Message from @CarletonJ
Discord ID: 509582458111524874
I'm no happy about this either but c'mon
They got the house
not yet
As far as called races go
Not yet indeed
As far as expected to happen... well
The GOP doesn't want to be the White party, even though they are. They want to be the race blind neocon party.
If only the GOP had done something with the two years they had everything.
Wow, tax cuts
Goddamn if they’d just chosen race blind paleocon instead of race blind neocon they would’ve steamrolled
@Sam Southern - TN also true
@Virgil The GOP political establishment will die and then the vacuum will open up for us. The question is: will we be too late?
Reps win Ohio gov
it won't be too late
@Prestor John What do you mean?
Honestly no real point in assuming it’ll be too late
@ExternalPepsi probably
oh for god's sake. listening to you guys talk like this makes me want to start clacking heads together
Just saying
you don't call shit until it's all in
California Gov leaning Dem? Can that be real?
@Nemets no Facebook, what’s it say?
G-guys, why is Iowa all blue? Steve King’s gonna win right?
huh, I guess he found his way out of France
@Salo Saloson it's pretty much in bro
This is probably the worst case scenario from an accelerationist perspective, but nothing changes for IE and DTR coming up which is lit
@NateDahl76 accelerationists are never blackpilled. We are always happy.
@unclefesterr <:nervous:359009898115104770>
yeah? you wanna tell me the winning lotto numbers while you're predicting?
@Nemets Pral'no 😎
Mestizos keep coming to form tue hostile underclass, Chinamen and Subcons keep coming in to form the hostile overpass. Nothing done
The minnesota one is married to her brother
There are two muzzies elected now??
I could use some extra cash
Winning is not mutually exclusive with acceleration, because the left hordes are more prone to reaction than our people
If King loses we recruit him lmao
ill be seriously unhappy if King loses idc about the rest