Message from @micbwilli
Discord ID: 482994388553957379
I wish I saved that photo!!! Apparently they are considering making Chinese citizens in Africa honorary blacks
I saw a screen cap from this news article
Because apparently Chinese people were hurt by Apartheid
They're considered honorary blacks because of their treatment under Apartheid, so... the Chinese are now 'black' under SA law
It'll be funny to see the country getting repo'd by the "black" Chinese
Oh so it already happened
Oh boy....they gonna get it now
They really know nothing and anything. They have NO IDEA how absolutely brutal Chinese people are
@Deleted User I'll send you that after I get to my computer, it's one of those red pills that often go under the radar a lot
@The Eternal Anglo would you send to me as well?
That's a red pill too hot to discuss here
Gents, we're going to win.
Keep chins up, and your eyes on the prize.
Here it is my guy @TV
So, now how to go about drawing the connection between SA and the "browning of America" for normie friends?
So longtime wsj readers will know that the saturday essay is usually globalist garbage. Imagine my surprise to read this morning that "The rise of Nationalism might actually be a good thing"
The article is certainly not where we would want it to be, but this is progress of a kind
@Fox Maybe equating the horrible crimes Black commit here to the ones they do to SA, making the connection for them that "Blacks are like this everywhere it seems, but what if Blacks had the control of the whitehouse like they control the SA government?"
@Balbo I'll be glad when wsj is "hmm maybe democracy is dumb"
@The Eternal Anglo maybe also drawings some connections to Chicago and Detroit for examples?
Oh possibly. We could use some maps of how Blacks vote Democracy overwhelmingly, taking away the narrative that Democrats cause high crime from failed policies, but those who "vote overwhelmingly democrat" instead, which are the Blacks themselves
Here's another chart of partners vs stable marriage rate that might be a bit easier to read and has 3 different years surveyed
Also lads, I just got done with college orientation and it looks like I'm in for a year full of diversity
It will make you strong.
Either ignore everything you hear or believe the opposite.
Anybody else here been seeing the helm of awe pop up. Like I see normies wearing pendants of it and ppl with tattoos of it
Everyone please welcome our newest member @AWellesley769!
Welcome @AWellesley769
@AWellesley769 Good to have you
Welcome to I.E! @AWellesley769
Good to be here thanks everyone.
@AWellesley769 Nice avatar, Anglos Unite 💪
This pos, worth $80 million, complaining about how our society is fake and sucks.
And all the Africans in the audience are whipped into a frenzy. Lapping it up.
They can’t love themselves without hating us. This video is a good red pill for people in the edge.
I mean that’s not entirely wrong but Africa is worse in literally every way
It’s a good lesson to show naive whites.