Message from @NateDahl76
Discord ID: 502294414417461258
@Deleted User he can donate on the site
tfw have based racemixer friend
I did quite a few retweets
So much butthurt today.
Much salve needed
and join the hotep wing of IE
Ya right lol
soundbite gotten
gg Casey
Another media white pill: Lauren Rose is back.
@Mikolas Best Lauren returns
why isn't lauren rose in IE
"play xbox and get baked all day"
~Patrick Casey
He essentially thought he was dealing with someone stupid enough to not know that the media always has a pre-programmed agenda to their stories, their questions are designed to get that juicy quote they're already looking for, and the story they're running is NEVER what they tell you they're running.
@NateDahl76 Because I gave her the cold shoulder.
i already do @Deleted User
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FLexactly!
and you pay for it
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN great meme turnaround
@Kingfish You're coming camping next weekend, right?
"I am the Lord" - Patrick Casey
i am lord
the God King of ambiguity
@Deleted User nope I have prior obligations
All hail Patrick Casey?
Lords of Identity; Vet + Patron Status ranking?
lord Patrick, second earl virginia
"Our only hope is a coup.........end the Republic." - Patrick Casey
That’s a nice way to say Yankee
Civil War REEEEE
It is unfortunately
at least we didn't become Brazil, so to speak
Yankee silver lining