Message from @BryceB-ND
Discord ID: 483057794023424010
So I don’t think we should be too populist, but we also shouldn’t be too elitist/esoteric.
Anyone else anxious for the Swedish election? The polls are showing mixed outcomes
@Distracted Please avoid using racial slurs - including those directed at white people. It's really just vulgar language and we're much better people than that.
What racial slur did I say
The term “goy” is an issue mostly because it’s a bit overused and crude at this point
There’s a time and place for Chan rhetoric but we keep the IE general chat pretty clean
It’s not a huge infraction or anything but many people join IE to get away from that
Understood. Won't happen again
Thank you 😃 I DM'd you as well.
This is a Chad server. No slang.
Isn't 'Chad' slang?
Enjoy the gulag, dirty west coaster.
Can people stop using the term “THOT” then?
Not that many people do.
Might be time to change my username then
"Greetings fellow humans."
@Deleted User definitely, if you see it please report it to mods
For a group that is against social media censorship, i sure see a lot of words being censored here lately. 🤔
Go out into the public and speak like that
Whats the response
People look at you like youre weird
There's a difference between in-group discipline and out-group censorship.
@Asatru Artist - MD It's a matter of choosing to speak, think, and act like a respectable, professional white person. Removing it from speech here is an educational step in learning to live as better people.
Does anyone have experience getting involved in local (e.g. city, state) politics? Something I'm interested in doing, and I'm curious about what works well.
Also, before the DM's come in: I'm only allowing it in Bryce's post, because he's making a good point for the discussion, as also touched on by Patrick.
@Augustus Contact your state or regional coordinator for details on how we approach infiltrating the political arena. @AltRightMick should be able to give you the run down.
Saw it coming.
I was always told if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, so I'll keep quiet.
It’s pretty obvious he had been on life support.
My mother had the same exact type of cancer. Very few people survive it, and even fewer who are of advanced age. She was given just 10% chance, and she was only 49
Sorry for your loss
Sorry to hear that
John McCain is dead
Sen. John McCain, independent voice of the GOP establishment, dies at 81.
*in the sky* 🤔