Message from @DairyMaxx
Discord ID: 487070310743539732
To be an eCeleb you need an eCeleb gf
"If I need to become an e-celeb to save the white race..."
-Patrick Casey, in disappointed exasperation at his feckless membership
Patrick needs to be an eGirl it would be good optics
Than you would lose all credibility for an eceb
tfw no eceleb to sacrifice my future to <:sad:366743316475281408>
who trains BJJ here?
Don't change for anyone @Reinhard Wolff
Super Chat Nationalism
We do need to promote Patrick as a public face and leader of our cause without doing every single interview. The Europeans use a ton of social media very well. We can move in the same direction.
"Hell yea we should build a cult of personality around me."
-Patrick Casey, Caesar-elect
"Even if you don't like me, I'm not going anywhere."
-Patrick Casey, ascending the throne
Pat needs to wheatfield Southern
Vexilla with Patrick's face when?
Patrick using IE money to buy fortnite skins
Hey I wrote that!
@Deleted User Needs more diversity in that last poster...bigot!
When it comes to e-celeb your connection to Redice is on point.
Tactical marriage with L. Southern! Star Child! @Reinhard Wolff
@MrBland - VA Bland, eh? Not near Bland county, are you?
TFW Family. 🤗
Patrick, I will put a bounty out on you marrying Lauren Southern. Time to put the unholy union of orbiters and patreon to some actual good use.
There’s plenty of Pettibone sisters still available @Reinhard Wolff
No, Richmond va
Ah okay.
I'm just... Bland lol
Fires idea are perfect
whoa I like the rambling firesides
If Patrick marries a Pettibone, the identitarian Pettibone alliance will be complete
Patrick's rambles are the best rambles.
“You’re all my children!”
-Patrick Casey
Evropean Fertility Cult when?
F off haters
Short firesides are for the weak.