Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 514987907904438274
We can be respectable without dumbing down our message
how has fireside been i was busy
Broke: Based
Woke: Baste
Happy thanksgiving guys.
Glad i finally got that Zelle working,lol😂
patrick wishes he was this based
A little better
It has a nice ring now
Sounds exactly the same patrick
i remember the first QAnon thread had a photoshop graphic design OP pic
almost like
someone paid for it
Wow big difference
Much better.
We in there now
Oh now it’s better
No more echo
I was at Tomahawk BSA camp last year and noticed that every campsite was named after an extinct Indian tride: Kickapoo, Mohican, etc. I thought to myself, if we don't fix this mess, 100 years from it will be Chinese kids attending camp sites like: Norway, Germany, Russia. That can't happen!
The ear pain is over.
Trust the plan guys! Big man will do big stuff in 2019! Screenshot this post and you'll see that my prediction was right.
Guys like Crowder aren't a bad thing. A surprising amount of formerly liberal stoners like him
Sounded like he was yelling down a hallway.
we need to stop focusing on naming the jew and start naming the canadian tbh
Squating slav just shit on Lauren Southern for not naming the jew
But thats not her style
@TMatthews you must know my roommate
@godric damn snow monkeys
omg is that real?
He said their name. No one say it twice more!
are they selling merch again?
Just be pro-white and the J names itself!
Lauren Southern did more good by calling out the Boer genocide than any Nehlen or Little type ever did
Goons. lol
Trump's ideas are good. Trump has been ineffective. We should hold him to his own standard
@TMatthews yep because the measage focuses on the acts and therefore remains mainstream
"Orange man GOOD"
~Patrick Casey