Message from @Distracted
Discord ID: 518863370061873164
seeing as *everyone* is pissed at Macron for various reasons
it would be neat if GI could support this in some way, but it could backfire if they tried to rebrand this as their thing
I believe the public approval for the protests is somewhere around 80%
It's smart GI doesnt get involved in protests outside of their control, there are too many factors that could go wrong. Uninvited spergs could be tied to them, or what of it becomes violent?
good point *dabs furiously*
Sweet liberal governmentand Open Borders for Israel soon.
“how white people riot”
Is it? Wasn't the latest championship match between roided black and a Haitian Hapa?
@Alex Kolchak - NY i'm pretty sure they are playing squash
>roland garros becomes the largest identitarian gathering in Europe
anyone got comfy live streams of the protests? I miss the Summer Chimp out cams.
^ my backyard
❄ ☃ 😁
Where is the best place to post about job opportunities for members?
@giuseppe398 tell your state coordinator and he’ll forward it to leadership. I’ve seen Patrick post job opportunities in the announcements channel
@missliterallywho Your backyard is very nice
Ok, @Alex Kolchak - NY, I will. The Son of Confederate Veterans based in Columbia, Tenn., is searching for an executive director of the 30,000+ organization. Is it ok to mention that here this way?
of course! It just might get more attention if it’s in the announcements channel or something like that
omg I'm DED!
That has to be a joke
They are both in the same paper
They printed the apology the following day apparently, with the reprinted congrats. I dunno...James Woods tweeted it out
open bob open cloth
Could use some help on this one
so uh. any of you white boys into airsoft>
@The Eternal Anglo Celtic cross doesn't make someone a "nasty sperg". I mean it isn't ideal optics and I would never use one at least in the US context, but it's really just a historical European symbol and I doubt the connotation is as bad in Europe as it is here.
France is lit rn
This is the first I'm hearing that a Celtic Cross has a bad connotation so I googled it and see that larpy WN 1.0 target symbol is considered a Celtic cross, so yeah I wouldn't use that around. But any normal Celtic cross seems fine
"That larpy WN 1.0 target symbol" 😂 😂 😂
@Kingfish US TV is of course ignoring yellow vests.