love to help. i think i do the orientation in about a week and a half, i did the 2 interviews and after that i think i can start actually helping after the pledge phase

2018-10-28 19:55:03 UTC

USA and Cali would certainly still trade. In fact both sides would benefit keeping the arrangement as close to statehood as possible

2018-10-28 19:55:14 UTC

and their economic momentum s the only reason their society hasn't descended into chaos as of now.

2018-10-28 19:55:23 UTC

'Long-term exposure to concentrated blue light energy can cause skin damage, including color changes, inflammation, and weakening of the skinโ€™s surface. Simply put, blue light promotes stressors in skin that cause photo-aging; that is, aging from exposure to light'

Friendly reminder to protect your skin for them good optikz, boys and girls.

2018-10-28 19:56:03 UTC

Exactly, we could and should maintain cooperative economies, thatโ€™s to everyoneโ€™s benefit, but we would all be much happier behaving as separate countries

2018-10-28 19:56:14 UTC

-Wear sunscreen before using computer ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-10-28 19:56:20 UTC

I actually do that every day

2018-10-28 19:56:21 UTC

No joke

2018-10-28 19:56:53 UTC

@Sherlock One day.....

2018-10-28 19:57:04 UTC

Damn i wonder how much ive aged myself by being in front of a computer

2018-10-28 19:57:43 UTC

Make sure to exercise and stretch out at least twice a week

2018-10-28 19:57:49 UTC

or your spine can start to curl

2018-10-28 19:58:22 UTC

Iโ€™m at a bar for my job rn and thereโ€™s a white middle aged man with an iPad playing Pokรฉmon go watching the redskins game with extreme interests <:sad:366743316475281408>

2018-10-28 19:58:42 UTC

Lord have mercy

2018-10-28 19:58:53 UTC

If you eat enough lycopene and olive oil and vitamin A, your skin develops a higher resistance to blue light and sun light. I don't mean to derail anything! Do carry on.

2018-10-28 19:58:59 UTC

You know what they say about weak men and their hard times

2018-10-28 19:59:08 UTC

I see here strong men

2018-10-28 19:59:10 UTC

@VinceChaos On the upside, I doubt he's contributing to the gene pool

2018-10-28 19:59:21 UTC

Hooray for eugenics!

2018-10-28 20:00:17 UTC

I canโ€™t tell but yeah

2018-10-28 20:00:34 UTC

The thing is he probably did have kids

2018-10-28 20:00:35 UTC

@Selma I drink olive oil by the gallon.

I was a greek in a past life

2018-10-28 20:00:39 UTC

Tyrone Blackman scored

2018-10-28 20:00:54 UTC

Cause back in his day we still had norms such that basically any man who wanted to could

2018-10-28 20:00:56 UTC

"Good GOD, George! You said you were just going to the grocery store! Where WERE you all night?!"
" - hic* i cOt a shInY PiKaMon gimme a kiss"

2018-10-28 20:00:58 UTC

@Tyler0317 I'm not sure that a region dominated by blacks would be a "totally viable nation".

2018-10-28 20:01:12 UTC


2018-10-28 20:01:16 UTC

Dominated? more like occupied

2018-10-28 20:01:22 UTC

compared to other parts of the country, yes

2018-10-28 20:01:25 UTC

They would be like 30% bruh

2018-10-28 20:01:29 UTC

White southerners would deal with the issue better without Yanks controlling them

2018-10-28 20:01:33 UTC

Weโ€™re not dominated by them

2018-10-28 20:01:37 UTC

We carry them

2018-10-28 20:02:01 UTC

@Ald Somehow I doubt losing Cali as a US state would have any impact on our economy. California's "money machine" is largely virtual - they don't actually make anything tangible or tradeable. It's all mostly advertising, where the product they sell is people and their personal information to advertisers and other companies. Further, the big companies that _do_, in fact, sell physical products have all their stuff made in China anyways, then import it to sell in the states. Then there's the fact that these companies generally hold their money in foreign localities where they set up satellite corporate offices to take advantage of tax laws there - because they would suffocate under the tax obligations imposed by California.

Then let's not forget that CA is the state most in-debt to the Federal government - their MediCal is subsidized by the entire rest of the country, as well as all their other social welfare programs.

Media likes to spin CA as "USA's biggest economy and money maker", but the real truth is California isn't even self sufficient. Oh, and good luck to them getting water and electricity on the cheap after secession, like they do now.

2018-10-28 20:02:15 UTC

I don't mean dominated in that way <:really:453005408064241674>

2018-10-28 20:02:30 UTC

but if you look at demographic maps by race, the south has most of them

2018-10-28 20:02:47 UTC

It would need to be a priority for an independent South

2018-10-28 20:03:17 UTC

I donโ€™t see how secession would make our black population any worse

2018-10-28 20:03:27 UTC

We have them now and weโ€™d have them then

2018-10-28 20:04:05 UTC

but you belong to a country where they're less than half overall what they are there

2018-10-28 20:04:16 UTC

it would be a more self contained concentrated question

2018-10-28 20:04:21 UTC

socio politically

2018-10-28 20:04:25 UTC

i think it's in european genes and culture to be giving and it is what has caused the problems we have today because the people we given to have walked all over us

2018-10-28 20:05:19 UTC

I just donโ€™t see how that aspect would change at all

2018-10-28 20:05:21 UTC

If CA were to secede, their big money maker e-companies can simply just move their HQ's (and will) right next door to Washington, Oregon, or Nevada. It wouldn't even be difficult, because they'd just be moving computer servers and no manufacturing or production systems.

2018-10-28 20:05:29 UTC

The numbers of blacks would be identical

2018-10-28 20:05:58 UTC

They'd be more of a thing at the national level

2018-10-28 20:06:02 UTC

Plus if we are sovereign again we would have an easier time handling things like welfare

2018-10-28 20:06:04 UTC

That's the argument

2018-10-28 20:06:31 UTC

hey i g2g nice chatting. bye

2018-10-28 20:06:41 UTC

Oh you mean in terms of voting power

2018-10-28 20:07:30 UTC

Yeah that would suck but i think it would work out anyway because we would be better able to remove the illegal population which is the bigger threat longterm

2018-10-28 20:08:36 UTC

I mean if you think in terms of Georgia governor races, which if we seceded would be equivalent to presidential races, the races have only been close in very recent times, due to immigration

2018-10-28 20:09:34 UTC

Remaining somewhat optics friendly what would be the idea long term for the black population

2018-10-28 20:09:57 UTC

Cause it's sub ideal to have that presence and voting power indefinitely

2018-10-28 20:10:01 UTC

Their own place?

2018-10-28 20:11:42 UTC

Of course thereโ€™s always going to Black people in America. And black people already have their own places because they always choose to associate with other black people in black areas.

2018-10-28 20:11:53 UTC

The thing is, is we donโ€™t want to take in anymore African immigrants.

2018-10-28 20:12:10 UTC

I think ultimately they shouldn't be in the same polity

2018-10-28 20:12:23 UTC

They can be in North America but they should be nationally separate

2018-10-28 20:12:28 UTC

Really the main problem we have right now is blacks being coerced into white areas and white communities

2018-10-28 20:12:35 UTC

It would be best for both parties

2018-10-28 20:13:10 UTC

The ideal solution is blacks having their own independent territory somewhere but thatโ€™s probably never going to happen

2018-10-28 20:13:25 UTC

Or at least not anytime soon

2018-10-28 20:14:03 UTC

So idk what the more realistic solution is

2018-10-28 20:14:50 UTC

@Sherlock Absolute freedom of association.

2018-10-28 20:14:53 UTC

It's not what we should be saying right now as like *the solution* but it's the ideal to move toward

2018-10-28 20:14:57 UTC

The more realistic solution is a segregation system.

2018-10-28 20:15:10 UTC

@Sherlock That's a good short term solution.

2018-10-28 20:15:19 UTC

Why would we go back to what got us here

2018-10-28 20:15:25 UTC

*jared tayler voice* โ€œfreedom of associationโ€

2018-10-28 20:15:27 UTC

Segregation never works long term

2018-10-28 20:15:36 UTC


2018-10-28 20:15:50 UTC

I donโ€™t know about that William. Segregation improved both black and white societies.

2018-10-28 20:16:00 UTC

@Ald That's why it's a short term solution.

2018-10-28 20:16:03 UTC

I mean in terms of racial survival

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