Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 505018453221179403
New strategy: defeat leftists before they wake up. West coast; it’s not too late!
The Guardian is getting dragged for this article
Reading through last night’s general, it’s funny to me that some of the Blacks claim Dwayne’s family owned them. My family had uhhh quite a few, I’ve not met a single one of their descendants asking for gibs yet
No way, females aren’t made for the work environment, I’m just in shawk
Delaware post office being evacuated.
Menstruators is how we refer to women now.
Gross and offensive
“Identity Evropa, a group the SPLC labels as "white nationalist," is often active in Philadelphia, putting stickers on telephone poles and occasionally cleaning city parks.”
saw this in “media”... cleaning parks, oh gawd
Gonna have to disavow, @Deleted User
wow! for decades ive been waiting for work on menstruators experiences of period pain in the workplace to be published!
gotta be worried about those public parks being cleaned. real dangerous thing, that
>globohomo wants to drug the water to keep people from committing suicide so they can consume more
Fluoridated, to keep modern civilization's degenerate diet from rotting your teeth. Lithiated, to keep modern civilization from making you want to destroy yourself to escape it. How can people tolerate this world? How can people stand for this evil?
>CY +3
>Not having a 6 stage RO filter
these people are insane
idk man its a pretty fucked premise
>“In general, in the United States, lithium levels are much higher in the Northeast and East Coast and very low in the Mountain West,” he told me on a new episode of the Vox podcast Future Perfect. “And suicide rates track that exactly — much lower suicide rates in the Northeast, and the highest rates of suicide are in the Mountain West.”
>If you apply that 50 to 60 percent reduction to the US, where about 45,000 people total died by suicide in 2016, you get a total number of lives saved at around 22,500 to 27,000 a year. That’s likely too high, since you can’t reduce suicide rates in places that are already high-lithium. Ghaemi’s own back-of-the-envelope calculation is that we’d save 15,000 to 25,000.
@NateDahl76 I found the best way to get right leaning posts on to reddit's front page is to post them between 7:30am-9:00am ET
Likewise it doesn't matter if you post on the ultra conservative subreddits, anything right leaning posted after 10pm is downvoted.
So that's one other thing I observed that really made me think that righties and lefties have different biorythms
In Baltimore everyone feels comfortable walking around in the morning because that’s when all the thugs are asleep
Makes sense man
“I realized students could remember a ton of lyrics from their favorite songs but when it came time to remember vocabulary for the course or course content it was really difficult to recall things,” Mahmood said.
Why did we get restricted from posting in the "media about ie" channel?
“I realized my 5 year old could always finish his ice cream and cake, but when it came time to eat any nutritious foods like vegetables and protein, he would throw it on the floor! So, obviously I’m just going to feed him ice cream, since children know best, and know one should ever be challenged outside of their current comfort zone. Problem solved”.
no one*
Good morning my fellow Identitiarians!
@JohnAtlas lol
Sure, but I think the photo says it all.
This is the end state of losing all self control to one's vices
@Koba seems like something like that could backfire dramatically
Speaking of lithium. We had 3 suicides by train in six weeks on Staten Island. All white men in their 20
sounds a lot like the plot to serenity lol
two of my friends from high school killed themselves this year
going to the funeral for one of them next week
the other one was one of my best friends in high school, so that was pretty tough
I don't know he just kind of dropped off the face of the earth you know