Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 440673752636850188
i think you should not go any place to meet a woman in particular. you should go about your life, increase the social things you do for yourself
and keep your eyes open
if you would go to book club or bible study anyways thats good
The language course idea is really great when I think about it.
I also met my boyfriend through language courses. He speaks German and offered to practice with me.
It’s great if you’re good at something and can offer to “help” a girl with it. She will think you’re just a nice guy and you can see if she’s worth hanging out with
He didn't answer the door in his boxers a la Spencer?
How far down did you dig?
You should look in a huwheat field.
I'm looking for the ones that have sprouted.
I believe they start at 52 blocks down.
Try a flax field.
@Freiheit - CA You don't want flax women
The legends of the flaxen-haired beauty are (((propaganda))) aren't they?
i search for my women in watermelon patches
Wodder melen
@Freiheit - CA <#390542955079008257> is <--- that way
I love how finna became a word. It was originally an autocorrect fail, when autocorrect meant you had an expensive phone. AFAIK
*Hello fellow MGTOW's*
Yeah goy just go your own way, you don't need those pesky white children
“But don’t you want to travel abroad and have sex with local prostitutes goy?”
"You'll be free from a nuclear family, a caring home and all that other pesky stuff"
"Haha, who needs a woman that you actually have to spend money on? What retard would actually do that?"
"H...heh....right...*sniffle* "
Craaawwwliiing innnnn myyy skiinnnn
Little white children that will grow up and love their father and care for him.....
Just say no to families....
I wish I could find a wiif
Are decent girls who aren't taken even real?
In anime.
2D waifus
@Der Seeteufel - SD I think you have to wait until harvest time.