Message from @MrBland - VA
Discord ID: 487090535312654366
Djent it up!
Hmm Pat and Jared are my banner carriers... Am I dating myself lol
Play Freebird!
Will he play???
aww yes concert coming up
Time wasted in a band is to much time spent.
"Dragon Eye" band when?
Yes !!
Can you play WonderWall?
And here comes the guitar....
Sound like it's underwater
Now that Harold (great novelist, keen thinker, terrible leader) Covington is passed on, any chance of reaching out to the NWF and getting the into IE?
Start our own label
Byron de la Vandal has good woke acoustic music
One day you will all get to say you attended the first IE concert
Live music makes the fireside experience complete 👍
Pat is not 1.0
Pat Buchanan is 1.5
2 totally different things
Pat is a Paleocon.
The Political Cesspool is Paleoconservative.
@Reinhard Wolff Recommended reading for new people?
No, Buchanan is paleo and would probably avoid ethnonationalism.
Pat isn't on the point spectrum
Pat’s 3.0
paleocons get race but it's not their main focus
Pat is "Solve for X"
I'll go with 1.5
@Reinhard Wolff Will you play some live black metal ?
No, not at all. Pat was Trump before Trump, but likely with a stronger intellectual and metaphysical foundation.
You don't want to be on the point spectrum. The only spectrum you want to be on is the autism one.
@Reinhard Wolff Play some Nokturnal Mortum
Nothing else matters