Message from @SuperTomPerry -RI
Discord ID: 514994403279110156
@Reinhard Wolff What are you thankful for?
@Reinhard Wolff Will @ChippedStones be the Ceasar that saves us?
Stick lots of butter in between skin of Turkey,do seasonings,cook breast down for most,flip over later😉
that's because you did good in the interview lol
Tfw they can't twist Patrick's words so they just ignore the interview
I would have concerns about the media being able follow us back to the main AirBnB, it's a bit harder to control the optics in that enviroment
@Argument of Perigee
That was an accident
@Reinhard Wolff what is your favorite grocery store to buy pie from? I’ve noticed some stores have very poor quality pie
"crap, we can't make him look bad in the edits. just scrap the interview" -journo
Sam's Club has good pumpkin pie.
@Reinhard Wolff since you’re a relatable guy, can you tell me your favorite cologne and deodorant?
@Reinhard Wolff Have you decided what you're going to do with those books you received a few weeks ago? Sell them alongside the IE merch, perhaps?
Raley's or Save mart does ok
@Reinhard Wolff Do you make Dragon's eye pies?
@Reinhard Wolff favorite book series?
Lauren Southern is the true glaxybrain
Delete that Ian.
Delete please Ian
@Papa Pizzagate That is cursed content.
borderless is going to be good imo
Let's show a little respect for our president, guys.
Is that Cernovich holding an elephant trunk?
@Papa Pizzagate he’s my dad, I’m actually Barron
Lauren Southern doesn't even talk about 9/11 truth smh
@ChippedStones baste
Yo speaking of CivNats does anyone know where to find that vid of @Reinhard Wolff interviewing people outside of the Red Hen restaurant? The place that kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I remember there was one total CivNat that just didn't get the hypocrisy with what he believed in. Was looking for it the other day to show to a family member.
@ DonaldTrump🇮🇱
People who demand that Lauren Southern become more explicit are attempting to engage in Alt-Right brand control, that's what thotgate was at its core.
@KYKrieger Red Ice
@Papa Pizzagate cernovich's gf got fat