Message from @Procella Eques
Discord ID: 505028150565011456
@NateDahl76 I found the best way to get right leaning posts on to reddit's front page is to post them between 7:30am-9:00am ET
Likewise it doesn't matter if you post on the ultra conservative subreddits, anything right leaning posted after 10pm is downvoted.
So that's one other thing I observed that really made me think that righties and lefties have different biorythms
In Baltimore everyone feels comfortable walking around in the morning because that’s when all the thugs are asleep
Makes sense man
“I realized students could remember a ton of lyrics from their favorite songs but when it came time to remember vocabulary for the course or course content it was really difficult to recall things,” Mahmood said.
Why did we get restricted from posting in the "media about ie" channel?
“I realized my 5 year old could always finish his ice cream and cake, but when it came time to eat any nutritious foods like vegetables and protein, he would throw it on the floor! So, obviously I’m just going to feed him ice cream, since children know best, and know one should ever be challenged outside of their current comfort zone. Problem solved”.
no one*
Good morning my fellow Identitiarians!
@JohnAtlas lol
Sure, but I think the photo says it all.
This is the end state of losing all self control to one's vices
@Koba seems like something like that could backfire dramatically
Speaking of lithium. We had 3 suicides by train in six weeks on Staten Island. All white men in their 20
sounds a lot like the plot to serenity lol
two of my friends from high school killed themselves this year
going to the funeral for one of them next week
I don't know he just kind of dropped off the face of the earth you know
I couldn't reach him
@Sonic It was getting spammed with conversations (some unrelated to IE) so they locked it down to coords and admins.
I'm sorry about your friend. The depth of despair a person must reach to kill themselves...
the one in a week was from a girl I know
which was surprising
I just saw her like a month ago
Must be very tough and confusing for you.
yea and then my daughter having cancer. Mother in law with her brain tumor
really I'm fine
I thought stuff like this would affect me more but it hasn't really phased me
can't really control any of it you know so just gotta take it as it comes
@Procella Eques your daughter is healthy now though isn't she?
Your daughter?? Sending you hugs. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
@Logan yea she is fine now looks like the cancer is gone!
it's also been a great year though too. Got promoted and got a new car
when life gives you lemons make lemonade
trials in life are like going to the gym. They're tough then but they only make you stronger
Yea the oncologist team told us we only need to come in every couple months now to get scans for her
the IE faith community really stepped up a lot in praying for my daughter