Message from @Tanner - SC
Discord ID: 446868528302260224
I love how finna became a word. It was originally an autocorrect fail, when autocorrect meant you had an expensive phone. AFAIK
*Hello fellow MGTOW's*
Yeah goy just go your own way, you don't need those pesky white children
“But don’t you want to travel abroad and have sex with local prostitutes goy?”
"You'll be free from a nuclear family, a caring home and all that other pesky stuff"
"Haha, who needs a woman that you actually have to spend money on? What retard would actually do that?"
"H...heh....right...*sniffle* "
Craaawwwliiing innnnn myyy skiinnnn
Little white children that will grow up and love their father and care for him.....
Just say no to families....
I wish I could find a wiif
Are decent girls who aren't taken even real?
In anime.
2D waifus
@Der Seeteufel - SD I think you have to wait until harvest time.
We'll see.
If I didn't know the context that would be a really scary quite. 😅
@Der Seeteufel - SD tell her you live in the Windows XP background and she won't be able to resist
@TV#8133 I don't actually live in the Windows XP background. I'm just the guy who grows them. Background farming is a small and neglected portion of the meme farming community.
Also I think I just figured out why I'm single.
Kinda disagree, to a degree.
If you are under ~28-30, etc. there is no reason you should settle for less. You should be focusing on you, your skills, your fitness, your career, etc. and trying to better yourself to the point where you can "have any woman you want"
Varg didn't start having kids till he was like 35
To be fair the rest of the time he was in prison lol
I think what he meant was that you have to actually step up and be a leader. No woman is going to meet all of your expectations right out of the gate...
Not really about settling for less
Yeah that perfect person in your head doesn't exist
its important to put into perspective that your SO may have attributes that may be less than ideal. You need to decide if you can live with this. No one is perfect
Surely we all have deal breakers but i think its important to not have an infinite number of them
"you've got to learn to live with what you can't rise above if you want to make it down into this tunnel of love"-Bruce Springsteen
At the end of the day you're lucky to just find one willing to grow with you
"elbows too pointy. NEXT!"
Yeah, I think any well adjusted person realizes this.
Everyone is flawed and a work in progress
Does anyone know any good dating apps that aren't scams or structured like a gimmick